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Topics - soggybag

Build Reports / Flatline Compressor by John Hollis
August 02, 2022, 10:07:53 PM
I designed this PCB in Eagle for John Hollis' Flatline. This is a great project. Worked super good the first time.

Here is a link to a blog post with more info and pictures of the build:

I used a VTL5C3 and some silicon workalike "1n34a" type diodes. People report varying success with some parts. These worked for me.

I designed this PCB with Eagle and had boards manufactured at

I milled the enclosure on my desktop mill.
Build Reports / Super Fuzz build
July 14, 2022, 09:44:41 PM
I made some PCBs at Their service is $5 for 10 boards under 100mm. It's so cheap to make boards these I have been doing this before prototyping on perf board or strip board. 

This board had an error. One leg of one cap was connected to the wrong location. I could fix this by mounting the cap on the bottom and running one leg to the correct location.

I milled this box on my desktop mill. I tried a flat end mill instead of the engraving bit. The results were a little ragged.

Here's some more pictures and info:

General Questions / Pasty face 2020 transistors hfe
July 04, 2021, 11:14:04 PM
I building the Pastyface 2020. I have bag of ge transistors what gains would be recommended for Q1-3?
General Questions / Softie 2021 C1 question
July 04, 2021, 09:20:48 PM
I'm building a few Softie 2021 version. The board has a C1 but I don't see it on the schematic and the parts list does show the part number only the values.
Build Reports / Rehousing into Boss Enclosure?
June 27, 2021, 12:20:25 AM
I was thinking about rehousing something into a Boss enclosure. Anyone here done this?

I've seen a couple of these. Switching could either be a relay bypass or a 3PDT switch. I've seen some pictures where a 3PDT switch was fit under the Boss foot pedal/battery door. I'd like to hear how this worked out from anyone who has tried it.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Fat Pants Jr whine
November 21, 2018, 10:10:38 PM
I just built Fat Pants Jr in a 1590a box. Everything works but I can hear high pitched whine, even when the effect is bypassed.

I'm using a TC1044. I bridged pins 1 and 8. Which helped but the sound is still noticeable. Anyone who built this have any suggestions?
I'm trying to find some Subminiature PCB mount toggle switches. These need to be smaller than the typical mini toggle switches that are available.