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Topics - aran.e666

Open Discussion / DigiTech XP-100 question
May 25, 2017, 11:42:25 PM
Hey guys

Ok so i'l get straight to the point and not justify why i am doing this: i am going to attemp the impossible. A complete DIY xp-100. I've done research and I'm confident it's doable. The thing I'm not so confident on is the digital side. I get that the EPROM contains the firmware/code for the effects but what i need to know is what else has firmware/is custom programmed? More importantly, does anyone have the other firmware? I have had no luck from messaging a few people who are known for modding xp-100s so i don't expect much more insight here (no offense  ;D)
General Questions / Noisy pedals
May 25, 2017, 02:14:05 PM
Hey guys,

just finished my pedal board with a decent 2A 9v power supply. when i tested the pedals:
1 pedal on: some buzz when i stop playing
2 or more pedals on: serious buzz that changes frequency depending on what pedals are on. for example if i combine distortion with fuzz i get horrendous high pitch squealing where as if i use a compressor with both, it makes the squealing low frequency.

i feel confident that it is the power supply but after i tried a different one and used a noise filter, i still get buzz.

the buzz mainly occurs when i use my multi effects unit (4 guitar pedals inside an old Marshall ValveState foot controller)

I have checked most connections etc but i don't think it is directly related to the wiring since A. it happens with other pedals in my chain B. it does not matter what combo of pedals are on.

I understand that without pictures, diagrams etc it's hard to find the problem but i am confident it's something i'm missing.


hey guys,

long time since i posted here but i'm back. I'm asking this here as i'm really not too sure where else i can ask this question :D

anyways, so recently i acquired some nice USAF stamped 2n404's from Ebay. i noticed however one transistor was very dirty and also in a different style package when i was testing the hFE. either way, i still tested it. i think it measured 470 hFE  :o (yes, i know it's not true hFE but still much higher than the 404's i tested). that's when i noticed that there were more of the same transistor. i found one that was fairly clean. its made by RCA and says 'CIA' (or C1A) with what looks like '3621A'. yes, i know, CIA isn't Central Intelligence Agency but just some identification tag probably. my question is - what is this? are there any similar transistors? i ask because i can't find any info on it. maybe i didn't look hard enough which is why i'm asking here for someone to point me in the right direction.

Open Discussion / distortion in a guitar!
February 14, 2015, 06:18:25 PM
So I just finished my 'guitar o distortion' and I was wondering, since I have 2 switches (noe for bypass, one for 9v on/off) and it is annoying to hit both to turn the effect on. Any way to make this one switch. I thought a 3pdt switch would work but I dont know how to wire it up. Thanks

Tech Help - Projects Page / EA tremolo help?
December 18, 2014, 11:03:53 PM
So since im a guitar pedal loveri thought I would build a tremolo, problem is ive plugged it in and get a wierd buzzing noise but, the pulsing led works with the speed etc. Yes I know, very breif description but I will go into more deatil if anyone can think, maybe its grounded wrong or a solder bridge (all ready checked lots). Thanks

P.s I will send pictures of the build and take transistor voltages...

Basically I just finished a cry baby gcb 95 on vero and I hooked it up. To no surprise it didn't work and later I found out it was a faulty switch. Still dosent work. When I say 'dosent work' I mean it works normally and no tone is lost which is the point of bypassing however when I engage the effect, I get nothing. Imagine unplugging your guitar when your amp is on and you get no sound but the faintist buzz (because of the amp). This is what im experiencing. I have ran a blade several times through the tracks and made sure it is wired up correctly but it still dosent work.  Any feedback or advice would be amazing! Like I say I have built many pedals before so I know it shouldnt be my soldering, maybe the caps? Thanks

I am currently getting ready to build the little angel chorus but the problem I face is how I wire up all the pots because the switch uses depth 3 so only one wire will go to the depth pot and with the switch, it says that the switch wire connects to depth 3, so would I just link these two wires with a switch between? Thanks

