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Topics - mrsmith

Tech Help - Projects Page / 4ms Support
August 25, 2014, 10:48:01 PM
Hi All,

I'm having a difficulty accessing the 4ms forum, currently; it might be down. Can I ask a 4ms question on this forum or can someone recommend a more appropriate place to do so?

Tech Help - Projects Page / Popping and boost
July 03, 2014, 10:13:33 PM
Hi All,

I'm getting some pretty serious popping in this feedback looper (diagram below). Does anyone have any ideas of how to mitigate it? Would a pull down resistor/circuit work? If so, what components, values, and placement do I need to install one properly.

Also, I'm curious if it would work to wire a Bacon Bits into this circuit. This is how I was thinking of doing it:

1) use a toggle 3PDT switch
2) wire the "input" of the Bacon Bits to the "input" of the feedback/loop circuit
3) wire the "output" of the Bacon Bits to the "send" of the feedback/loop circuit

Additionally, I have not wired the Bacon Bits into the feedback/loop circuit, yet. The popping is happening with the just the feedback/loop circuit.

Thanks for any help!
Hi All, I'd like to build a feedback looper as described in this link:

I'd also like to add a bacon bits boost to the pedal. I figure it would be easy enough to put a toggle switch in series with the power supply with for the boost to turn it on and off. However, I'm not sure how to wire the boost to 3DPT switch so that it is before the looper "send."

Basically, I want to wire a boost PCB into the looper pedal so it's like having a boost in front of whatever is in the loop. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could please give me some ideas for how to do that, thanks!

Tech Help - Projects Page / sharkfin IC4 Values
April 02, 2014, 12:50:42 AM
Hi, the sample/hold feature setting of my sharkfin is not working; the filter is fine. The sample/hold was working, and I think I blew out IC4. Does anyone have the voltage values for that IC? I'm getting what I think are some weird readings, and I want to compare. Thanks.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Sharkfin Volume Drop
March 11, 2014, 02:51:39 AM
Hi All,

I love the Sharkfin I just built, but it has a noticeable volume drop on the filter setting. I've checked and rechecked the components and played it directly into my amp--no pedals before or after--and it still drops volume. The sample/hold side is fine and sounds great, finally have it dialed-in pretty well. But I'm hoping someone might have some ideas on the volume drop. I'm also relatively new to pedal-building, so if there's a standard debugging or fix for volume drops, I'm not familiar with them. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Tech Help - Projects Page / Sharkfin help
March 06, 2014, 03:45:16 AM
I just build a Sharkfin and it fired up first try and sounds super cool! But I need assistance with two areas:

1) there's a noticeable volume drop from the bypass signal when the filter is engaged. Does anyone have any ideas about why that might happen and how to fix it? Is it a circuit issue or a rig issue?

2) I followed the build doc instruction for setting up the sample/hold function, but I'm wondering if anyone has any additional suggestions for dialing in a well-articulated sample/hold sweep?

Tech Help - Projects Page / Smoothie Voltages Bad
January 19, 2014, 05:02:17 PM
Hi, I'm building a Smoothie, and I'm not get any sound out of the effect when it is on. I am getting a bypass signal. I used 2N5952s (I ordered a quad set from Guitar PCB) and reversed them 180 from the silk screen as instructed. I also had a local store order me a zener diode, but they got the wrong one. They gave me a 100v 1W zener. The guy at the store told me it shouldn't matter, because I only needed to meet or exceed the values.

Well, now I'm getting some pretty high voltages for my ICs and transistors. I won't list all the voltages, but they're around 9v for most of the pin outs (0 where 0 should be), when I'm pretty sure they should be closer to 3-5.

I've reflowed all my joints, triple-checked component values, and feel foolish (total noob). I wanted to believe this guy so I could get this project running, and now I've spent several hours trouble-shooting this build. Could it just be this diode?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
General Questions / Sharkfin Up/Down Switch
December 30, 2013, 11:24:34 PM
Hi y'all, I'm thinking about throwing my hat into the FSH-1 ring, and after having done a fair amount of digging through build reports, it seems like the Madbeans version might be the one for me. I do, however, have some questions around the up/down switch featured on some of the other versions: 1) if I'm correct, it seems like it was left off the Madbeans version, was there a reason for that i.e. is it not that important or useful? 2) is there a way to mod the build to include an up/down switch? Thanks, I appreciate the help.!
Open Discussion / Best DIY Power Supply
December 11, 2013, 04:38:31 PM
Hi All,

Could someone please point me in the direction of a good DIY power supply for powering 15 pedals, between 9v-18v? Something that's well-regulated and clean?

Hi All, is there a thread someone can point me to for support in wiring the D'Lay board to the Zero Point SDX? I saw one post, but it looked like the pedal was still have some issues. If there's not a thread, does anyone have some pointers on wiring a D'Lay to a ZP SDX? Thanks!
General Questions / Double Flush: Price to build?
August 21, 2013, 03:21:45 PM
Hi All,

Just curious, for anyone who's built a Double Flush, what was the appx total cost of realizing the pedal?

Thanks, Mike
General Questions / Aquaboy DX $, plus
August 15, 2013, 08:04:34 PM
Hi All,

I'm new to the forum and wanted to ask for an appx cost of building an Aquaboy DX with two MN3008's. I also wanted to ask how much delay time I might expect from such a build. Thanks so much for your help!