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Topics - copachino

General Questions / aion refractor pop
August 12, 2014, 01:50:55 PM
i got a pop from the refractor i got from Timbo(great pedal), but sometimes i get a big pop on the pedal, i know it has a resistor for that, but somehow its not working
can it be adapted for bass??, i was thinking on changing C2 for a 4.7uf udsing a spst toggle, to conver it on a guitar and bass distortion, but im not so sure, since c4 has a lot to do on that.
Tech Help - Projects Page / reamp box stuff
July 30, 2014, 06:05:37 PM
hi all, im like wanting to try this for recording, a reamp box i sea areally simple schematic from here but, seach the transofrmer and its a bit expensive about 30USD, and i sea that has 2 windings, so i was like he its using both windings?? or just using one and then leave off the other??

i have a mxr chorus that was fine, but now it engage thew effect when he want, the problem,its that my guitar stays clean but i can hear, the cxhorus on my noise signal, but not in the, signal path.... my guitar dont get chorus only my  buzz , has a chorus,what can be wrong??
Open Discussion / how about a laser cnc homemaded??
July 21, 2014, 04:35:45 PM
as a mechanical engineer, i been seeing some laser etched enclosure even they are from professional machine, i have a module for stepper motor from an old cnc project i maded, i still have some pieces and stuff, so i will only have to buy some pieces like the laser, and some aluminium structure, for that, i have in OSH park shared the drivers and the module  for the drivers, and Arduino board will be the interpreter from the program and the stepper drivers, drivers are able to make 1/8 step from the motors so i have 200 step motor(200 step per 360°), giving the main resolution to 1.8°, but the driver its able to make 1/8 so the total rosolution will be 0.225°, that its an insane resolution por DIY cnc machine, stepper are nema23, 2.5A per fase, machine will be 3 axis and only be using 2 axis in the laser engraver mode, but i want to leave 3 axis to just change the laser for a dremel and use it for machine engraver builds(probable pcb prototyping)its going to be a long journey and it will be taking months to complete, but if someone its interested i can post updates, source code, and plains of the machine, would it be any interest over here??
Open Discussion / size on 1590A
July 19, 2014, 04:26:59 PM
im under a englishman on a 1590A enclosure but im not so sure how many space i have on a 1590A enclosure, my pcb its 1.30x1.09 inches, but since i dopnt have a 1590A enclosure im not so sure about the size,  what are the space on the 9mm alpha  pots?? i have 0.15 inch spacement, and 0.1 for the spdt switch
General Questions / micro spdt pcb mount switches??
July 19, 2014, 02:23:47 AM
hi i hace make a layout for the lovepedal eglishman, the idea its to fit it on a 1590A enclosure with alpha 9mm pcb mount pots and also the clipping diode switch(fail on lovepedal), so i was wondering its that can be possible to do

2 layer board of 1.30x1.14 inches (35.56x28.91 mm), im not so sure if i can fit it on a 1590A enclosure, its says 2 layers but its only 1 layer pcb

