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Topics - LJangel

Tech Help - Projects Page / audio probe loud buzz
March 12, 2023, 11:53:22 PM
I've built tons of pedals, and thought it would finally be nice to have an audio probe so I don't have to fire up the signal gen and scope.  I made one with the little board available here, and use it as the photo shows.  It works fine, when the probe is touching a component, and in also in bypass.  But- when the probe isn't touching anything, there is a loud buzz.  Is this normal for an audio probe?  do I not have something grounded?  I did initially solder the jacks backward, and when I reversed them I broke the pad off of a connection.  I just ran a wire to replace it.  Same as if the trace was there.
General Questions / Florist pop on engage
October 31, 2022, 06:48:39 PM
I've got a pretty loud pop when engaging the Florist.  Would I increase the value of R1 (1M) to possibly get rid of this?
General Questions / Florist hiss
September 13, 2022, 06:38:34 PM
I just built the florist.  Everything works correctly, but I have hiss at volumes above the half way point.  Louder volume, louder hiss.  Also, unity volume doesn't happen until around 4 o'clock on the pot.  I can deal with the volume, but the hiss is too much.  Maybe the PT2399 or 2n5457?  Going to try swapping them out and reflowing all the solder joints.  Anybody have any ideas before I dive into it?  thanks
Build Reports / Multiplex Tape Delay
July 23, 2017, 07:29:29 PM
I wanted to make this one for awhile now.  Finally got around to ordering the parts I didn't have and putting it together.  I already replaced one of the delays on my board with this one.  It's a keeper- sounds great and the tape speed up is a cool feature.

Build Reports / 808 again
July 23, 2017, 07:25:27 PM
I had some spare parts and vero, so I built another TS-808 with clipping options and fat mod.  The graphics are similar to another one I made previously and is still on my main board.  This one will probably go to a friend.

Build Reports / Klon
June 13, 2017, 09:46:00 PM
This one is a standard Klon made from the old Madbean Sunking v3.  This board's an oldie but a goodie. 

Build Reports / Queen of Bone
June 03, 2017, 11:42:44 PM
This is the "Queen of Bone", a clone of the Analogman King of Tone pedal, made from the QOB2 board from Rullywow effects.  I just finished a couple of pedals and realized I haven't posted in awhile.

Build Reports / Marvin the Martian Phaser
June 03, 2017, 11:39:30 PM
This phaser is made from the guitarpcb "Dr. Phybes" board. It has depth and script mods (adds feedback for a more pronounced phase) and I added a hidden yellow LED that flashes in time with the speed (rate).

Build Reports / Green Bean
June 11, 2016, 12:03:40 PM
I used this green screamer guy on another TS-808 a couple of years ago (I think with a GGG board).  That pedal was too noisy, so when it came time to get around to another one I used a Green Bean board.  This one is so much quieter, and sounds so much better even with the same diode setup (1n914 and diffused red LEDs).  The caps I used in this one were a little better.  That might have something to do with it.  I also put this one into a 1590b rather than the 125b I had the old one in.

Build Reports / Red Army Muff Pi
June 04, 2016, 04:43:40 PM
This one is a Red Army version of the Muff Pi.  Very close to the Russian Green version but different cap values (slightly).

Build Reports / Chorus Tremolo
June 04, 2016, 04:40:43 PM
This was was a tight squeeze for me into a 1590 sized box.  It's two boards by  A Mini-Me chorus and an EA tremolo.  The kill switch allows the tremolo to just be used as a buffer.  The gothic tinkerbell just looked good and I thought it worked well.

Build Reports / Frankenstein
June 04, 2016, 04:35:50 PM
This is a David Rolo "Giant Hogweed" that he refers to as a bit of a Frankenstein, so that's the theme I went with.  It's a strange fuzz octave with some cool sounds in it.

Build Reports / 3 new pedals
May 09, 2015, 02:33:24 PM
I just finished these three this morning.  A tenebrion reverb with medium brick, Mutron V clone and a clone of a Walrus Audio Mayflower drive.  All sound great.

Build Reports / Junkyard Dog Distortion
April 04, 2015, 07:20:24 PM
Just finished this over coffee this morning. This is based on the Bearfoot Dyna Red Distortion.  I added a mid-boost switch that flips between two different cap values in the tone circuit (currently a 100nf and a 470nf).  I wanted to make something that looked "beat up" and this is what I came up with after taking a dremel, files, wire brush and doing a rough cut on the top plate with a jig saw.  Attached the dog tags with paper clips, put screening over the holes and added two red LEDs to light it from the interior when it's turned on.  I think I'll take the knobs off and beat them up a little bit on concrete or something.

Build Reports / Orange Squeezer
March 14, 2015, 06:22:22 PM
This one is from the tagboard effects layout with the externalized trim pot for the bias.  I honestly only built this one because I had the idea for the graphics and wanted to start doing some vero stuff.  Will probably pass this one on to a friend since I don't need another compressor right now.
Build Reports / Klon 2
March 14, 2015, 06:19:13 PM
Man this was tough to get everything in the enclosure with all the mods.  The border bled a little on me when I put the clearcoat on.  It didn't come out great, but I can live with it because it sounds fantastic.
Build Reports / Hipster Fuzz
March 14, 2015, 06:16:35 PM
I built this one with the mini hipster board and used my grandson's picture for the graphics (so now I can never get rid of it :)  ).  This one gave me all kinds of fits with a high pitched squeal at the top of the fuzz pot range.  A few others mentioned this too.  I ended up putting a larger cap in C2 (went from the 10pf to 100pf if I remember correctly).  That got rid of it and now it sounds great.
Build Reports / TS-808
April 04, 2014, 11:53:22 AM
This is my 3rd build.  Still getting the hang of this hobby.  My waterslide on this one got a couple of small wrinkles in it.  I was really tired when I did it.  My OCD is telling me to sand it off and do it again but I can't stop playing this pedal right now.  It sounds great and has quickly become my favorite overdrive at the moment.  I'm a big Rush fan and this pedal can really dial in the Alex Lifeson OD sounds, especially stacked with some chorus and reverb.  Mods on this one include the "Very Expensive Boutique", Asymmetrical Clipping and the AMZ "Fat" switch.  After a couple of IC swaps, I ended up with the JRC4558D.
Build Reports / Flower Power Reverb
March 09, 2014, 09:25:57 PM
This is my second build.  It's the Mammoth Electronics "Carlsbad Reverb" based on the Belton Brick.  I probably should have gone with a lighter pedal color.  The graphics get washed out by the background.  All in all, I'm pleased with it though.  Sounds good for a basic reverb.
Build Reports / My first pedal build
February 08, 2014, 07:58:35 PM
This is a first build for me.  I picked up a broken pedal that had the Sunking v3 board in it.  After going through the whole thing, replacing a few components, and creating the new enclosure, this is the end result.  It's also the first time I've ever used waterslide decals.  The decal came out nice and smooth but in the process I stretched the one side a little.  Anyway, please don't be too critical.  thanks