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Topics - copachino

Tech Help - Projects Page / the never ending pop problem
December 01, 2014, 03:40:08 PM
hi all, i have a bad problem with my SHO circuit i have used many layouts, including Rullywow OSH pcbs, but i always have a pop in the pedal, i have used many different caps on the ouput cap its a 10uf, and nothing change, pulldown resisotors, now i will try with nichicon capacitors, but still im not so sure if that its the problem, does anybody have a problem like this in that circuit??
Open Discussion / does USPS its taking too much??
November 29, 2014, 10:07:35 PM
hi, i have 3 shipping pending since last week, they were suppossed to be 2 day shipping, but its been a week, and its showing ready to deliver since 25, but doesnt update or deliver
Tech Help - Projects Page / ROG UMBLE
November 28, 2014, 03:29:57 AM
since many have already a layout for the ROG schematics, maybe some hava a pcb for the umble, im listening and i love it, sounds really nice
Open Discussion / guyatone WR-3
November 26, 2014, 07:58:26 PM
hi, i have seen videos of the envelope, and i got the schematic from freestompboxes, but i have never seen a layout, does anybody have any??, i want to try an envelope.. but i have heard that this its quite good, its just hype?? sells about 350 USD on ebay, so its better make myself one, since im not an envelope guy
Build Reports / boogie man
November 22, 2014, 05:31:30 PM
so i had this little puppy for about a month, its a MB chunkchunk, a got the pcb populated by ZILLA, and etch my enclosure and finich the build, its so amazing souding pedal

Open Discussion / mercury 15% discount
November 21, 2014, 11:27:18 PM
mercury its moving to a new local, and they are offering 15% discount until DEC 31
Open Discussion / small bear changes
November 21, 2014, 04:33:11 PM
i try to make an order yesterday and saw the new site, while its better organized, i saw that the resistor are only offerd by kits, not by bag or by individual, its just that i didnt look well??
Open Discussion / squier telecaster ummm makes me think
November 20, 2014, 12:21:57 AM
hi all, i have a squier for many years, i use it for practice, and happens that i have never wonder about the "wood", while i was looking the guitar the other days i realize that in fact there its no wood, its maded with MDF, and makes me think why, i had a japanese squier before and sound much better than the standard i have, maybe that was maded with real wood??
Build Reports / alien olophant
November 18, 2014, 05:33:44 PM
so here its my lpb-1 board smd by muddyfox, really easy to solder and fits so good on 1590a enclosure,etched board with my photoresist paper, no painting just etched, im not so good at witing in fact, its a poor wiring, 22 awg from small bear, i love that cable so hard to break.

im looking for that OD, its there a project for that??
Tech Help - Projects Page / water slide white injek
November 16, 2014, 01:49:58 PM
hi, i want to try artwork by water slide decals, but i have found one on mammoth and small bear that its for inkjet printers but its says white, so the decal its not clear??, i want a decal that shows the powder coated enclosure too
Open Discussion / mammoth storage boxes
November 14, 2014, 02:41:21 PM
hi all, i want to buy some 1590A for my smd riot pcb by WGC, it ill be a powder coat 1590a, but im not sure if the storage boxes are intended to bu used with knobs and 3pdt on the enclosure, or are just for the enclosure itself
Tech Help - Projects Page / theremin aluminium box
November 13, 2014, 04:57:27 PM
hi, i got a theremin, and the enclosure its maded on plastic, but i have seen some with pedal enclosures, so as far as i know enclosure must be plastic, but at this point im not so sure about it
hi, i friend want a bass muff the green one, but bass pedals are like really strange, but maybe the brians muff can br used to convert it to a bassmuff??
Open Discussion / the most horrible history in my life
October 29, 2014, 04:34:41 AM
well, i never liked the doctors, in fact when i get sick i just wait till it goes away, never take drugs to get well,(i hate medicine), so i have only been twice in a hospital, first like 7 years agoi a car accident, i was like crazy and have to spend two days in the hospital for observations, was a really crappy experience.

now since two days ago i was felling bad at my stomach, i thought i was gastritis, or something, but today afternoon became on fever, and vomiting, i had to go to the hospital again, to have the really bad news that i had appendicitis, so i had to face the most horrible think i could imagine, get a surgery, its been almost 6 hours since the surgery, i feel so drugged, and i cant stand to go to the bath, they told me i was about to die, cos its was already infecting me, it was turning into peritonitis, i have to go to sleep, but im still so scared about the surgery, i have a big cut below my bellybottom, about 5 inches long, i probably be bothering over here in this days(have to stay for 2 days before i go home) i have my cellphone with me and thats alli can do, laying on bed, i cant even smile hard, or talk to hard, cos it hurts like hell
Tech Help - Projects Page / low gain j201 as buffer??
October 24, 2014, 10:44:05 PM
hi, i have a bunch of j201 maybe fake from tayda and im just wondering if they can be used for a buffer in the ruby amp
Open Discussion / eliminate mouser shopping list
October 24, 2014, 05:02:37 PM
hi all, i had put on my mouser car some stuff i never bought but its still there and i want to make a new car but whn im going to check out, the old parts are there,, and i dont want them, how can i eliminate that old list??
im like trying somthing new, i think this EBOWS are just some choke inductor or something like that but i have not found a real project about it, si i was wondering if there its a chance that somebody have a project or SCH for it
Tech Help - Projects Page / pop pop cave dweller
October 21, 2014, 01:29:20 AM
i think this its the most problematic pedal i have ever build, i have a brand new problem the pop...

it just happen when i stop using the pedal for a while or has been bypass for some time, after the first pop i can press bypass many times, but never return until i leave for a while off, so i was thinking may be the led??, i have a 2.2k resistor on that(as i always do) but could it be sucking too much power that, when its off for a while sucks to much power the first time it turns on???
Tech Help - Projects Page / bass overdrive???
October 15, 2014, 09:21:56 PM
Its there any bass overdrive project over here??