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Topics - Kipper4

General Questions / Causality 4 MkII query
December 22, 2014, 11:15:12 PM
So I built the Causality4. It's a nice Phaser too.
From this thread
(feel free to remove the link Mods if it's not welcome)
schematic on page 6
I also built the additional stages mod on the same perfboard.
Heres my question
Can I make the additional stages switchable and if so how please?
additional stages mod on page 12
General Questions / Naughty Fish
May 28, 2014, 08:02:03 PM
the 12v zener Is 500mw enough or should i go for 1w?
I'm fresh out of 220uf 25v  so I subbed it for a 220uf  16v.  This should be ok right?

just to help out heres the pdf
hope nobody minds
General Questions / nsl32
May 27, 2014, 08:49:18 PM
I grabbed a couple of these at the weekend.
Anyone know some worthwhile projects to use them in please.
Ps I like my envelope filters
Help me out here guys
im looking for a uk supplier for the madbean naughty fish on on on pcb mount switchs
i've been trawling the net and no luck so far, it's driving me nuts

link to the projects pdf
General Questions / currant lover debug
May 13, 2014, 07:22:25 PM
i have the currant lover all populated and set up to start biasing it as per pdf.
I'm not getting a signal on the output.
so I start probing and the signal goes as far as mn3007 pin 3. no output on pins 7 or 8.
I bought my chips on ebay. could I have bought a fake. Do you think that could be the reason.
I've invested a lot of time and money and effort into this one effect, the biggest most complex build to date and I'm bitterly dissapointed. I hope I havent blown it all together.
one other thing i've noticed is if i disconect the gnd to amp i get a signal.
Please help. If its just a matter of getting a better mn3007 then fine.
I'm building it on a prefab qaulity pcb.
General Questions / Nautilus problems
May 05, 2014, 07:40:43 PM
Hi guys
I've just built the nautilus on an etched pcb and all I hear is distortion no bwow wow. Lots of boo hoo. Haha
I double checked for resistor values
I can't see any bridges.
I probed it but it only passes clean signal or distorted depending on rotary switch position.
So I'll throw out the voltages and see if anyone can spot anything
Thanks guys

1.  9.18v (same as power supply)
2.  4.76
3.  0
4. -  4.1
5.  - 8.57
6.   5.35
7.   7.53
8.   9.18


1.  6.32.       8.    -6.97
2.  -0.35.      9.   6.24
3.  -0.35.      10.  0
4.   9.18.       11.  -8.57
5.   0.            12. 0
6.   0.            13.  0
7.   0.           14.    -7

1.   0.          8.   6.92
2.   0.          9.     3.04
3.   0.         10.    3.6
4.   9.18.    11.     -8.52
5.   0.         12.    0
6.   0.         13.    0
7.   0.         14.     0.29
General Questions / Nautilus Questions
April 15, 2014, 07:34:26 PM
Guys I'm bulding the nautilus on a pcb from a friend.
I have a couple of questions if you will.
My vactrols are on order but which way are they orientated please
i note that on the single sided layout (madbeans) that there is a mark (+) on one side of the vactrol representation on the overlay.
and although i dont have the vactrols yet i believe theres a white dot printed on them.
Does the (+) mark represent where the white dot on the vactrol goes?

Which charge pump ic5 would you recommend

I've probably asked this last question before but my pc is playing up and i cant find the thread so any help would be appreciated again
General Questions / Bloviator 1 question
March 31, 2014, 04:58:40 PM
Im making the version one (single sided board)
Im confused because the layout  has a C10 and neither the schematic or BOM states a value for it
can you help please?
Open Discussion / TZF
January 29, 2014, 03:03:19 PM
Has anyone here built a through zero flanger please
If so which is best.
I've got some mn3007 and 3101 on the way plus some 78L12s
I was going to do the ibanez fl301 but then I discovered the tzf's mmmmm intresting.
Open Discussion / schoon toon explanation
January 29, 2014, 02:55:31 PM
I've seen the Schoon Toon here and the build doc but I'm affraid I dont understand the schematic could some one throw some light on it please.
power supply?
Stumped :)

heres the build doc. I hope its ok to post it
General Questions / Bloviator power supply question
January 25, 2014, 07:25:07 PM
Hey guys I have a question.
Would it be ok to substitute the TL071 Vref buffer with half of a TL072.
I know the pinouts different.