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Topics - matmosphere

Been a while since I've boxed anything up and I have encountered a new issue that is driving me nuts. I also don't have much in the way of equipment where I'm at right now.

Everything seems to be wired up correctly but I'm getting no sound even in bypass. Yellow wire is in, green out. Both jacks are wired to ground. What did I mess up?

Are the lumberg's wired backward?

Best I can figure I might have a bad switch.

The wiring is atrocious.
I am trying to come up with an easy way to test out an idea that is bouncing around in my head. Basically I want a simple circuit to take one input signal and split it into two outputs, where each output has a bendable effects loop.

I started with the guitar paratrooper over on tagboard effects, but looking over it again it won't get me where I want to be. I found the Split 'n Blend circuit on the Storyboardist site, but I couldn't find the schematic so I attempted to trace it.

Basically I took the idea of splitting the signal four ways, like in the AMZ FET splitter, and stacked two Split 'n Blend circuits together which seems like it would have the desired effect.

Would anybody be willing to take a look at this and see if I've made any mistakes? Other than leaving volume controls off each channel, and some circuit protection that is.
Open Discussion / NGD!
April 10, 2020, 12:29:15 AM
After about three weeks of not having any of my gear I finally found a guitar that is suitable for my current predicament. The Hofner Shorty. Got it on Craigslist for $80. Felt a little reckless using craigslist, but I talked with the guy beforehand to make sure we could do everything in a responsible way. Then I took it home and cleaned it about ten times with disinfectant wipes and threw the gig bag in a closet, where it will stay until long after any lingering germs will die.

I'm actually pretty impressed with it; the neck is nice, stays in tune pretty well, and the frets are level and no sharp ends. It's got the same scale length as a Gibson, so even with the small size it still feels about right when I play it. Surprisingly playable considering the size. Tends to dive a little toward the headstock but it is so lightweight it takes almost no effort to hold it up.

I haven't had a chance to plug it in yet, and I don't know if I will unless I buy an amp. But it's something to keep me entertained a little until I can go back home, whenever that is possible.

So guys this begs the question, anybody have a suggestion for an inexpensive, small (not much bigger than a shoebox) amp to go along with it? I have been looking at the 5 watt Monoprice champ clone but I'm on the fence. It's a little bigger than what I'd like considering we're probably going to have to bounce around a little bit over the next couple months (hopefully just a few). Wish I could find the older version, it seems like it's a little smaller. I thought about just building a Ruby, but I've come to the realization that because soldering can sometimes bother my asthma, I'm going to hold off on doing any builds for the time being.
Open Discussion / Where do you buy kits?
April 03, 2020, 01:15:45 AM
I've been doing this for years now, but due to some uncontrollable circumstances I find my self on a different continent than all of my stuff. I think I'll be able to borrow an iron from my brother soon but I don't have anything to build here. I was thinking dropping a few extra bucks for kits would make life easy.

The Aion stuff looks nice, and I know about BYOC, but is there anybody else out there in the US doing kits? I assume it won't be easy to get stuff shipped from overseas ATM.
This years BOTY is going to be quite epic.

I can't wait
Open Discussion / 3d printed Big Muff Knob
January 09, 2020, 03:13:50 PM
I was playing around in Tinkercad and made this. It's not perfect, but it's not bad either. Don't think there is much I can do to get a better resolution unfortunately. printed it white so it'd show up better in pictures.
VFE Projects / Split rail build question
October 19, 2019, 01:30:41 PM
Would it be possible to substitute a 7660 for the 7662? I think I've still got a couple 7660s from an old project but I can't find a 7662 locally and it takes forever to get orders to me now that I've moved overseas.
General Questions / mandroid switch question
October 10, 2019, 12:02:47 PM
I can usually parse out switching questions well by myself, but not sure about this one.

The project calls for a 1p12t switch. I have a 3p4t switch that looks similar is it possible to use in place of the 1p12t if I break off 2 of the poles?

I suspect the answer is no, but thought I'd check.
Thought I'd ask the collective group and get some thoughts.

I'm moving from the United States to eastern Europe at the end of the month and while most of my stuff is going into climate controlled storage I am starting to think about how to get a couple of guitars there with me. My wife's work is hiring movers for us (sweet deal right!) but it sounds like my guitar and bass are too big to fit in their flight boxes. The want to send them by boat because of the size. Taking them on the plane with me is probably not an option, because we'll have connecting flights and I'm not certain they will be able to be carried on, plus I've got to keep an eye on the three kids.

