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Topics - irmcdermott

Open Discussion / NGD
June 14, 2014, 10:34:49 PM
 My love of Reverends continues. Added a SixGun III to the family.

And here is the family picture. L to R: SixGun III, Sensei 290, Tricky Gomez, Buckshot

It's been a very long time since I've posted a build report, and it's mainly because it's been that long since I've been able to complete a build.

So here it is. Built for a friend, the Don Draper delay. I started off with an etched board Sea Urchin board from Haberdasher, and one of Jacob's Modulating Taptation boards, but couldn't get them to fit in the box the way that I wanted with my knob and switch layout. So in the end, I just worked up my own layout for this one off. Worked out great. Only thing added to the guts since this was taken is some shielded wire on the output jack.

Graphics were silk screened on there. Works and sounds great.

Open Discussion / Mouser and Paypal
April 30, 2014, 08:40:59 AM
When did Mouser start accepting payment through Paypal?

It's been a while since I've placed an order there. I just did a happy dance.
So, after 5 years of building pedals, and really wanting a small change of scenery, I decided to tackle my first amp build, and do it from the ground up rather that a kit, with the exception of the turret board, that i got from Watts.

So I'm working on building a Dr. Z Carmen Ghia. Circuit board is all soldered up, will be drilling/cutting the chassis in the next few days.

My question is regarding the unused wires on the transformers (like the 240V primaries on the PT, and the unused output taps on the OT).... what do I do with them? I want it to look clean/professional on the inside, but is there anyway to not have those wires just loose in there? Any thoughts are appreciated.

Open Discussion / AMZ DPDT Relay Board
September 07, 2013, 06:17:35 PM
I bought an AMZ DPDT Relay Board and I misplaced the document that came with it that had the link for the instructions with component values. I've emailed them but haven't heard back. Anyone know the link and could PM it to me? Thanks!
Open Discussion / A/B/C Pedal
August 05, 2013, 05:21:40 PM
Anyone have a diagram for something like this? Where you can only choose A or B or C and no combinations? I've done some searching and have com up empty. I'll sit down tonight and try and diagram it out, just wanted to see if I could save myself some time. Thanks.
Open Discussion / Amp Advice
July 24, 2013, 05:07:25 PM
I've been going back and forth on buying a new amp, or keep the DIY spirit alive and build one.

I've been working hard and saving up and hope by the end of the year I'll have enough to purchase a Morgan RV35 or Carr Impala. They both have the Blackface tones, the RV35 more Deluxe Reverb (i think) and the Carr more Bassman.

I really don't need a 50W amp like the Carr, and the Morgan's 35W really appealed to me.

Now, I could save myself a whole lot of money and attempt to build my own, and maybe pickup the Reverend Tricky Gomez that I've been wanting with the left over cash, but I wanted to see what you all think is out there as far as DIY amp that could get me in that 35W Blackface with reverb kind of range. Anyone built one?

Open Discussion / Traveling Kit
June 26, 2013, 05:37:10 PM
Hey everyone,

So, as some of you know, my job puts me on the road... a lot. I've always wanted to put together a travel kit in a Pelican/Storm case to take with me on the road, that way on those many nights spent in hotel rooms I can fire up a soldering iron and pass the time that way. My idea is to put together "kits" in bags of all the projects on my desk and then just travel with the ones I want to work on.

Here is my only fear..... TSA. I'm afraid that if I invest this money into putting this kit together, the first time they see it in my suitcase (because i'd obviously be checking it with my luggage), they will see these boxes with switches, components, soldering iron and wire, and next thing I know my box is gone and I'm on a watch list :) That's obviously an exaggeration, but some of it i feel is a legitimate concern.

What do you guy think? Any TSA agents here that could chime in?

Open Discussion / Hammond Midi Controller
June 20, 2013, 01:33:57 AM
A friend showed this to me. Not guitar related, but pretty incredible. Props to these guys for doing awesome things.

Build Reports / Dharmonic Percolator
April 13, 2013, 05:03:38 AM
Been a while since I've posted a build report. This was a fun one for a friend of mine. He wanted to fill it with as many LOST references as we could. So that's what we did.

