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Topics - HailToTheBlues

Open Discussion / Aux sends module?
May 03, 2017, 08:48:37 PM
Hi guys,
For the studio i've been setting up for some time now, i will need eventually to set an headphone mix system so that musicians recording can actually hear each other and have specific volumes of each instrument in their headphones, but to do that i would a mixer with aux sends, atleast six, and since i use a usb interfaces and daw, i don't have any need for a mixing board. So i was thinking if there was any equipment with only aux sends to use for headphone mixing. Someting like the attached image with six inputs and six outputs, connecting the outputs of my interface to the input of the aux sends individually and then sending them through the outputs, all the way to the headphone amps. A bit like a module of the aux sends in a mixer, but without the pre/post option since it wouldn't have any faders at all. Is there anything like this available, or even a diy option? Any thoughts?

Hey guys, it has been a while since I've posted anything, but it feels good to be finally back at work. So, currently I'm deciding which reverb project to build. I'm looking for really huge ambient and strange tones, to use either with guitar or a microbrute, to get some experimental/psychedelic sounds with a delay pedal and maybe a flanger (next project). So I'm checking out the Tenebrion, the chasm reverb and the Moodring reverb. Which one in your opinion would suit this best? Any other suggestions apart from the projects I'm checking out?

Best regards
Hi guys,
A couple weeks ago i started a thread asking for help about tweeking a musket fuzz, and you suggested adding a clean blend pot, but a couple days ago i noticed the thread had been deleted, and i can't remember if i posted anything that could violate any terms of our forum, but i think i posted the usual "help thread" stuff ahah but anyway, could i get help from you guys on how to had the blend pot in a vero musket fuzz?

Best regards,
Open Discussion / Layout for ad-9 delay?
May 21, 2015, 01:38:42 AM
Hey guys,
So a guy asked me if i could build him a clone of the Ibanez Ad-9, but i can't find any layout available for perfboard, or any pcb for it anywhere. I did find the schematic, but i'm still really in the beginning of learning how to read them and apply them, so it's still really hard for me to build a pedal based only in a schematic, many pages left for reading! 
So any help here?

Best regards!
General Questions / Cupcake 1n34a substitute
May 18, 2015, 09:14:22 PM
Hi guys,
So a friend asked me to build him a compressor and i was going to make him a cupcake (orange squeezer) since i have a pcb for it lying around. I noticed it had a 1n34a in D1, and since this diodes are not particulary easy to get, is there a good substitute for it in this project? Or is it crucial to be used a 1n34a?

Also, do i need to match the two transistors, or can i use any 2n5457?

Best regards
Open Discussion / analog synth project?
May 12, 2015, 11:24:10 AM
Hi guys,
So currently i'm looking for a particular sound and having a couple ideas. I'm thinking of getting a ehx random tone generator, and connect it to my guitar pedals to create some space sounds and psychedelic/experimental noise, but i'm thinking if it wasn't possible to have some kind of analog synth in front of it and before my pedals, to mess with oscilators and pitch and everything a normal analog synth would have, in order to have a "synth in loop" (if that even makes sense). Is there some kind of project that matches what i'm trying to ask for?

Best regards
Tech Help - Projects Page / Musket Fuzz clone issues
April 30, 2015, 07:48:44 PM
Hi guys,
I'm working on a Musket fuzz clone from Blackout effects, and i'm experiencing a couple issues:
- the tone pot has a big volume drop as soon as i start to roll it clockwise
- the effect seems to be lacking gain, a lot of gain, it's way less powerfull than the original, and if the fuzz and the pre-amp are at their lowest setting, i get almost no volume at all, i have to turn them way more to get acceptable volume.
I've asked another member here that build the same layout, and he didn't get this kind of problems. I suspect it could be related to the active parts, the transistors for instance, not getting enough voltage.

I'm doing this on veroboard, and the layout is the one that's attached here.
So, any help here guys? I'm doing this for a person, and i wasn't expecting to get this kind of problems at all.

Thank you and best regards
Open Discussion / Tube Works RT-2100 Mosvalve?
April 29, 2015, 01:38:25 PM
Hi guys,
So i've been looking for good deals in the used market around here, nationaly, and i came across this amp, a Tube works rt-2100 mosvalve 2x12, for a what seems a really good price, and i wanted to know if you guys knew anything about them, and also some feedback if you can give me some. The amp is listed here, but it's in portuguese so, it doesn't help much it's selling for 290€ which this days is almost the same in dollars, due to the currency, is it too much for it, or is it a good price, since i've never seen it anywhere. So, any thoughts about it? I'm most interested in the cleans, so does this amp is any good in that subject?

Best regards
Tech Help - Projects Page / Harbinger one lamp issue
April 23, 2015, 10:31:36 PM
Hi guys,
So i had my harbinger working for a couple months now, not perfect yet tonewise, i think i might change it's photocells. But today, when i was jamming a bit using my pedalboard, i noticed the harbinger had stopped working, and the rate led was not blinking. I opened it and as it was obvious, the lamp was not blinking either. When i decrease the speed knob, the only thing that happens now is that the lamp loses a bit of brightness more or less from 10 0'clock, to the lowest speed. So, anyone knows what might be causing this sudden issue? Can it be an active part that broke? If so, some voltages might be useful, so where would i start, if that's necessary?

Best regards
Tech Help - Projects Page / Hipster fuzz issue
April 10, 2015, 05:43:54 PM
Hey guys,
Yesterday i decided to swap the C2 from my hipster fuzz, from 10pf to 100pf, because i though it sounded better, without that big oscilation at the end of the fuzz sweep, and it was working perfectly, the bias well adjusted to 4.5v. Then i closed the enclosure, connected it to my pedalboard (cables, daisy chain, all that stuff) and the first time i engage it, it sounded really really quiet, like a fuzz on the backgroung when i played the strings. I took it from the pedalboard, tried it alone and open again, the same issue continued. I checked the bias again, and the best it can go now is to ~1,0v, and when i put it in that value theres a big static noise from it, the guitar almost silent. Did something happened to my trannies? Which by the way are a BC108 and a BC108C from a banzai kit.

Best Regards
Hi guys,
So i finished a two-in-one pedal, with a green bean and a green russian mudbunny, and i'm experiencing a couple things that i want to ask if they are normal. So, i used two red leds and three 1n914 for the green bean clipping, and one of the issues is that i hear a big volume drop when i change from the red led's to the 1n914 clipping, is this normal?

The other issue is that i used two identical green leds and resistors for the on/off of the pedals, and the green led from the mudbunny is not as bright as the green bean's. The mudbunny is the 2013 version, the one that doesn't have a led spot on the pcb, so it is wired as the standard wiring diagram. On the other hand the green bean has a "led" spot for the positive lead of the led, so is this why it is brighter? Or is something wrong with it?

Best regards 
Open Discussion / Harbinger tone
February 14, 2015, 08:40:31 PM
I guys,
So i'm finishing an Harbinger One project, and all it takes to close the enclosure at last is to adjust the offset and the gain trimmers to get my sound. One of the tones i would like to replicate would be the "any colour you like" univibe tone gilmour as, just for fun, but the harbinger doesn't seem to be fast enough, and it's not intense enough, the effect on full speed sounds like a subtle vibrato at the high frets, and gilmour's is very present and "dramatic". I'm also comparing it to a mini dejavibe demo from youtube, since they look very similar. About the details, the cells are faced to the lamp, but i'm using a shield as well, they are all matched. So guys, is this normal, or is it some issue? It could be from my cheap amp, or the cells.

Best regards
Tech Help - Projects Page / Harbinger 2014 changes
February 01, 2015, 09:47:41 PM
Hey guys,
So i'm currently finishing an harbinger one, and now Brian launched the new docs for the 2015 version of the harbinger, and i wanted to ask you guys if there was any parts i should change on my 2014 version? I read the changes, and they were mostly layout changes, but i can be wrong. I omitted the parts that are supposed to be omitted when using a 9v one spot, i'm going to use a 1n5817 at R54, and i'm going to try using an MPSA13 at Q13. Also, i saw that in the new version the speed pot is not wired as i wired mine (i wired as a normal pot in each row).

Best regards
Open Discussion / Opinions on some tube amps
January 28, 2015, 09:09:17 PM
Hey guys,
I'm currently on the market for a tube amp, and now i'm kind of deciding between two amps: The Peavey Classic 50 410 (the black tolex version with the peavey logo, not the one that looks like a tweed fender) and an Egnater Tweaker 40 head. The peavey is selling for 500€ (565 dollars) and the tweaker is selling for 400€ (450 dollars). My "ideal" tone, is a very big sounding guitar, with a big low end, and i'm more interested in the cleans, rather than the distorsion. So any opinions guys?

Best regards
Tech Help - Projects Page / harbinger's lamp question
December 21, 2014, 04:26:34 PM
Hey guys,
So i bought a univibe upgrade kit when i was gathering the parts for my harbinger, and when i soldered it, i thought that the leads of the lamp were really, really thin, and my fear today happened, the leads broke when tried to move it a bit, so i wanted to ask the people who could've bought this kit, if i can get another lamp, or if this kits the lamps matched with the photocells, and if so, what would be the best option to save myself from having to buy another kit?

Best regards
Tech Help - Projects Page / Help with a Harbinger One
December 18, 2014, 12:00:47 AM
Hey guys,
I'm working on a Harbinger one project, and i'm having some trouble getting it to work properly. So, i have clean signal working normally, and when i engage the pedal, it has signal, but it is almost the same has the clean sound, it has no effect, there's just a kind of subtle noise that reacts with the way the lamp is working at that moment. The lamp is working as it should, it is blinking and i can control the gain and offset trimmers normally. Also the rate led is working as it should. So, any clues of where i should start looking?
Tech Help - Projects Page / Mangler led problem
December 08, 2014, 05:52:15 PM
Hey guys,
I have a possible quick question regarding my mangler project. Well i built a mangler and a hipster on the same box, and when i start playing with the mangler, the led starts blinking and fading until it shuts down completely, usually really quick, and the more fuzz i have the faster it shuts down, but the effect remains the same, so, any suggestions on what's causing it?

Best regards
Open Discussion / Setting a pedalboard order
December 07, 2014, 03:16:09 PM
Hi guys,
I'm close to finish all the pedals i want on the pedalboard i'm set, and now i need some help on setting their order. Of course i'll experiment as well, butit would be cool to have a starting point. So i need to set these pedals:
a mccoy wah wah; a germanium and silicon fuzz face (same box); a retrograde octavia; a smothie (phase 45); a low rider; an harbinger one (univibe); and a zero point mini (delay). I also built a buffer pedal, in case i needed at the end of the chain for keeping the guitar tone.
So any suggestion will be welcomed!

Best regards
Open Discussion / Low rider 2015?
December 03, 2014, 03:05:49 PM
Hi guys,
I wanted to know if anyone could tell me, maybe Brian, just how different will be the Low rider 2015 from the previous version?

Best Regards
General Questions / Harbinger one 1n914 alternative
November 28, 2014, 08:42:28 PM
Hi guys,
I'm working on a Harbinger One project, and i realised i was missing a 1n914 diode, because i followed the simplified list, where it is written the numbers of each single part that i need, and there's an error, it is listed just one 1n914, and it is needed two. So, since i will not use the 1n4001 that i ordered, since it is omited when it is used the 9v DC wall wart option, could it be an alternative to the 1n914 that it is missing? Or is it better to get a 1n914?

Best Regards