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Topics - jjjimi84

Open Discussion / Your Preferred Pedal Amp
November 18, 2020, 04:42:42 AM
We all build pedals and I have been wondering what we all use to run those pedals through.

I have been thinking about building another amp and want to get a feel for what everyone uses and why, if you feel so inclined to divulge.
Build Reports / Dead End FX Hooke Reverb
October 14, 2020, 02:18:58 PM
Here it is, the Hooke Reverb! I was looking into making a spring tank driver and then this board was announced and made my life a lot simpler. It is a cool build and went together really smoothly, albeit waiting for parts in the covid era. This video is actually the latest video I shot and am still working out the kinks with the talking head audio, I have eight others like this ready and in the meantime am switching to large diaphragm condensers to hopefully get better talking audio. Since this is Halloween month I will be putting out a video/build report every week that is Halloween themed, the following two weeks are going to be some fuzzy times.
Audio/Video Demos / Madbean Cherrybomb
September 30, 2020, 12:41:24 PM
Here is my demo of the Madbean Cherrybomb, an early build of mine and one of my favorites. This video is kinda long but this pedal does so much and sounds great. I am still working on the talking head audio part, I have tried a couple different mic set ups to improve this part.
Build Reports / Puns Needed! Executive Fuzz
September 20, 2020, 03:08:19 PM
What do you do when you have a bare enclosure, an airbrush, way too much brown paint and are stuck home for another two weeks in quarantine?

I just watched a documentary on Ren and Stimpy and I remembered that I had drawn something ridiculous for my son a while back, i think it fits.

Now lets pun this baby to hell!

Oh yeah, its a jordan bosstone clone......
Build Reports / Blue Cal Dual Driver
September 02, 2020, 04:30:46 PM
Here is my Blue Cal Dual Drive, it is a sweet two in one overdrive. This is also the debut of my Youtube Channel where I will be posting videos every other Wednesday to show off some builds and shitty guitar playing.

Here is the pedal

Here is the demo
Open Discussion / The Wavelord!
August 31, 2020, 01:41:40 PM
Holy balls, this thing is amazing! Has anyone else been completely knocked out by this pedal?

Brian you hit it out of the park! I ordered the glasshole just to do the tap tempo link (and because I love Phasers).

Really great job, if anyone is on the fence get it, it is a new staple for me.
Build Reports / Recent giveaways.
July 15, 2020, 05:13:00 PM
I recently had the opportunity to have guitar lessons with two of my personal guitar heroes and with my webcam back drop being all pedals they were curious and I offered to send a bunch there way. Here is some of what was sent....

ZEE UBER TUBER, I love this pedal and for the longest time it sat unpainted and then inspiration struck. It needed a cult of distortion member and once I did one I decided to paint another. They need more distortion, they need you to flip the switch.
Built on 12/07/2018 and painted 03/08/2020

Here is a Woodstork, built 01/14/2019 and painted the day before shipping 05/04/2020. Super great fuzz and the image came from a childrens book I read to my son one night. The fastest I have ever painted anything and it kinda shows.

Here is the VFE Merman, I tried to paint the name of a song title from this players solo album. This is the Jacofish and is a standard VFE Merman, was built 08/15/2019 and painted 06/27/2020.

Here are a bunch that I posted on the forum of those builds.

Procrastinator, a slow gear clone. Built never bonded with it, painted a flower on it for my moms birthday present.

Mantle Fuzz, MXR Blue Box clone. My sone said it sounded like ogre farts, here is an ogre farting.

Sea Horse, EQD Sea Machine.

Bayonet, Blackout Effectors Musket fuzz. Airbrushed enclosure with orange enamel and then hand painted. When tipping the bottom up to paint the foot the paint ran and gave me the 'Opportunity" to put a speech bubble.

Open Discussion / Happy Fathers Day!!
June 21, 2020, 05:46:00 PM
I hope all of you fathers out there get to spend time with your families today and have a great day.
Build Reports / Sagan Delay V2.1
June 15, 2020, 09:33:08 PM
Here is my Sagan Delay V2.1, picked the board up from carcharias effects and the mind of diablochris. This is such an incredible delay and a challenging build but worth every second. If you don't know about it, it uses three pt2399 chips to simulate a RE-201 and has toggles for every head plus a great buffer circuit and modulation and kill dry....... the list goes on and on. Such a cool delay and it is easy to great sounds out of it. I build this fairly stock except for the modulation circuit, I found it to be really seasick and not what I would prefer. I pulled out the original LDR and swapped it with a different one (which eludes me at this time) and then kept the leads really long to pull it back and test out what worked. As you can see from the pictures it is way back but it makes the modulation on the repeats subtle and beautiful.

