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Topics - jjjimi84

Here is my next pedal up for auction, a dead stock build from the folks at DeadendFX. This this is super crazy and fun and there is so many sounds in it that you can kind of get lost in the knob turning. I edited this video down and could have shared all of it because there was some stuff that got cut that actually still sounded great. I have to give a shout out to Storyboardist for the help on the new video editing software, I was using Resolve and it just did not like my pc. He recommended that I switch to powerdirector and I have found that I really like it. Hope you all enjoy the video!

Also no balls were hurt in the making of this video.

[youtube width=640][/youtube]

Build Reports / BigNoise Turbo Fuzz
April 14, 2022, 08:04:54 PM
Here is the ultimate noisemaker fuzz built on an incredible board from our very own Cooder! I believe Stephan is a truly next level builder and is one of the many people here I look up to. His layouts are incredible and it shows with a crowded board like this. When I got this thing built I new I had to try and do something next level and since I had always wanted to see a sunburst pedal I thought I would give that a spin. I think it turned out really nice so much so that I don't think it needs any other art work on it, what do you all think?

Thank you again Cooder for the board and the inspiration!

Here is a new video segment to start really getting all of my builds and paintings out there to start thinning the herd. Papa needs a new pair of shoes!

It is a clone of the Lovepedal Karl fuzz ( Kalle) with the Darkmantle. It took everything I had not to just post pictures of Ric Grimes yelling "Carl" but I managed to make it through.

This thing gets run into the effects loop of the DeadendFX Meaty Balls while I play the big guitar for next weeks video so I figured I should show it off now.
Hello all! Here is my Aurum Drive and this is the first of my pedals to be auctioned off for the Pedals for Ukraine charity.

Here is the instagram link to place your bid;

And of course a little video for you all, my favorite tone of the video comes at the end. Such a fun little TS, that image is hand painted on there and took no less than 6 hours, I found it one night on a google search and saved it. I want to say the original artist was freelance fridge or something like that, I love his work quite a bit.

[youtube width=640][/youtube]
Build Reports / Black and Tan
March 23, 2022, 03:27:31 PM
Here it is! It is hump day and I am pumped to be showing off this build! When that EQD Grey Channel came out I thought it looked cool but wasn't to interested in the 250 circuit. Then I made and played the VFE D3 and my eyes have been opened. I built this Cat a while back and finally got around to filming a video. Hope you all dig it!

[youtube width=540][/youtube]
Build Reports / Dark RIft Delay
February 16, 2022, 06:16:16 PM
Some of you may have seen this post over on the Forum but I wanted to share this here because of the backing track. I really loved putting it together and playing over it and I thought some of you might enjoy it also. This is a clone of the EQD Space Spiral and is airbrushed blue and hand painted with an astronaut helmet. The opening jam was composed on my headphone rig (video pending) and was then recorded over with real amps and what not.
[youtube width=600][/youtube]

Here is a demo and build report of a pretty cool FV-1 based reverb. I learned a little jaazzzzz and played it on the appropriate guitar into my Trinity Amps Tweed Deluxe. These FV-1 pedals are sounding really good to me lately and this one is no joke. I am planning on ordering the headtrip when the polytrog and charlatan get released, I was informed that Brian's implementation might be a better option so I look forward to a shoot out.

This was part of a request from a forum member, he asked me to paint something for a reverb pedal and once I started thinking of ideas I thought it would be cool to do a two at once kind of thing.

I used an airbrush to blast all of the gloss black and then using white paint I blew on stars and the halo for the planet. Once all of that dried I used testors color change paint to paint in the world. The astronaut was then hand painted on top of that and I used a different color of color change paint for the helmet.

Hope you all dig this video and have a great holiday!!!!

