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Tech Help - Projects Page / Slow Loris Accident!!
September 28, 2014, 10:59:54 PM
Hey guys.  Well i had my slow loris tested and working (the thing sounds killer btw!) so i drilled out my 1590b enclosure and started stuffing.  i ran into a problem (as i always do) with the Cut and Gain wire lengths so i had to resolder longer ones in.

When i went to wire up the power i may have wired it reversed polarity.  Now ive got it back on the test rig and i am getting no output.  Did i accidentally fry something?  i know the power stage of this circuit is a little complicated but what would be the first thing to check if i did accidentally power this thing backwards?

also, i changed out the socketed chip and transistor with new ones to see if that was the problem.  still no signal

thanks in advance!!