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Topics - Martan

General Questions / Blend board for multi
February 04, 2016, 11:41:36 PM
Hello all,

I am building a multi that I will probably regret :)

Its going to have a Machete (overboard fuzz), Corrupter (ring mod), and Sonic reducer (bit crusher). I want to have a global blend knob(s) to keep the dry signal available. I've seen a few boards on THcustoms and guitarpcb but would love suggestions, esp. in light of the fuzz with the blends I've seen having buffers in them.


Built one for me and one for my good friend who got me into Tolkien. Both use the expansion board with 4 x 3008s. Both have a bit more fizzle in the repeats than I want, so I may revisit the bias (though it sounds like its coming from the NE570 output?). Anyway, wrote the knob labels in elvish script using an online translator ;) oh, and hidden LEDs

Hey all,

Built a King of Tone dual-perfboard clone. Problem is when I have the left side on everything is fine, but when I engage the right side to stack them, everything goes quiet and then swells back up to normal volume after a few seconds. All is fine again after that. Both circuits seem to function fine on their own.

Any ideas what to check?


Open Discussion / Dr. Z fans?
May 06, 2015, 01:32:22 AM
Heard on the Z forum he's designing a pedal with earthquaker devices. Not really familiar with their (EQD) stuff. Good combination? I have a MAZ38 and adore it:

Quote from: @basemententhusiast" source="/post/751394/thread" timestamp="1430771257Here was Doc's comments on it:

Build Reports / Moodring
April 23, 2015, 03:52:41 AM
Here is my Moodring reverb build. Still working out wiring and decals, but happy with it.

Thanks to Brian for awesome circuit and troubleshooting!
Open Discussion / Guitar sine wave pedal circuit?
April 21, 2015, 08:24:22 PM
Hey guys,

Curious if anyone knows of a pedal circuit that basically just outputs your playing as close to a sine wave. I love those type of keyboard tones but want it on guitar. Hoping to not have to go full-on guitar synth.


Introductions / Hello from Louisville!
April 09, 2015, 03:07:55 PM
Hey all,

Amazing forum. Thanks for what you do. I am Marty from Louisville. I like to build pedals. Slowly (very slowly) getting better at it.

Please forgive any bugging I do. Hope to learn and give back what I can.
Hi all,

First report and first etch. Wanted a rough look to fit the scheme (scary Harry Potter :D) so didn't sand much at all. Definitely learned about enclosures not being flat. Didn't etch deep enough because the nail polish I used to fix some goofs ended up not holding up under the 40% hydroxide etchant. Had to use a razor and dissecting microscope for the snake to get the fine details in the toner mask. All in all am happy with it (after forgiving myself for knowing too much about all the flaws). Sounds just like the Triple Wreck sound clips. No mods.

Thanks to all who post here and Brian for hosting. I've learned a ton in a short time. An on my next etch I've already learned that sanding is a bitch :P
Tech Help - Projects Page / Moodring IC4 voltage issues
January 29, 2015, 04:02:43 AM
Hey all, hoping for some debug help. Just finished Moodring board. All IC voltages close to those in build report except IC4 pins 1 (8.16), 2 (8.16), and 3 (0.4). Those pins have continuity with correct parts, and nearby ground connections are OK.
ANy ideas?