Does anybody have experience shipping guitars by boat across the Atlantic. I'm worried about humidity/ temperature changes damaging things. I suppose it is done a lot by overseas manufacturers to get their stuff to market so it is probably okay, but I want to do some research before committing one way or another. If I can push back and get them flown with our personal effects I think that would be best, just not sure it can happen.
Open Discussion / New Bass Day!!!
July 05, 2019, 01:48:30 AM
My brother built this for me from a this kit:

Turned out really well. He did a great job on the finish. It looks fantastic.

I upgraded the bridge to a hipshot drop in replacement, and I had Timbo wind some pickups for me. The neck is a thunderbird bass pickup, and the bridge is a slightly smaller p-bass pickup that fits under the hum bucker cover.

Had a chance to play it through and amp a little and it sounds great. it has a very nice growl.

Really digging it so far. My main bass for years has been an old (60's) Epiphone Rivoli, so the same body but short scale (30") which I actually prefer. The new one is a Fender scale (34") and hopefully will pull off the sound of the old rivoli and that p bass sound as well.
I'm thinking about looking for a weekend maintenance/set-up workshop this summer.

Anyone on here ever done something like that? Any recommendations for a good program?
Open Discussion / NGD!! Danelectro Hodad
January 30, 2019, 02:36:45 PM
Scored this a few days ago on craigslist for $180. I'm not a sparkle finish kinda guy but it's growing on me.

These are from the late 90's. I had a white one before and loved it but had to sell it to finance my move to DC with my wife (then GF). I sold 5 guitars when we moved and this is the only one that I've missed and even considered buying again.

It was dirty, in dire need of a setup, and had a minor issue with the output jack.  I used some Music Nomad cleaner and and some of their fretboard conditioner and man did they do a good job. Nothing I've used before was anywhere near as nice. Now that it's cleaned and set up it looks almost brand new, and plays great.

I really like the early Danelectro reissues, I think they are great guitars. I had 3 or 4 different ones back in the nineties, and have this and a DC59 now. I can't say enough good things about them. Can't speak to their newer stuff but if you ever get a chance to buy a Made In Korea Danelectro (late 90's, you can tell because they used an angled headstock) pick it up, you won't be disappointed.

Open Discussion / Oreo is the new goop
January 24, 2019, 04:55:43 AM
Interesting idea. Looks kind of neat, but it's completely impractical.

Open Discussion / 1590a compressor options.
November 24, 2018, 05:10:46 PM
I know brian has the afterlife, which is on the build list, but I need to put together a small comp really quick. Has anybody used the mictester really cheap compressor? Is it worth using, or should I just hold out and do a afterlife?

Any other options worth looking at?
I know the guitar amps have a great reputation but I never hear people talk about the bass amps. I saw a L2 head and cab at a shop the other day and I can't get it outta my head. It was pretty cheap and looked to be in decent shape.
At $25 how could I pass this up?

It's actually quite fun to play.
I spent a couple hours fixing a Moogerfooger ring mod for a friend. Ended up having a bad voltage regulator. Once I found the schematic, pulled it all apart and probed it for a while replacing the regulator took 5 minutes.

I'm not inclined to charge him for the work other than for the cost of the parts. This is just a hobby for me, but I think he wants to pay me for fixing it. Any thoughts on what a fair price for work like this is?
Open Discussion / Forum strangeness
April 08, 2018, 07:47:58 PM
Did the "unread post since last visit " link go away permanently or am I just not seeing it on my browser?

Anybody else notice that starting a few days back?
Someone is working on a pt2399 delay where the original note is clean and the repeats have a ring mod flavor to them. Neat idea, and the sound clips sound good. Much more musical than I was expecting. It also looks to be very low part count.;topicseen

I know many here probably already saw it ok diy stompboxes already but figured it wouldn't hurt to repost.
A friend has a broken ring mod and I was thinking of offering to take a look at it , only problem is all my equipment is 600 miles away at the moment. Wanted to see if I could bounce a few ideas off of someone who is familiar with them.

No signal passes anywhere. According to the led the switching works. I'm thinking with no sound at all the problem is probably in the buffer or the drive part of the circuit but I don't unfortunately have a way to test it.