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Topics - lincolnic

Tech Help - Projects Page / Road Rage wiring
October 24, 2010, 01:33:07 PM
So I'm about to build two of the PAiA ring mod kits (one for me, one for one of the studios where I work), and they need bipolar power supplies. Perfect opportunity to use the new Road Rage boards...except I have no idea how to wire them up. Can anyone help me out? For what it's worth, I'll be building them into the same enclosures as the ring mods.

Also, what exactly do I need for the regulator? I get a few results when I search for "regulator" on Small Bear, but I'm not sure which to get.
A friend of mine wants me to build him a pedal - he's been using a Boss Metal Zone, but feels he's ready to graduate to something fuller and warmer (his words). My immediate thought was maybe a Kokbox, but I figured I'd ask and see if you guys had any other recommendations. Maybe a Chunk Chunk? Some kind of Big Muff? Something I haven't thought of at all? Speak to me, hivemind.
Looking at the PDF documentation for most of these projects, I've noticed that they use a wiring method I've never seen before. Granted, the only other pedals I've built have been kits from BYOC, but their method makes sense to me, and I'm not experienced enough with this to really understand what's going on in the Madbean wiring method.

I guess my question is, is there a particular benefit to wiring using the method in the documentation versus the BYOC method? Is it just personal preference?

And, if someone has the time, could you break down what's actually going on in the Madbean method? I'd really appreciate knowing why it works. Thanks!