I went with OA126 diodes for D4, D5. I may switch those out. There is a significant volume drop in that position. Has anyone else who has used those had the issues? They sound good, but I really need to crank it to get it where it needs to be. Any thoughts would be awesome.

Here are the pics

Build Reports / ZenDrive
February 21, 2013, 10:05:12 PM
It's been a while since I've posted a Build Report, so here it goes. It's a ZenDrive clone done for a friend. Used the AD712 chip in this one. Sounds really good. As usual, I wish the guts/wiring was cleaner, but I'll get there someday.

He asked that I install the Cusack TBS-2 into this. First time using one of those. It's nice.

White LEDs are my new favorite and I'm probably going to start putting them into everything that I build :)

Hopefully I'll be finishing up another one tonight/tomorrow and can post that as well.

Build Reports / Arrested Development Builds (2 of 5)
January 17, 2013, 05:31:03 PM
Hey all,

So this has been pretty fun. Someone contacted me about doing up to 5 pedals with Arrested Development characters on them. Attached are the first two, one is a complete build, one is just the enclosure because they are rehousing their DS-1 and applying the Keeley mods to it on their own, just asked for me to do the graphics and drilling for them.

First up is the Enclosure for George Sr. for the DS-1 rehouse.

And next is Gob. This is a Klon.


Guts (I was short on 10k pots, so the resistors you see there are to get the 20k pots down to 10k, pretty spot on)

Open Discussion / Bluesbreaker mods
January 10, 2013, 04:04:04 AM
Hey guys,

Need some help. I've been searching and searching but can't seem to find anything concrete on this. I've built the GGG Bluesbreaker, and as I have read about the Bluesbreaker, the thing has to be almost cranked to get unity. Are there any mods that you can do to get a little more output out of this? Not necessarily more distortion, but just more headroom out of it? Any help would be much appreciated.
Open Discussion / Etchers - "Safer" Muriatic Acid
January 03, 2013, 12:56:39 AM
So, I usually by my Muriatic Acid for etching at Lowes, but I was on the opposite side of town that day and ended up at Home Depot. They sell this "safer Muriatic Acid" that advertises 90% lower fumes. I decided to try it out, a little reluctant, thinking it might be a little too good to be true, and wondering if it would be as affective.

While I don't recommend this, I took off the mask and opened up the bottle to test this less fumes claim. Sure enough, nothing fumed up when I opened the container to burn my nostrils, and unless I was pretty close to the container, I didn't really notice a strong smell, but you still knew it was open. First test passed.

I mixed my usual 1:1 ratio to see how it etched. It worked just fine. I don't want to start selling snake oil, but there is a part of me that thinks I may have gotten a faster etch than usual? Could have been in my brain, or because it was a freshly mixed batch, but it worked great. This is the new product I'm buying and I encourage other home etchers to give it a whirl, the almost no fumes is amazing.

Open Discussion / NGD (New Gear Day!)
December 10, 2012, 07:21:38 PM
If I'm away from the forum for an undetermined amount of time... I haven't died, i'm just playing with my new toys....

Reverend Buckshot
Strymon Timeline

Open Discussion / CNC Milling
December 04, 2012, 09:15:08 PM
Anyone do it? I'm toying the idea of getting into this. Looking for advice.

I'm trying to get used to the pcb-gcode ulp. Everytime I generate the gcode files and open them in a viewer, either nothing shows up, or they don't look anything like they should.

I also think that ulp is supposed have a preview feature, but I can't see any preview of my board, even thought I have the box selected. Anyone have any experience with this?
Build Reports / kLION (Sunking)
November 26, 2012, 07:18:41 PM
Just finished this for a buddy. Went with the 1N34a diodes. Enclosure is Mammoth's Antique Gold, I did the graphics with the Pulsar Decal Pro system. The text came out a little light (I think I didn't have enough adhesive on there). Very happy with it. May rehouse my Sunking and use the same graphics, but just have it say "LION".



Orange LED: