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Topics - mah62

General Questions / Stutr purple blob
June 06, 2016, 09:42:39 AM
just looking at the layout for the Stutr. Does anybody know what the purple blob in the middle of the layout is? (Stupid question, I know - obviously Brian knows)!
Tech Help - Projects Page / Eagle questions
February 05, 2015, 01:04:27 PM
Hi everyone,

first posted this in Jacob's Eagle tutorial post and got passed over so here we go again:-P :

I thought I'd thanked Jacob for the amazing Eagle videos but I can't see my post anywhere - early onset of senile dementia I think! Thanks Buddy, anyway. I'm really getting stuck into Eagle now; had my first board (Maxon 808) manufactured by iTead only to find out I'd fucked up on the schematic in three places! What a prick!

Anyway, I have some Eagle related questions: Firstly, I am trying to create a library package of four adjacent pads, one for "in", one for "out" and one each for ground and power. While I am able to place this at ,say, the bottom centre of the board, the accompanying symbol has four inseparable pins. For obvious reasons these need to be dotted around the schematic. Put simply: how do I do this while keeping all the right net assignments? Hope that makes sense. Also, any advice on creating a package for components with two different lead spacing would be appreciated, too. Two of the pads, at least, need to be connected; is this done by adding a wire between them on the package or what?

Finally, (I know I'm pushing the boat out here)!  I noticed on Brian's schematics he uses nice chunky traces for the power. Is there any reason why it it wouldn't be easier to do a copper pour on the top copper instead? Would this induce any unwanted noise or artefact to the signal if I did it this way?

Many thanks, Mark
General Questions / grease me up!
June 17, 2014, 02:02:03 PM
bought some liquid, no clean flux on ebay and it came with pre injection swabs and
thermal grease. I thought my parcel from ann summers had arrived early! Eh? Eh? fnar! fnar!

The question, what are these disgusting items and how are they used?

Open Discussion / SMD projects
May 10, 2014, 08:41:30 AM
Does anyone know of any SMD fx projects out there to either etch or purchase?
It's time to give it a go! I just missed out on Pickdropper's nomojo fuzz offer and wondered if it would be made available to purchase again? Cheers!

Hi folks,

When I can find I can find a suitable window and when my daughter is not jumping around my feet I need to debug my Dirtbag Deluxe v3105 build. While I'm familiar with the general procedure, having debugged several smaller circuits, this one is very daunting, to say the least! Any help or pointers, in the meantime, would be appreciated, before I get down to it.

The symptoms are as follows: audio signal disappears after C3. thereafter is a excruciatingly high pitched whine!

many thanks for any attention to this!

Here are the voltages:

supply voltage: 9.04v

IC1:    1)    4.52
           2)   4.52
           3)   4.5
           4)   0
           5)   4.48
           6)   4.53
           7)   4.53
           8)   9.04

IC2:    1)   2.04
           2)   1.81
           3)   1.81
           4)   0
           5)   1.81
           6)   1.81
           7)   4.19
           8)   1.81
           9)   1.81
         10)   5.19
         11)   3.98
         12)   2.35
         13)   9.04
         14)   1.8
         15)   1.8
         16)   4

IC3:    1)   4.53
           2)   4.53
           3)   4.5
           4)   0
           5)   4.51
           6)   4.53
           7)   4.53
           8)   9.04

IC4:    1)   0
           2)   4.49
           3)   4.39
           4)   4.39
           5)   8.2
           6)   4.49
           7)   4.27
           8)   7.93

IC5:    1)   0
           2)   4.49
           3)   4.35
           4)   4.36
           5)   8.2
           6)   4.49
           7)   4.46
           8)   7.93

IC6:    1)   4.46
           2)   4.46
           3)   4.45
           4)   0
           5)   2.84
           6)   2.84
           7)   2.84
           8)   9.04

IC7:    1)   1.61 <  > 7.75  moving
           2)   4.69 <  > 4.74  moving
           3)   4.69 <  > 4.74  moving
           4)   0
           5)   4.69 <  > 4.74  moving
           6)   4.69 <  > 4.74  moving
           7)   4.69 <  > 4.92  moving
           8)   9.04

IC8:    1)   3.21
           2)   3.2
           3)   3.15 
           4)   -0.06
           5)   3.72
           6)   3.68
           7)   3.83
           8)   7.18

IC9:    1)   3.23
           2)   3.17
           3)   3.18
           4)   7.33
           5)   7.37
           6)   7.36
           7)   -0.2
           8)   0.05
           9)   0.05
         10)   3.23
         11)   3.16
         12)   -0.2
         13)   3.34
         14)   7.25

here are some pictures:

Build Reports / Pink Kokbox
March 02, 2014, 08:23:48 PM
Kokbox with still more chipped paint I'm afraid! Something I must rectify; any pointers, anyone?

My first etch of a Madbean layout, however, using the UV method and got perfect results first time which was amazing because most things I touch turn to crap!


Build Reports / Slow Loris
March 02, 2014, 11:48:21 AM
Inspired by the amazing work displayed on this site I've decided it's time to pull my finger out and actually finish something, (I've got 4 carrier bags full of unboxed circuits from the brilliant Tagboard FX)! Lazy or what?

This one has "Rat" in Chinese script on it ( I'll probably find out it means "Apple pie")
Despite the chips in the paint and ragged decal I'm quite pleased with this, it's a lovely circuit and a definite keeper.