I tried using an airbrush for the first time with this pedal and the results were really mixed. The final outcome is actually the third attempt. Getting the paint consistency right and using the right technique has really been a challenge. What I did is print out on card stock the original artwork and cut out the different colored sections and then tried blowing them on the enclosure, that took three tries to get right and in the end you can still see some of the green that misted over in the mod section. Once the white and green were down I hand painted the lettering and lines and silver, it turned out okay and was a nice change of pace instead of painting monsters and weird shit.

I hope you all like it

Build Reports / Chicken Head
May 24, 2020, 03:06:00 PM
Here is my latest painted pedal, built on May 5th and painted only 19 days later on the 24th. This is a huge deal for me because usually I take forever to get anything done and it marks the first time I took pictures along the way to detail my steps with painting.

Here is the first step, I sketch the initial drawing using acrylic black paint and a 18/0 fine liner brush. I also do the lettering at this point.

Next up is the primary color that I fill in and hope to dry so I don't completely smudge it later, I also fill in around the lettering.

Next stage is filling in the other colors and the outer boarder of the lettering. I then took it upon myself to smudge the bottom right corner.

Here is the stage where i start the different shades and paint mixing to make it look less boring. I also did not like the color of the beak and changed that.

Final step is the line work, putting on the final touches and the last of the lettering.

Here is a better picture of the end result.

And the obligatory gutshot.

In total I think this took about two hours to complete, hope you all like it.
General Questions / DeadendFX Atomic Duck ICs
May 12, 2020, 07:09:11 AM
Next on the to do list are four Deadendfx builds, of which I am missing the 3080th ics for the atomic duck.

After a string of weird pedal build errors, I am losing my mind and doubting myself hard And cannot for the life of me find this chip. Is it just the ca3080 that gets used in compressor pedals? I feel like I am over thinking this and going bonkers.

I recently built the sagan delay and love the delay sounds but before i can call it complete and do a build report, I have to double check with all of you about the modulation from the lfo.

It is crazy, like over the top sea sick warbly. The subtle setting is almost off and otherwise it is really overpowering.

Is this correct? Is it supposed to be like that? Is there a way to reduce it?

Thanks for any help. It sounds really cool with the PedalPCB Organ Grinder in the loop
Open Discussion / Lets talk about strat pickups
March 19, 2020, 05:14:07 PM
On March 18th my main strat turned 20 years old, it is old and beat up and absolutely wonderful. I have been kicking around the idea of swapping out the pickups, going from its current S/S/S set up to SSH. I just changed strings and took the pickguard off to find it is already routed for that set up.

I am sure someone here has done it and I am hoping to get some feedback, did you enjoy it or have any regrets?

I would want to use push pull pots to split the bridge and another one to turn it on, so I could get some interesting tones that way.

This may be silly to do since i own a tele and les paul style and may just be overkill.
Build Reports / Spirit box plus MBP 4:1
March 08, 2020, 02:54:44 PM
Here is the spirit box, a nice little reverb with a control set that does the subtle reverb I like. I am not an ambient player really and prefer my reverbs really subtle and quiet. Surprisingly for an EQD clone it has the ability to do that and like EQD pedals you can get kinda weird if you want.

I wanted to post the MBP 4:1 with this to show how far I have come as a painter, I painted the 4:1 on August 20th 2018 and the spirit box was painted on March 3rd 2020.

Pretty cool to see the progress, I wish my playing could take leaps like that.

MBP 4:1, This is my go-to shape for elephants when I do squeeze bottle pancakes for my son. Spirit Box, built November 6th 2018 and painted March 3rd 2020.

