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Topics - kinski

General Questions / PicKit2 Help
February 15, 2018, 04:55:08 PM
Okay, i have the molecular compactor built and ready to go. But I can't seem to successfully get any code into it. I'm using MPLAB IPE to try and get the hex files onto the chips but nothing happens. I select the hex file, but the pickit2 doesn't seem to do anything, although the software says "Hex file loaded successfully." However, it says that even if I run the software without the pickit2 even plugged in. Could someone here please help? I must be doing something wrong.
General Questions / PicKit2 Software?
January 30, 2018, 03:18:08 PM
Hi all, I'm gearing up to get my Molecular Compactor up and running. Just waiting on the Pickit2 and FV-1 to arrive in the mail. Seems the Pickit2 software is not compatible with Mac, only PC. And I can't seem to find any other software out there. Anyone here programing their chips on a mac? If so, how?

Can someone send a link to the plastic screws and spacers needed for Rolo's Liquid Mercury? I check my local hardware stores and don't see anything even close. Thanks!
General Questions / Liquid Mercury PCB?
October 04, 2016, 11:51:27 PM
Where can I get one of these?
For the Sharkfin, can I use a TL071 in place of the LM741 ICs?
Mods / Phase 90 mods
March 23, 2015, 03:47:24 PM
I dug Pickdroppers 1590a Phase 90 out of the "drawer of fail" to see if I could finally get it to work properly and I'm happy to report that it was a success! Not sure what I did but I suspect it was a bad part somewhere. I Changed a few components out for new ones and replaced the switch and pot. It came to life after that. Sounds beautiful now.

I've got two questions about some mods.

I'd like to add:

1. A mix pot to go from 100% Dry to 100% Wet (vibrato).
2. A depth pot to control the amount of pitch bend.

Anyone know how to do it on this board?
I'm quite interested in making the switch over to relay in my builds. Finish Line looks great.

However, I'm concerned about having a popping sounds when engaged. I've only had one pedal in the past (before I built my own!) that had a relay and it had a VERY loud pop. It was useless to me because of that. Can you guys chime in a bit and let me know if you notice any popping and if so, how loud it is?

Also, when engaging the relay on/off does the sound cut out at all? I'd need a continuous sound as I turn pedals on and off.

Thanks for your input!
Okay, I decided to pick this back up from the "Box of Fail" and see if I can get it up and running. Basically, its kind of phasing a bit, but its very weak, not smooth at all, and its very distorted, and very noisy no matter where i set the trim pot.

I'd love if anyone could help me out and get this thing working. I've replaced all the ICs a few times over and there is no improvement. Also quadruple checked all resistor and cap values, and reflowed all solder many times over.  :o

Voltages (trimpot somewhere around middle):


1 0v
2 4.5v - 5.5v
3 3.5v - 6.5v
4 0v
5 0v
6 0.5v - 8.5v
7 9.16v
8 0v


1 0.15v
2 5.04v
3 3.37v
4 0v
5 0.15v
6 5.04v
7 9.16v
8 0v


1 5.04v
2 5.04v
3 4.96 - 5.03v
4 9.16
5 4.96 - 5.03v
6 5.04v
7 5.04v
8 5.04v
9 5.04v
10 4.96 - 5.03v
11 0v
12 4.96 - 5.03v
13 5.04v
14 5.04v


C 3.2v
B 4.45v
E 5.04v


D 4.96v - 5.03
G 1.73v - 1.88v
S 5.04
General Questions / Naughty Fish Question
July 25, 2014, 06:19:10 PM
The build doc lists LT1054. I don't have any of those on hand. Can I use a ICL7660CPAZ instead?
Build Reports / Non-madbean Reverb (1590A)
August 25, 2013, 03:23:08 PM
Madbean got me started on my 1590A obsession. So I figured I'd post this here. Until recently, my entire board was entirely 1590A pedals, EXCEPT for my reverb. Well, thats all changed. The guts are not my best work, but there was so much to cram in there! Used the box of hall reverb.

Mods / Zero Point Micro MIX MOD?
April 21, 2013, 12:19:35 AM
I'm loving this delay. However, is there a way to mod the Mix pot to allow even more of the delay signal.

Sometimes I'd like to have the delay a bit louder than is currently available.
So I slapped this guy together and its sounds really nice. However, I am getting a ticking sound that is in tempo with the modulation rate pot. Any ideas on how to fix this?
Mods / Zero Point Micro QUESTION
January 30, 2013, 06:37:41 PM
How would I go about wiring up both the DEPTH and SPEED pots?
I found a way to cram it all in. I just need to know how to wire it up.


Open Discussion / Zero Point Micro!
January 22, 2013, 03:08:01 PM
Well, I just ordered a Zero Point Micro, without even seeing the document of what it actually is, as it is not released yet. Ha! Can't wait to slap this thing together.

I've been dying for a good 1590A delay, and the possibility of having modulation with it is even better!

I'm hoping this thing can do the basics: Mix, Delay Time, and Control # of repeats. I'm assuming thats the case, with a toggle to turn on/off the modulation (which is fixed with a resistor). Is this correct?
Open Discussion / DIY Reverb in 1590a?
January 10, 2013, 04:57:23 AM
Does anyone know if this would even be possible? I've got the 1590a bug, and I just keep thinking about how awesome a 1590a reverb would be.   ;D
Tech Help - Projects Page / Smoothie IC Question
December 20, 2012, 06:06:42 PM
So I'm accidentally short one TL072. Could I use a TL082?
Open Discussion / LED Wiring Question
October 12, 2012, 04:04:37 PM
So I built the following layout below. Its a true-bypass looper with two switches. One momentary and one latching.

I know there is a 0v and TO LED marking, but I still can't seem to get the LED to work. I'd like to use a DC Jack and a 9v battery. Could anyone here please help and let me know how to properly wire up a DC and 9v to power an indicator light with this layout? I've tried a bunch of things and still can't get it to light up!
I'd love to know more about this upcoming project! Is it based off the cave dweller?

I would love a 1590a delay with modulation!
I've got a super small SPST Momentary Switch that needs a home. I thought it would be nice to try and cram it somewhere in the 1590a enclosure with the Cave  Dweller.

I'd really love to add the detune/fail switch that Madbean is working on with the Zero Point. Is this at all possible? I love the glitchy modulation!

If not, anybody know of any other cool mods I could do with the Cave Dweller and an SPST Momentary Switch?
General Questions / Question about Cave Dweller
May 09, 2012, 09:52:13 PM
To those who have built one of these guys, how quiet is it?

I'm asking specifically about that while noise surrounding the delayed signal found on many PT2399 delays.