Open Discussion / building a wah pedal?
November 26, 2014, 10:11:28 PM
hi all, i haven't  had time to post in a very long time because i have beed busy with work and lots of guitar builds  8) but i know this is the best place for help on pedals. ok so my target is very simple-take a basic wah vero layout, build it and make a wooden pivoting enclosure thing to activate the wah wah effect, but anyways theres a few problems. 1. it shows 16uf capacitors and i cannot find them anywhere at all like no where that would be small enough, also im not sure what type of capacitors the 10nf capacitors would be and what type the 16uf caps would have to be. any advice would be great-im not sure if this is the right place to post this build but any advice would be hugely appreciated so i can finally make my dream (well, some cheap wooden) wah pedal. thanks

Tech Help - Projects Page / buying transistors.
March 31, 2014, 09:56:02 PM
Long time since I've posted.  Ive been really busy :( ...anyways im having trouble as I cant seem to find some transistors (old germanium) I live in the uk so its a pain to order from U.S etc. Also the svero layout for the harmonic percolator states 'germanium diode' what is recommended as im no good when it comes down to diodes  :o. Any help would be greatly appreciated 8) . Tech help or not, I know this is a very very helpful place for help ;D. Thanks

So I have noticed many of the schematics of guitar pedals say 1&2 (3 goes to input). I dont get it as there is only 1 input wire on the vero board so how is there a way of wiring up the input? Any ideas will help alot. Thanks
Ok hey guys again so ive decided to make the funk machine v2  but the schematic is blury so I cant do much. Anyways I was wondering on the schenatic it says that the input is lug 3 on the potentiometer so where does the input go. Also it says 1&2 on some of the controls. Does this mean I use the wire to link lug 1&2 on the pot? Thanks  :D
So I was wondering as I'm a fan of dpdt footswitches, id love to have true bypass but another switch allowing me to choose 1 of 2 different effects aswell but all in one box. P.s I know how to wire true bypass but not with two different effects and a switch to have either one active.

Thanks 8)
Tech Help - Projects Page / gain control?
March 14, 2014, 05:47:21 PM
 Ok so I just finished making my lovepedal woodrow which sounds awesome but I think I need to add a gain control ( with more overall distortion). So I know how to build a tone control but I cant find any schematics anywhere on how to make a gain control. If anyone knows and could send me a wiring diagran that would be great.  Thanks guys  :D
ok so the other day this idea comes to mind that i really want to make an electra distortion so i found the woodrow. great. but when i plug it in to my rig and everything has been checked only distortion comes out when the lower strings play at once. not only that but it makes a `bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz` noise in the background. this really fustrates me as it just dosent work but it is so so close. id appriciate any help and if you guys need any pics or anything, let me know. thanks
Tech Help - Projects Page / potentiometers
March 10, 2014, 10:44:06 PM
Hi everyone I always build pedals that only have a volume so I want to step up my game by adding optional controls like gain tone etc. I dont know what to search for and I cant find any schematic helpful so I thought I should ask the professionals (everyone at madbean  :P ). Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks

General Questions / stripboard projects
March 04, 2014, 10:26:22 PM
So I was thinking as I am an amateur guitar pedal builder, I decided to get some schematics for a distortion pedal that uses parts like ICs or more parts e.g the lovepedals black magic. Does anyone have any good ideas or stripboard layout schematics for some good but easy-ish distortion pedals and btw I play metal not pop music so just lets stick to distortion/fuzz for now :)  :P . The vero layout is on this page :

Thanks :)
Ok so anyone reading this please help. So I must of made these posts like 3 times now and ive started this one as the others are dead lol. So... I have ordered all the right parts for the bazz fuss pedal, the voltages and current flow is all good, I made the original circuit and then expanded it to double the size to give me more room to fault diagnose it and still everything seems good, ive made sure the orientation of the parts are right and the parts are in the right places and also checked for bad solder/solder joints and thats about it and I tested it with a rig that WORKS. So I put time into this post so please guys, leave your ideas and trust me its a 5 component circuit.......
Ok so I decided to make a bazz fuss on vero and test it. It did not work. The parts I used were: 2n3904 transistor,  a 0.1uf film cap, a 4.7uf electrolytic cap, a 10k res and a 1n904 diode. I have checked the parts, the solder, the wire, jacks etc. I dont know what the voltages are as I dont know what the critical voltage is for the transistors etc. Any help would be awsomee