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Topics - sikmunky

Open Discussion / current lover and road rage.
April 28, 2015, 01:06:08 AM
Ok, I know this probably a stupid question. But here goes. I built the current lover with the 3007 bbd. As I read from alot of other people, I to had some undesirable distortion with it. I have a 3prr, and wanted to wire it up. My question is this. The 3prr calls for the 78l15 regulator. Is there a different regulator I van use, as I can't find one without making a special single item order to mouser or something like that. Thanx in advance guys.

Anyone know of a decent cab sim? I'm getting tired of lugging my band in a box boss br80, laptop, and speaker monitor to work. I'd like to just bring my guitar, 1 or 2 of my multi builds, a cab sim, and my headphones or monitor. Plus, when I change things up and bring a different guitar with me(actives instead of passive or vice versa) I have to spend time redoing "sweet spot" patches when I should just be practicing. Thanx in advance for any help.
Open Discussion / NAD!!!!
March 28, 2015, 10:25:05 PM
New amp day for me. HELL YEAH. Mesa boogie mark V 25. This bastard's friggin  loud dude. Takes pedals pretty well too. Boss tuner- vox wah- king of tone clone- opamp muff into the front end. Current lover- mxr wylde chorus- deep blue delay clone in the loop.

First American made amp I've ever owned. Everything else has all been British. I'm excited about this bad boy.
Open Discussion / heterodyning?
March 01, 2015, 02:21:21 AM
I want to build a multipedal. My issue is, I hear this "heterodyning" problem with putting multiple modulation effects in one enclosure.

1. What is it?
2. How can I prevent it?
3. The effects I plan on putting into one enclosure are a flanger (current lover), and a nom nom (phaser), and if possible an analog delay.

Thank you for any and all help everyone,
Open Discussion / charge pumps on modulation and delays
January 21, 2015, 04:47:39 AM
Hey Brian at madbean,

Would it be "better", headroom and sound wise if I wired up the zero point mini, current lover, and dirtbaby with the road rage and a charge pump for increased voltage?  If so, how would you do it, so a dumb fireman like can understand it?

Thanx in advance,