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Topics - irmcdermott

Build Reports / Lovetone Doppelganger - Work In Progress
November 14, 2012, 04:53:50 AM
Alright. I'm stuck waiting for my LDRs to get here to actually be able to build this up, but in the mean time, here is where I am at....

The enclosure. This is my first full attempt using the PulsarDecalPro system. Love this product. HUGE learning curve, but I'm looking at this thing and cannot believe that I did this. I was going to do white on black, but the enclosure came to me already green, so I changed the lettering to gray. Really happy with it. The cloudy areas are just adhesive that I can remove in a few days. So pumped about this...

And, the circuit board awaiting the LDRs....

Open Discussion / Pulsar Decal Pro Questions
October 28, 2012, 10:03:50 PM
Couple of questions for you all using this system for your graphics before .

jimmybjj was kind enough to answer my question regarding clear coating over it. But I just wanted to ask what you all do for finishing to protect it, or is it strong enough that it will withstand the standard abuse fairly well?

also, are you all using the recommended GBC laminator, or something else? would rather not have to replace my current laminator if i don't need to.
Build Reports / TS808 + SHO
September 06, 2012, 06:56:11 PM
Been a long time since I've posted a build report.

Had someone as me if I could build them a TS808 with a SHO after it. So I did. Since I was selling this one, I worked up my own PCB layouts for the circuits (although I'll admit there is heavy inspiration from the tonepad layout on the 808, but they are not identical).

Really happy with the look, and the sound of this one. I powder coated this one with Columbia Coatings Surf Green powder. Since the TS808 is such a classic circuit and I have a love for classic cocktails, I had my brother (an illustrator) draw up a sketch of an Old Fashioned to use on my decal. The only thing I wish were better (as with all of my builds) are the guts.

Thanks for looking.

Open Discussion / Blackstone Appliances potentiometers
September 05, 2012, 12:45:07 AM
Hey guys,

I've been searching but don't have a clue what they are called. Does anyone know what those flathead screwdriver adjusted pots that Blackstone Appliances uses in their MOSFET drive? Have a pretty unique request on my bench that would require one.
General Questions / Afterlife on Bass. Mods?
August 28, 2012, 02:16:53 PM
Finishing up an Afterlife build for a friend for his bass. I've read elsewhere that people have used the flatline on bass with good results. I was slightly underwhelmed by it. Sounds great on guitar, but through my bass the compressor didn't seem to be as responsive. Would this be a simple change to C1? Any thoughts are definitely appreciated. Thanks everyone.

Open Discussion / Repurpose this Wah Shell?
August 05, 2012, 06:21:32 PM
Hey guys,

I've been wanting to buy a wah shell and keep checking craigslist for broken one (but living in Nashville, you won't find people selling too much broken gear on there). I'm currently winning an auction for a busted Crybaby, but also stumbled across these cheap wah pedals for $30 shipped. Can't tell much from the picture, but wanted to see if anyone has gone this route, or if you all think it would be worth it for building a Weener, or expression pedal, or something.
Open Discussion / JHS Honeycomb Deluxe workalike?
July 30, 2012, 04:03:08 PM
Can we put our heads together figure out a way to do something like the Honeycomb? I've searched but haven't found any thing like it in the DIY realm yet.

How difficult would it be?
Open Discussion / TS808 Clipping
July 27, 2012, 04:51:09 PM
Hey everyone,

Did a layout for and just built my first TS808 clone (shocking, I know). On my layout I included all the "expensive boutique mods" from GGG. Wanted to ask those of you that have done it, is there almost no difference whatsoever between the center position and the LED clipping of the on-off-on switch? i thought the center position was supposed to be more of a boost. trying ti figure out if this is normal, or if there is something fishy with my layout/switch.

Open Discussion / Mouser Shipping
July 24, 2012, 05:16:13 PM
Just placed a new order at Mouser and noticed that they now have a "Pre Determined Shipping" method. FOr my small order of like $8 it was $5.99. Not sure if this is a new flat shipping, or if it's variable. I didn't use it this time, since I know I can get it cheaper with their cheapest option for the amount of stuff I ordered from them in a bind. 
Hey everyone,

Been thinking of doing a JHS Double Barrel-esque pedal with a KOT on one side of it. I was wondering for those of you that use the KOT, I only want to have one external diode switch rather than two, so of the clipping options, it there 1 of the 2 that you recommend I jumper to always have connected in the circuit and then have the other switch as an external option.

