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Topics - LaceSensor

Tech Help - Projects Page / Starting the Dig Dug v2
October 08, 2011, 12:55:38 PM

Banzai messed up my order.
I have 8 x B100K peices for the sequencer board, but they send B250k potentiometers for the filter and speed. Would using these cause big problems? Or should I wait for potential replacements...

Banzai is really getting on my nerves with mistakes in orders!


Build Reports / Lovetone Ringstinger
September 25, 2011, 10:24:00 PM
Finished mine today, minus the decals for the case.
Sounds excellent, but there is a bit of bleed thru of the octave fuzz mode into bypass. No bleed of the ring mod. Not sure how to get rid of that, but honestly, I dont think I am too bothered.

Here are some pre-finishing touches pics...


Anyone have any ideas how easy it would be to make the Dig Dug trem rather than wah? Like the seek trem / tremorama?

Build Reports / 3rd Madbean Build - Zombii
August 02, 2011, 09:19:44 PM
Did this for a mate. I made my own Fuzz Factory a few months back on vero.
This was soooo easy in comparison.

Thanks Madbean. Your boards are fantastic.

Plain jane for now - see what my mate wants as a decal

Insides - pretty neat if I say so myself!
Build Reports / 2nd Madbean Build: Macheen!
August 02, 2011, 01:12:22 PM
Finished this one up. Was a bit of a pain, had to fix a connection or two.

Deliberately sanded the paint off the top before adding decal to add to the industrial vibe.

sounds pretty horrid in a good way ;)
Tech Help - Projects Page / Wierd problem, Macheen
August 01, 2011, 06:52:51 PM

I recently built up the Macheen PCB, today in fact.
I tested the circuit outside of boxing up, by connecting up with crocodile clips the in out 9v and ground.
Everything worked fine, so I proceeded to box up. Lo and behold, now boxed up there is an issue.
The effect passes clean fine, when engaged, its SUPER low output, even with every control dimed.
I can hear the fuzz effect, but its way way way too low, way lower than when I tested without the switching in place.

Ok you say, you effed up the switching.
Uh uh. I unsoldered everything, hooked the ins out and powers up like before, and same scenario.
Now the only issue I had when testing was before I soldered the power leads in to the power supply connect, I decided to test with the battery again (I use a battery snap and crocodile clips).
Somehow I managed to touch them together. This is the only issue I see.

I dont see how that will have damaged the effect, but I wanted to point it out. Ive tried to test briefly the other connections and all pots and everything feels secure.

I cant see it being a grounding issue either.

anyone experienced something similar?

HELP! :)
Build Reports / 1st Madbean build: Firebomb.
July 31, 2011, 11:30:02 PM
Ive made a number of Vzex style pedals on vero, this was my first PCB. For the price Brian charges, its silly not to.

Here are the pics!

And its documented in more detail on my blog.

Excellent build documents with these products, thanks Brian.

Ian (UK)
General Questions / Pork Barrell Component query
July 31, 2011, 11:49:18 AM
Dear all

How vital is the 8n2 capacitors for this build? They seem impossible to source for me in the UK.
Likewise, the 12nF.
Could these be swapped for 10nF and 15nF respectively without issues?
Also, for the pF values, do you recommend WIMA caps, or will ceramic ones do fine?