[youtube width=540][/youtube]

Open Discussion / 2021 BOTY
October 18, 2021, 09:38:56 PM
Anyone else getting fired up for the BOTY? I was working on mine today and am fired up to show you all.
Build Reports / #VFEFRIDAY The Dragon Sps version
August 13, 2021, 01:54:37 PM
This is the final entry for VFEFriday and I wanted to end it with a bang. This is my favorite VFE pedal, this is what I love about an overdrive. The hpf/lpf make this the most transparent pedal out there and it has just a ton of volume ontap to drive any amp.

This sps version has the switching and power board that came built from VFE and I just had to handle the smd on the audio board and populate it. I airbrushed it gold and then hand painted the dragon on it and got some really sweet knobs from Small bear.

After it was built I sent a picture of the inspiration photo and of the pedal to an artist to make me this dragon. This dragon has got to be one of the coolest things I have ever seen. It will live a top this amp forever.

For some reason I cannot get the pictures to just show up, I am not at my computer until Tuesday to fix.....

Build Reports / #VFEFRIDAY SPS Distortion 3
August 06, 2021, 11:15:47 AM
Second to last one! When the SPS series was announced I was all giddy and ordered up pcbs for four of my favorite VFE pedals. You have already seen the white horse and the Yodeler, today is the Distortion 3!

This pedal is a little under the radar monster box, it does do distortion ish stuff but I find it is a great boost and overdrive. This was airbrushed in metallic brown, yeah thats a thing! Then I painted the dog on there and all kinds of detail that did not show up super well......

One thing to note is these SPS series are supposed to be in a 1590b2 not a 1590n1 (125B) so the sps board does not mount flush to the edge of the enclosure with out an extra washer to bridge that gap.

Build Reports / #VFEFRIDAY Red Wolf
July 30, 2021, 02:44:31 PM
The final three and a continuation of last weeks Alpha Dog, here is the Red Wolf. This was the redesign of the Alpha Dog for the Live Series and is way more straight forward but sounds really great. This one has the OP07 chip in it and I am not enough of a Rat aficionado to tell the difference between it and the LM308. It is in a bare enclosure that was airbrushed flat blue and then hand painted with grey wolf. Straight out of little red riding hood, am i right?

Two left...........What will they be......

Here it is the final four, my little Alpha Dog we all know it and we all love it. Having never owned a Rat I can honestly say it sounds better than the original, thems maths work.

I also want to add to this my AionFx Convex Compressor. This little guy gave me some headaches and I am still not 100% it compresses like it should but what ever it is currently doing works extremely well. It has turned into this always on beautifier for my pedal board. This is also one of the first forays into airbrushing enclosures and it went as well as can be expected. After this I started taping the sides and only doing the tops.

Next is the Madbean Rustbucket, here was another first for me. I drilled the 1590BB for it and it kept grounding out, so I used this old 1790NS enclosure I had that was from drilling the Brejna Voodoo Vibe all wrong. First time using that metal bondo stuff and sanding out and enclosure. Its pretty rough but works and sounds really great, Dean wanted it sprayed bright orange and then painted a Thwomp on it.

Last but by no means least is the Jacos Tacos Fuzz, aka Big Noise Amplification Weta Fuzz. This is based on my favorite fuzz of all time, the BA Scarab Deluxe but with all of the delightful built in soft switching that Stephan does. This was made as a back up for Jake Cinninger as he has been using the Barney fuzz I sent him last year on stage a lot. This is my most recent build, it was airbrushed yellow and then hand painted with the Jacos Tacos logo (his request) and then built and finished. The exact opposite of how I normally do things, usually they get built and then stare at me for months.

Build Reports / #VFEFRIDAY The Rocket EQ
July 16, 2021, 03:01:34 PM
It is down to the final five, are we getting tired yet? This is the Rocket EQ aka a great way to use four expensive op amps. I know this is not going to set the internet on fire but this is a pedal that gets used quite a bit when I am playing around. It is of course in a 1590B enclosure that I airbrushed sky blue and then hand painted on this little 50s era rocket. Next week is the alpha dog.

