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Topics - madbean

Open Discussion / Ordering problems
September 14, 2010, 03:05:42 AM
A couple of folks have emailed me saying they are having problems ordering from the site. I've made a few code updates today to address the issues, but I would like to know if anyone is still having problems as of 09.13 10:00pm CST.
Open Discussion / Quick, easy tutorials
September 14, 2010, 03:03:53 AM
In lieu of the mega video tutorial set I'm going to crank out about all things stompboxes, I'd like to do a few quick and easy written tutorials to get some content on the "Learn" page. Is there anything you guys want to see demonstrated or have an explanation of? It could be anything that is a sort-of tip or shortcut, etc.
Build Reports / FatPants 2.0
September 13, 2010, 09:18:13 PM
The new projects page has been uploaded, along with the release of the five newly manufactured boards. I've tweaked the page into more of a category style, which I think helps organize things a little better. Also, I've added "archive" downloads that contains many of the older versions of the projects.

The five new boards available are for the Slambox, EgoDriver, Serendipity, Sabertooth and the Darkside. Each project has a new document with both the layouts for the fabbed boards, and for the single sided design. So, now you only need one document. A couple of the single sided designs were tweaked in minor ways, too.

Please let me know if you find anything that's broken. I think I've got everything tested, but I've been at this for a couple of days, so yeah...I'm a little burned :)
Build Reports / Darkside
September 10, 2010, 04:33:38 PM
Here's my Darkside using the new PCB. I modded it according to this post in the Mods section: using a 500kC drive pot with a 680pF Silver Mica. Sounds very good, although I think I will also replace the stock 10kA vol pot with 100k. Right now there are 1N60 clipping diodes, which I think I will also replace with BAT41. I socketed those for easy swapping.

The label is etched PCB....very nice alternative to traditional methods :)

Open Discussion / Couple more days
September 08, 2010, 02:38:59 PM
I'm a little behind schedule due to the holiday but I should have the new boards ready to order in a couple of days. I'm hoping to make some website changes to coincide with this, but we'll see how that goes.
General Questions / Univibe
September 07, 2010, 12:39:37 AM
Anyone interested in a Univibe project? That fits in a 125B?
Errata, Corrections, Revisions / Errata: Sunking
September 04, 2010, 04:58:49 AM
Okay, I done goofed. An error in the output section of the Sunking was pointed out to me by a fellow FSB member. Luckily, it is pretty minor and an easy fix. There are three resistors that need to be removed from the board, and put on the switch. Also, two wires will need to be moved to different pads due to the missing resistors. Attached below is a diagram on how to make the correction.

My sincere apologies on this oversight. While it is not a huge mistake, it is one that escaped me for some time, nonetheless. I have not compared the corrected version to the original, but I am currently finishing up the prototype for the revised Sunking board, so hopefully I can provide some insight on whether or not there is any difference, tone-wise.

Corrected project doc:


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General Questions / FatPants 2.0 preview
September 03, 2010, 01:02:16 AM
Hey guys,

I've just submitted the new version of the FatPants for manufacturing today, and thought I would give you all a little preview of the changes. I've made several modifications to the design which I think take it to the next level! Attached below are the schematic and layout.

Here are the changes:
Added 'Fat' control - 10kB variable resistor in series with a 470R resistor for added gain control
Added T1 - a trimpot for making biasing changes in the transistor
Changed Q1 to J201 - not pictured in the schem, but I found that a J201 adds a little more 'bite'
Changed volume pot to 100k and output resistor to 47k. This does two things: makes the output a little hotter, and lowers the overall output impedance from the original design.
Added 17v tap on the board so you can pull the voltage off the charge pump in case you are making a dual pedal with the FatPants and want to use 17v for your other FX
Also, I'm recommending a TC1044 for the charge pump. I've had very solid results with it, and you can also use up to 12v input on it if you want to bump the voltage up even higher.

I hope to get this built up in a few days to do some demos so you guys can get an idea of what the changes sound like ~and also show off my new box labeling technique :)  !

Oh yeah---these boards will be blue!

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Open Discussion / Anyone have a Ringtone?
August 27, 2010, 07:07:24 PM
I've been trying to get my hands on a used Ringtone for a while, but so far no luck. I'm looking for the older version.....the one with the Random/Step switch, not the Tap Tempo. If anyone has a lead, I would be most grateful!

Open Discussion / What to do with this?
August 26, 2010, 06:32:27 PM
I think I will have some fun!!

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Mods / Posting mods
August 15, 2010, 04:51:24 PM
To keep things clean, please title your mods posts similar to this:
Project name: brief description

For example, EgoDriver mod: less bass, and so on.

Please feel free to post any mod you have successfully performed that has improved the tone/quality/usability or functionality of a project you have worked on.
Mods / Darkside mod: Less bass, more highs.
August 15, 2010, 04:46:28 PM
A common complaint about the Darkside is that it is too bassy/dark sounding. Here are a few mods you can do to really open it up.

These changes will reduce the bass:
C1 - replace with 27n
C5 - replace with 47n
C18 - replace with 100n

These changes will retain more high end with the SUS control turned down:

SUS - replace with 500kC (or 500kB) and add a 470pF or 1n cap between lugs 3&2

Reducing C9, C12 and C14 to 470pF and/or C13 and C15 to 100n will also brighten things up if it is still too bassy for you.

Global Annoucements /!
August 02, 2010, 08:58:19 PM
I just got a huge shipment of copper clad in from my supplier. Finally, enough to last for a few months. The best part is the backing is a funky spotted lime green. I've never seen anything like it. Get ready for cool green boards!
Open Discussion / New Amp Day!
August 02, 2010, 08:35:08 PM
I've been jonesing for this fella for a couple of years. Finally convinced myself to buy it. I guess they were recently discontinued....harder to find now. I got this brand new from MF for $999, which is pretty marked down.

Sounds terrific! I prefer the Top Boost channel so far, but I also have heard it takes a while to break the Blue Dog speaker in.

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Global Annoucements / 7.25 - Store Closure
July 25, 2010, 04:31:14 PM
Guys, I'm sorry to have to close the store for a few days. We've suffered another loss in our family. Yesterday, my grandfather passed away. He was absolutely heart-broken by the loss of our grandmother two weeks ago and lost the will to go on. But, he went peacefully, as did she, and we are happy for that. They were married 68 years.

Anyway, I'm leaving town today and closing the store for the time being. Almost all orders will ship out today, but I want to give myself a little time to get caught up on other things when I return. I expect to re-open the store this coming Thursday. I know there are still some outstanding issues with debugging, and I will have internet access while I'm gone. So, I'll try to provide whatever assistance I can that way.
Global Annoucements / 07.13
July 13, 2010, 11:50:48 AM
I will most likely be leaving town for a few days very soon. I have a sick relative that is in pretty bad shape. Luckily, most orders are out (up to about 7-8 days ago). I will notify anyone who has an outstanding order that might be affected by my absence.

In the meantime, some of the other things I'm supposed to be doing (some debugging/side projects) will be on hold, too, so please stick with me! It's been a frustrating week battling an awful upper-respiratory infection and now a sick grandma :(
Open Discussion / For the love of GOD!
July 05, 2010, 06:14:24 PM
"Why does it take so long to ship orders?" you might wonder. Just a little peek into what I've been doing the last few days.

Mind you, I'm NOT complaining...I'm lucky to be successful. At the same time, when things get this out of control, I see little pieces of my sanity being etched away with the copper on these guys :) I swear, I'm never moving again!

Good changes are coming though, and soon.
Requests / Sub-mini tube amps
July 04, 2010, 11:55:27 PM
Any interest in this kind of project? I've been considering one for myself for a while...even have the tubes and enclosure. I've just never gotten around to designing anything.
Global Annoucements / 06.26 - Online and Gearing Up
June 26, 2010, 08:18:43 PM
Folks, the move was a success...we are in our place and I am in the process of setting up shop. Tennessee is great, and the area we live in is very laid back and quiet. Time to make some noise!

I've only gotten internet access just an hour ago...there are a lot of threads and emails for me to respond to, so please be patient. And, there are orders to fill, so I will be busy getting caught up.

I'll have more later....I need to check out all these new threads first :)