Open Discussion / Transformers in Parallel
July 12, 2012, 03:03:58 PM
Just thought I'd ask this in the open discussion section, but I've been searching the web and cannot find a concrete answer. I'm planning on building a power supply with the Weber transformer and want to know if it is possible to run the primaries of two transformers in parallel off the 120V main? I'm sure I'd need to up my fuse, but does anyone have any experience with this or can at least tell me if it's ok to do?.

I think I can fit both, and enough jacks in the enclosure i'm working with, and that way I can have isolated 9V and 18V and not have to tie a bunch off. Thanks!

Open Discussion / MXR-esque knobs
July 06, 2012, 04:23:51 PM
A buddy of mine and I went halfsies on this lot from China. I'll report back.

The description is a little confusing, but basically it's for 20 sets of 3 knobs (each set is 2 large and 1 small). So this is a lot of 60 knobs total, 40 large, 20 small. With the free shipping it's $0.63 per knob, which is comprable to our other suppliers, but with the free shipping it's a little cheaper. It's also coming from China, so who knows how long it will take to get here. I'll report back once they arrive with shipping time, quality, etc. Just thought I'd share the love.
Open Discussion / Strymon Delays
June 30, 2012, 11:49:32 PM
Hey guys,

So just wanted to ask some of you Strymon owners your thoughts on some stuff. I'm really torn between the El Capistan and the Brigadier... but then I look at the Timeline and I'm like "woah, that's awesome."

Reading about the Timeline though, don't you essentially have both the El Cap (dTape setting) and Brigadier (bBucket setting) in that one pedal? So essentially, you could spend $450 on the Timeline and save $150 than if you bought both the El Cap and Brigadier separately, correct? Or am I missing something?

Open Discussion / Tayda Right Angle Plugs
June 23, 2012, 01:04:03 AM
Has anyone used them? Building a new pedalboard from the ground up, so I see a lot of soldering patch cables in my future....
Open Discussion / My mom....
June 15, 2012, 08:22:44 PM going to make this for me to hang above my workbench :)
Nothing too special going on here. Just a GGG BSIAB2, only I went with all 2N5457s (like the cmatmods Brownie), sounded smoother on my setup then having the 2 J201s in there. Everything else is stock.

3/4 View

Overhead View

Guts and Bottom Lid


And because Instagram makes my pedals cooler....

I know JHS has a Charlie Brown pedal, oh well :)


Build Reports / Obi-Wan Compressor/Booster
May 30, 2012, 04:30:17 AM
Hey gang,

Had a friend ask me, "Can you build me a Strymon OB.1?" I said "No, but I can build you an optical compressor and clean boost in one box and it's the same concept."

Here is what resulted. The boards may look familiar, since I was building this one for cost and not making money, I used existing layouts (which those who know me know that if I am building for money, I make my own PCB layouts). The compressor is Bajaman's layout of the Demeter Compulator, and the boost side is madbean's Thunderpuss board. It was interesting fitting the two boards in the case with everything else. Sounds good. Good enough that I may just take the time and make a layout in Eagle for it to call my own.

Powder is Columbia Coatings Dormant Sparkle Orange. Waterslide decal.

Here's the pics:




Let me know what you think!

First off.... I did not pick the name of this pedal :) And apologies to any who may be offended. The person that I built this for picked the name, I found that graphic on some website for a bowling league in Colorado :)

I did the pcb layout myself using the schematics that Devi has posted on FSB and her forum. I'll work on a build doc and throw it in the members projects if people are interested. The way I did the PCB was that I gave each circuit (Torn's Peaker and Soda Meiser), it's own power and grounds, but spaced the board mounted pots so that you could etch one board to build it like I have it here, or just one circuit independently in it's own box.

One little quirk that I wasn't able to fix was that when the "Tear" control of the Torn's Peaker is at either extreme, it feedbacks like a banshee when you stop playing. Just move the pot a little in either direction from the extreme and its fine.

I powder coated the box in my favorite color, Columbia Coatings Dormant Sparkle Copper, and the decal was done in Inkscape and printed on waterslides.

Here's some pics.

Open Discussion / A/B/Y with tuner mute
April 30, 2012, 04:10:24 PM
I found this thread at FSB, but it's a little unclear on if this would work. Thoughts?
I've never had a decent guitar amp (bass player primarily, although guitar is technically my first instrument), and I finally bought one that fits my needs. Just purchased a Vox Night Train 15W head and 112 cab. Love the sound of them and love that I will be able to go down to 7.5W when tinkering at home, but up to 15W if I need it to. WOOHOO! Thanks for sharing in my excitement. Thanks to all who helped me out by letting me etch boards for them.
