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Topics - Mr.Hyde982

Open Discussion / Bassist players!
March 12, 2014, 01:51:34 PM
Hello everyone,

I'm new on the forum and I'm getting started on the DIY pedal world. As obvious the most part are guitar players here, I was wondering how many bass players there are.

I'm also looking for a kit pedal specific for bass, in another post someone suggested an overdrive (, do you know any other pedal?

Or maybe I could buy a pedal for guitar and make some mod, a suggestion on this way would be appreciated aswell.

I mean, I can't wait to start with my first pedal, so please help me on this! :)

Open Discussion / How to get started
March 10, 2014, 12:45:18 AM
Hi everyone, I'm new on the forum and I'm just going to get started to the wonderful DIY pedal world!

I have targeted a few projects on this site but I was wondering what's coming with the package, I guess for the price it's only the electric component (PCB, resistors, caps, etc...), so I have to buy apart enclosure, pots, knobs, jacks, led, switch, etc... Am i correct?

Will I find all the instuctions on how to proceed or not?

Well, if you can give me a brief general introduction or point me to an already existing topic concerning this (which I haven't found) that would be great!

Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help.