Build Reports / Effects Layout Odd One Out
March 05, 2020, 05:26:12 PM
Here is an Odd One Out, a take on the classic Boss OD-1. I love reading PCB build docs, even on stuff I never will build, and in this one he states "it is my favorite sounding overdrive". I had to build it, I had to, I needed it. So I built it and I didn't really like it, at all. It was kinda harsh in the top end and I didn't gel with it. Originally when I built it I used a quad op amp that I had laying around which was a LF347, I figured I would try swapping out a different op amp to see if that made it any better. I went to my local electronics shop and grabbed a NTE 859 and ran it into the Mesa Fillmore 50 and it sounds really good. I like to keep the gain low around 9 o'clock and the level around 2 o'clock and it has some magic in it.

The ogre is just eyeing you like you are dinner or his next conquest......

Built on 10/22/2019 and painted 2/12/2020

I was a fuzz face nut my whole guitar playing life until I built the Dung Beetle from PedalPCB. It is a clone of a Basic Audio Scarab Deluxe which is a clone of a tone bender. It does the fuzz but with out a ton of the low end and it has the spittery thing that is so much fun. I painted barney from the Simpsons on it and since it has become so addictive I wrote my favorite Barney quote on the bottom "Hook it to my veins!".

I finished this build and painted it before I started transitioning to the different lettering style, I was hoping to have a demo of it to present but not quite yet.

Once my brother played the Barney he wanted one so I made him this...

No Rick is complete with out his Morty.

This circuit is my first attempt and a non manufactured pcb build. I bread boarded an idea and then put it together on an amazon board. It is essentially a DAM Red Rooster but with a bc108 and clipping, I like that with it I can use my guitar volume to go from clean (2) to distorted (10).

Last but certainly not least is the Bluth Banana Stand aka the MBP Stage Fright, currently my favorite Phaser and always been my favorite show.

Open Discussion / Dad conundrum (what do I do)
February 25, 2020, 11:05:14 PM
My wife and I have booked a trip to Disney World for the three of us and we have yet to show our six year old any star wars films.

This is the hard question, what do you start with?

She suggested the recent trilogy because it was action packed and he would love the fighting.

I said original trilogy because it is THE trilogy and it Is the basis of everything.

What do any of you think? Has anyone taken there kids to Disney World lately and have any recommendations?
Audio/Video Demos / Flugelhorn Fuzz Demo Song
February 19, 2020, 09:12:35 PM
I think I am starting to get the hang of this recording thing. I actually used a couple plugins and some mastering software, so it doesn't sound completely half assed.

The chords are c#m-A-E-A then c#m-A-E-E, super easy and just a fun little thing to noodle over. For the recording almost every guitar was my 20 year old strat into the fuzz into the front end of a Mesa Fillmore 50 on the clean channel mic'd with a shure sm57 off axis into a Neve style pre with a little bit of compression to keep from blowing out the interface.

The verse tracks feature also a tremolo pedal and the dirt baby for some slight slapback, and the chorus right rhythm has my sg with 90s to fill in the sound. The only time I adjust the pedal was for the solo where I turned the gain up from 10 o'clock to maybe 2 o'clock and when I used it on the bass track I turned it up and adjusted the eq.

The plugins I used were a little plate reverb on the left rhythm verse part and on the solo I put on a valhalla vintage verb and a memory man style delay.


A little back story, my son is providing some vocal parts. Last year my brother Patrick handed my son a microphone and encouraged him to say potty words and filmed it to send to me. I thought it was time to return the favor, my kid had a blast and will be a constant addition to all further recordings.

Build Reports / My Glorious Dragons
February 13, 2020, 09:21:27 PM
I rave to everyone about this pedal! I have sent two out to friends as gifts, I will talk until I am blue in the face about it. I have made six, bought one and if I can swing it I will order another custom one while the shop is open. It is exactly what I want in a drive pedal, it has a shitload of volume on tap with a great eq section and works with every amp I plug it into.

This is my first, it is completely stock.

Here is another stock unit

Here is the other stock unit that went to another friend

Here are the three I kept that I have swapped out ICs and going to putz around with.

Here is an Aion Andromeda drive, clone of the Nobels ODR-1. Such a great overdrive in a tight 1590b, the smallest enclosure I like to use. I painted what my son has called a demon dog. The MBP Fant Pants jr is my go to boost, I love this circuit and sound so much. I am planning on buying a few more for multi pedals. The build was a kinda pain because I initially did not have any small capacitors so there was a lot of bent leads and bullshit that didn't end up working when i put the lid on. This is an old painting of a slug monster from one of Deans games, best fiends.