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Topics - DaWebMasta

Hey All,

Sorry for the noob questions, but hey, I'm kind of a noob at building pedals .... :-)

Anyway, I'm building a Boneyard (version 1 I guess it's called, with 2 channels and boost) on a PCB that I got from Haberdasher a LONG time ago. The PCB is all soldered and I am getting ready to do the pots and switches.

My first question is, is it possible to test the circuit without wiring up the stomp switches? Can you 'activate', say, the effect on-off by twisting two appropriate wires together and taking the other one to ground, or something along those lines?

Next question: I don't really care about having the boost part of the pedal, I never used it when I had an original Plexitone. Would just leaving that switch and the associated wires off the board be ok, or would I need to put jumper(s) somewhere or something?

Any input would be greatly appreciated.