switch has 0.1 inch distance pin to pin, and pot has 0.15  inch pin to pin
Tech Help - Projects Page / tone bender MKII clone
July 11, 2014, 01:02:59 AM
i have a tone bender MKII maked with the tonepad layout, and small bear transistors, but as the smallbear layout, the bias Q3 its set at -4.5v, some said the MKII professional were at -7.2v on Q3, but what do you think about it??. i want to hit thwe right MKII pro for a friend who its making a leds  zep tribute
General Questions / etched pcbs mbp pcbs
July 08, 2014, 07:41:49 PM
hi all, i want to share my etched pcbs as well, are 1 lavachefr4, one neutrino fr4 one karate shop cem4 and one lavache cem4, this are with solder mask on it, they are not perfect but are quite good, the cem4 has a little of rust on the solder pads, since its bean a couple of months since i etched them
General Questions / lavache only clean
July 07, 2014, 04:13:51 AM
hi all.i have a new problem im building a lavache for a friend, cos he has kidnapped mine, so i etched a new one, the problem its that i only get clean sound, and only happens when i connect the ring of the jacks, if i ground the rings the are no sound, or noise, the volume pot seems to be working but, i cant figure out what its the problem the clean sounds even if i take out the transistor, i have change the caps, and the transistor even jumper the pots and switches and its the same result, any idea where to start??
General Questions / fo-sho cuts sounds fuzz
July 04, 2014, 03:59:49 PM
hi all, i have build a fo-SHO from Rullywow, the main problem its that at max gain, sounds like a bad fuzz, and cuts freq like something goes wrong, but im not so sure, its possible to find what its wrong, or the booster its meant tobe like that
General Questions / vox v487 sounds wohh
June 23, 2014, 04:50:01 PM
i got my vox that its sounding like wohh, instead of wahh.. could it be the inductor, or maybe the swepp cap??
General Questions / uproar IC voltages help
June 19, 2014, 02:33:27 PM
does anybody has the voltages for the upraoar??, i have builded, and i get nothing, not even noise coming out of the circuit so maybe i got a mess, but im not so sure where, so maybe i can follow the ic voltagesto check out, if there its a problem there
General Questions / problem with bazz fuzz
June 16, 2014, 05:20:24 PM
hi, i have a porblem with a bazz fuss, its version i have already build and verified, but im building one for a friend, the main problem, its that i have build two of them and they have the same problem, even if i got the normal voltages, on th circuit, i only get clean, volumen pot, work but i only get clean and if i hit hard the string, sound a bit distor, but im not so sure where its the problem i have verified that board and have done a coplu of times, but this its the first time that happens this, may be a ground issues??
General Questions / 3PPR switch
June 13, 2014, 05:01:13 PM
Hi, i bought a 3PPR board, for my MKII builded, but i dont want to keep on using a 9V battery, so this was like a good way, but, in the build doc says, that the 3PDT must be installed on the silk screen side, but i have no space for that, so i was thinking maybe i can soder the 3PDT on the other side of the board, but im not sure if that can be done
Tech Help - Projects Page / BTDR3 eagle file
June 11, 2014, 04:15:16 AM
does anybody have the files for this module??? i want to make one reverb but im not so sure where to get this module as eagle lib.

Mods / lavache tone mode
June 08, 2014, 10:41:19 PM
hi i just build the lavache and sounds amazing, but i want to control the tone so, i want to add a mod, something like the image could work on this pedal?? i have done this mode in a bazz fuzz, but the gain wasnt at the input, so could it affect the gain of the pedal??
Build Reports / madbean lavache
June 06, 2014, 06:21:36 AM
well, im not so proud about this pedal, since i did not have the drive pot, and i have replace it with a 100KA pot intead of the 500KB on the original, diodes are 1N60p and 1N914, and transistor its 2N5088, will change those when the parts came from small bear, i has something i like a lot, something like a crunch coming out of it(as you can se the pictures, there its no boost switch, its jumpered to be on always, to add the crunch to the pedal...

tomorrow will post some inside guts, im not so good when making a goos wiring its about, but anyway feel free to coment.

General Questions / lavache and neutrino doubts
June 03, 2014, 08:02:38 PM
hi, i have some values not in stock for tis pedals, and i want to build them, but to buy so many parts its like expensive to me since i live outside usa,

so, i was thinking to change the values a bit, for the lavache overdive i only have 1KB and 100KA pcb mounts pots, maybe use both 100KA pots??, also, i dont have 3.3M resitors, i only got, 10M an 2.2M resistor, can use the 2.2M??

and for the neutrino i dont have the 150Nf capacitor onli 100nf, probably this will only affect the tone control, but im not sure..

i want the most the lavache but its the one with the less parts i have, will it work normal witht he changes??
hi all, i have a whammy and its now a true bypass, but, i want to add a mod that let me change the presets with a switch for up and down..

something like this, but im not so sure how to add it....