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Topics - matmosphere

Open Discussion / this guitar is HOT
December 17, 2017, 06:09:15 PM
A trilogy of Escobedo circuits. First the Jawari i entered in last years boty

Followed by a Bronx Cheer, and an Uglyface.

After the Jawari I decided I needed to do pedals with the other members as well.

Open Discussion / Circuit snippets in pcb?
November 05, 2017, 12:10:42 PM
Anybody know of Escobedo circuits that have pcb's. just curious, thinking about learning eagle and trying my hand at layout design.
There was a player piano and many piano rolls in the house while I was growing up. They are fascinating to watch in action. As a kid I would spend hours mesmerized by it. The movement of the keys, the various controls, and the brilliant vacuum system that was used to "read" the rolls. I always wanted to learn piano but never had the opportunity but I was able to pick up a few things here and there watching it play itself.

That piano is probably why I got so into music when I was young.

This guy converted a very old player piano that ran on a vacuum system into a midi controlled player piano that still runs on the vacuum system. It's a great write up. Tons of details.

Personally I wouldn't have added te screen. I think it makes for a starker contrast to have it look old but have some digital controls hacked in. To each his own I guess. It is an amazing achievement though.
Open Discussion / Prince's favorite color?!? Purple?
August 30, 2017, 11:43:52 PM
I know there are a lot of prince fans lurking about these parts. Quiet surprising story. It would seem the Purple One's favorite color was not purple.

It's nice to catch the occasional shocking news that isn't also terrible or sad. Next they're going to tell us J Mascis' favorite color isn't purple.
Open Discussion / Tayda 4558 vs others
August 18, 2017, 12:10:51 AM
I was wondering if anyone's has sat down and really compared tayda 4558's to ones from somewhere like smallbear. I know that some of tayda's ic are looked down on. I haven't used many but i have used their 4558s in a few builds.

Is it worth getting jrc4558 from somewhere like smallbear and replacing the Tayda ones?
Open Discussion / This is pretty sweet
July 26, 2017, 01:46:11 PM
I don't know how huge of an engineering feet this actually is these days with all the tiny smd stuff but it is pretty cool. Reminds me of all those early Dan Armstrong and EHX boxes.

Although I probably wouldn't think it was as cool if it wasn't a Rat.
Introductions / Anybody looked at tayda lately?
July 05, 2017, 04:06:39 PM
Just noticed they now carry Panasonic electros, and some Wima Caps. Seems they might be upping their game a bit
I'm getting a loud ticking when I test out the circuit. There is audio signal passing through but it seems to be muted. I noticed that disconnecting the 9v wire makes the ticking slow down for a few seconds before stopping. Disconnecting the ground is similar but the ticking gets much louder. The build is pretty much stock except I didn't have a 2n3565 so I used a 2n3694 that was ~ 120 hfe.

Has anybody encountered an issue like this before on a percolator? I'm guessing that the problem is a cap in the power section because audio passes.

Just thought I'd see if anybody had a similar issue before I launch into troubleshooting this one.
One popped up on the local Craigslist for really cheap, less than I think I could build an analog tap-tempo delay with divisions and modulation. Has anyone used any of the Memory Boy line? I figure they mostly have the xvive chips in them now, but I haven't seen inside it yet.

It's cheap enough that I figure it's worth a shot either way.
has anybody tried this? Might make for a fun project. I figure in the Muff it would fall in right where the tone circuit is, but I started to think it might work better in front. I figure if it replaced the tone control the last gain stage would need some modding.

The Hyperion might be fun to mess with.
Open Discussion / Percolator builders
May 04, 2017, 11:28:34 PM
I just got some 2n404a's from Newark for $2 each, way cheaper than I've seen them anywhere else.

Just thought I'd give the heads up.

These guys are an amazing and very influential band from my hometown Dayton Ohio. Everyone knows Dayton for the Wright brothers, Guided by Voices and The Breeders but Brainiac is really a hidden gem. I used to go see them every chance I got. It's a pretty tragic story unfortunately and I think it'll make a great documentary if it gets made.

It would also help to raise the profile of a really great band.

At the. Very least check out the trailer.

Even Luke Skywalker himself wants this to happen.

I've wanted a fender Bass VI for a long time but never had the money together for one. I was happy when the squier came out but bummed when they raised the price. Figured I'd find one used at some point and snag it up. Then I saw this...

It totally checks a lot of boxes on the weird spectrum that I enjoy. It's a hefty price tag considering I hardly have time to play these days and I have four guitars and two basses already.

Anybody have experience with Eastwood? I've been following them for a long time but there isn't a dealer near me so I am unsure of the quality.
Open Discussion / WTF!!! Seriously
March 29, 2017, 03:55:42 PM
I just found a fucking crusty half rusted bullet on the floor of my classroom. It's clearly not something that would ever actually fire from a gun, but WTF!
Open Discussion / Boost before or after a Fuzz?
March 17, 2017, 10:15:51 PM
Hey guys I'm putting together my Ultra '78 and I am thinking about putting in a SHO in the same pedal. Anyone have an opinion on placement. I haven't decided on which order to do.

I'm also thinking of doing the J Mascis Volume control bypass instead of a SHO, but I can't decide. Partly because I'm not sure how to do an LED with the volume knob bypass.
Open Discussion / Vox ac50, anyone ever use one?
February 17, 2017, 01:51:56 AM
One of these just popped up locally for a very good price but I've never tried a 50, I've always wanted a ac30.

Anybody ever compared one to an ac30? Does the 50 have that same Vox chime?
Open Discussion / Dirt cheap looper pedal.
February 09, 2017, 02:13:09 AM
just stumbled on a looping pedal from a company called Ammoon. I have long sworn off cheap Chinese clones, and have never really felt the need to have a looping pedal, but this is so cheap it has made me curious. I've also never seen a DIY solution for this type of pedal.

Anybody on here ever tried one?

Says it can record ~12 minutes and the reviews seem positive. Think it's even smaller than a 1590a.
Build Reports / And then there was Muff
January 27, 2017, 04:04:26 AM
I finally conquered my white whale!!

This is my third attempt at building a muff, and the first on that actually works. My second build (attempt) was a Dice Works Muff Diver that I could never get working. I also tried to build a different muff on vero more recently, but for whatever reason I could never get either working.

I've never been a huge Big Muff fan. Most of the Muff's I've played were the more recent NYC version, and I could never get into them. I am however a big Dinosaur Jr. fan so I've alway figured there has to be something to them.

This time I used the fantastic Notorious BIG board from Stomptown. It was a fun build and I really like the layout. I tried to be as clean as I could with the wiring this time around. It's built to Violet Ram's Head specs and I'm really digging the sound so far.

The movie that I took the artwork from came out a year before the BMP, but it's such a great movie I couldn't resist. As usual (for me) the art is printed on the underside of a transparency and sprayed white, then put on the pedal and finished with a few coats of miniwax clear laquer. With a little prep you can get some really nice looking results.

I want to find better knobs for it, the ones I had originally picked out don't look right. I think the Russian BMP knobs would look pretty cool on it. Time to stop typing, all this talk of Big Muffs and knobs, I don't want people to get the wrong idea about this place  ;)
Open Discussion / Source for Russian BMP knobs?
January 26, 2017, 03:09:43 PM
Anybody know of a dealer who sells these?