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Topics - copachino

Tech Help - Projects Page / noisy whammy
October 08, 2014, 12:52:03 AM
i all, i have a whammy problem its like if the pedals its grounding me with the guitar when fx in on, the padal works fine, but when i touch the strings, or any grond pont in my guitar i get noisy and i hear the guitar and the fx but i hear more the noise...,, i have check and nothing seems wrong, ehat can it be, its no supplky i have checked that.
Open Discussion / what its this preamp??
September 30, 2014, 11:45:26 PM

im not so sure if its my lack of knwoledge but, i think something its missing on this schematic
Open Discussion / mesa image
September 30, 2014, 06:13:57 PM
hi, im looking for the mesa engineering logo, for a chunk chunk build does anybody have it
General Questions / cave dweller early oscillations
September 28, 2014, 09:21:47 PM
hi, i just build a cave dweller, and finally fixed all, but on dwell poti dont even past from = to 1 and starts oscillating, so im not sure what may be the problems, here are what i change from the real values, on R6 instead of 2k i used a 2.2k, and onc6, instead of 47nf, i used 2 22nf in parallel, and the dwell pot its 100Kb, delay sound nice on echo, but on dwell, oscillations make it impossible to used, does the values i change has something to do??, or its something else??, also, the pt2399 its wonking ok on a sea urching, so its no a bad IC problem.

also i still have a real hot reg, its normal??, its working ok, but it comes real hot just when i plug it, so for longer times, may be a problem or its normal that the reg its hot??
Tech Help - Projects Page / how to meassure a OT
September 28, 2014, 02:27:43 AM
hi, im like wanting to know how its tested a OT, i have an old one and coils seem not grounded or broken, but im not sure if i can meassure something else tobe sure
General Questions / 1590A jacks
September 26, 2014, 05:55:52 PM
i have builded a small booster a SHO with rullywow layout, but i see many people that build with larger pcbs, like a zero point micro, but in my experience. i cant fit switchcraft open frame jacks and leave enpug space up for the pcb, i tried that  on my SHO and was a real fail, because when i plug the cable it gets grounded and its really hard the un-plug, now i want to fit a cavedeweller, but again open frame jacks are too big, i see mad beans uses some low profile jacks, but link on small bear its dead, any sugestions??
Tech Help - Projects Page / fx on-off switch
September 18, 2014, 08:25:34 PM
i have a for my roland amp, but i want to know how they work, and if its possible to make one, maybe its a spst switch, but im not so sure how its wire to turn on and off the fx of my amp, any ideas??
General Questions / cave dweller only noise, reg hot
September 18, 2014, 03:20:35 AM
i just tested my cave dweller, and i get nothing, just noise, but regulator its really hot, reg out its 4.8v so i think its working 0k, so here are some voltages i took from the pt2399

1: 4.8v
2: 2.8V
3: 0v
4: 0v
Tech Help - Projects Page / MMCP vs ceramic disc
September 17, 2014, 07:11:17 PM
i was wondering, what ots better for a 1590a build(cave dweller), i have a build(not tested) with ceramic disc capacitors, but i got(from waste) some MMCP for the build, also a tantalum 10u, so i was wondering, could it be that disc are too noisy?? or something??, or i should go on poliester caps??
Tech Help - Projects Page / lofo mofo diode
September 06, 2014, 02:40:07 PM
hi, i just got interested by this crappy fx, i got all to build it

but i dont have the shoktty diode, but as i see its used as a signal diode, i have a bat41 and some germanium over here, maybe those will be ok, but im not sou sere, other thing i see its that the layout image doesnt show the diode polarity, can it be putted the way i want, and not affect signal??
hi all, i have really bad luck with jfets most particular with j201, i want to build a plexidrive, but  i always have bad fets, but maybe would be cool tro convert taht or maybe a smaller circuit into a mosfet drive,

i know i cant just stick the mosfet wgere the j201 are, but what can i change in generals??
i have many errors this week, i tried to repair por on SHO(fo-SHO version), chage a bad pot on lavache, and my own layout of the english man stopo working too, and i dont know why, seems everything fine, nothing burned, nothing jumpered, solder are good, and had reflow some just in case, but i get nothing, i hear on the SHO the crackled pot but i cant hear sound, i hear the pop alse but no sound(in fact sounds like ground) so im thinkin on use a audio probe to track my mistakes, or bad componetes, but i have never manage to work something, even the simplest RG keen just a cap con a guitar cable never worked for me...

so does anybody have a layout of a pcb audio probe willing to share??
Open Discussion / real power vs non real why?
August 27, 2014, 01:24:20 PM
i have a big question like forever... ita a about amps, why the sell as non real real power??. example my car amp, says its 1700WATTS, but i can only deliver like 100W of real power, where o they get those 1700W??.

i am thinking they sell feed power and not audio power... or that what i think, but im not sure... does anyone knows something??
General Questions / SHO and buffer pop
August 26, 2014, 06:09:50 PM
hi, i have a SHO clone(fo-SHO), and i have added a buffer, its a small dual buffer, but, when i engage the pedal i get the pops, it was supposed to know that the SHO does not need an input to ground resistor, because of the high impedance of the input, but i get that pop always,

do i put a resistor to stop that'?
General Questions / how this jacks are called??
August 19, 2014, 01:28:12 AM
im not so sure how to search this jacks the ones in red
General Questions / buffer and boost
August 17, 2014, 03:04:38 PM
i want to build a sho and a buffer in one pedal, but im not sure, if the buffer would be better on the output, and id like to be always on, the pcbs are differents, the buffer its a dual buffer, the second buffer would be on a others jacks to make the last on the loops and go direct to the amp, but im not so sure on how to wire the first to be always on and only activate the booster, can it be done??
this its my first try on laser etching, i think the artwork was really bad, and the laser cut some parts till the enclosure, but i think its ok.

Open Discussion / dry film?? its only me??
August 15, 2014, 03:11:04 PM
i feel like a complete alien with this paper, many have never seen it and many have seen it but never tried it, im the only one who use this papers??, i use it for etching and to apply solder mask...

has anyone tried it before??, i know thispapers are for professionals machine at fabbed factories, so they are the best resolution and quality one can get, but at home that quality gets lower by the hands of the user without any machine.

but i get top quality results with them though...
Open Discussion / timmy OSH anyone?
August 13, 2014, 04:05:00 PM
im looking for a timmy board shared on OSH, i played one and sounds really good, but i never like vero(never ad a sucessful project), so if anyone has a shared project let me know
Open Discussion / BLMS 3pdt opinions?
August 13, 2014, 01:46:11 PM
hi, i have always bought from Lawrence enclosures and switches and some times DC jacks, but sometimes i get that some 3pdt stop working in a while, i know they are cheap, but could it be that its me the one how apply to much heat??, i have seen sometimes that i melt the red protector on them and some lugs have moved..