Build Reports / #VFEFRIDAY The Scream!!!!!
July 09, 2021, 12:57:07 PM
This is it for a little while, I need a break and need to finish painting the rest of my builds! Here is my Scream Overdrive with a big old green Dinosaur on it because it makes my guitar sound like a stomping Brontosaurus. It sounds great and is a super versatile pedal.

Build Reports / #VFEFRIDAY Bumblebee
July 02, 2021, 09:55:38 PM
I have been working so much I didn't even know it was Friday.. Alright here we are in the home stretch, I think there is only 4 more left in the VFE builds. Without further ado the bumblebee!

This was a really challenging build, getting it dialed in and sounding good was pretty hard. Then once I realized you play to this pedal it made it a little bit easier. You have to be really aggressive with your muting and picking to take full advantage of the swell effect. It sounds really good once I got it and then you add in some delay and overdrive it is the bee knees...... Like what I did there?

I have been loving doing black and white paintings and this one really came together fast and looks nice and neat. Someone might say not painting a transformer on here was a missed opportunity....

Build Reports / #VFEFRIDAY Fiery Red Horse
June 25, 2021, 02:09:10 PM
Alright last Friday was a couple of White Horses and this Friday is a Fiery Red Horse! This is a great fuzz and it sounds ferocious. I had a lot of fun making this demo and writing this song. I did realize in taking the pictures for this and making the thumbnail that I did not double up on the germanium diodes as per the build docs. It calls for two ge diodes per slot and I only did one and I like the way it sounds so I am sticking with it.

This enclosure was airbrushed flat black and then hand painted with a white horse and then gone over in red to make it really stand out.

Has anyone built this and tried the two ge diodes versus just single? I am wondering what I may be missing out on.

[youtube width=640]KuOX8CX_1vQ[/youtube]

Open Discussion / Happy Fathers Day!
June 20, 2021, 01:10:54 PM
Happy Fathers Day to all of you, I hope you all get treated like kings today!

I know I am getting taken to breakfast then going on a hike, what do you all have planned?
Build Reports / Sagan Delay V2.1
June 14, 2021, 03:07:28 PM
Here is my most recent painting and I thought I would show a little bit into the process. I drilled the enclosure then airbrushed a coat of white primer then silver then bronze on the outer rim. After that I sprayed on a coat of clear green and then a coat of clear. Then I played the pedal for about three months and thought about what to do next.

My buddy Casey came over plugged it in and said its leaving with me, and then I had to paint it. I wanted to do something like the original artwork but he insisted on a Hulk. I usually do not like doing such well known characters because of two reasons, zero confidence in my skills and two any small error is really apparent.

What I did with this is using a reference photo I did the outline with black ink and then filled it in with a couple coats of white primer.

As you can see I already had the lettering down and decided the slam switch should be a smash switch.

Once this dried I started the outline of all of the basic features and then started with a gray wash paint and a flat black to do some shading and texturing. After all of that I went for the final details with gloss black to do line work.

This Hulk had more nose jobs than the Kardashian family.

and the guts.
I have to work all day tomorrow and won't be able to post on Friday like I normally would so I want to get this out into the ether! This is my Merman and one that will never leave my hands. I love the way this one turned out from the build to the painting to the demo and video it really is pretty awesome. This blue was airbrushed on and this was what the choral reef was supposed to look like, once I got that thing sorted out I sprayed this on and painted this guy on there. This painting took some time but turned out great and was worth the effort.

Also I think I finally made a video that I really love, it has a great intro song on it and I try to stay on point the whole time. This is going to be how the next batch of videos are, a quick song with the full band and then a bit of talking and then straight to different sounds. Hope you all dig it, the merman!

[youtube width=640]6l1Tz4yRV08[/youtube]

Open Discussion / A klon just sold for 3500!
June 04, 2021, 07:49:41 PM
Daves guitar just sold a silver klon for 3,500 and a nkt275 analogman fuzzface for 800!

There must be some real magic beans in those boxes!

What do you guys think? Is it worth the price, if you had the cash?