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Topics - mcasemo

Tech Help - Projects Page / Dirtbaby - full wet?
February 07, 2015, 03:05:36 AM
Just finished the dirtbaby, sounds incredible, and it fired up on the first try.  Easiest offboard wiring thanks to the great layout.

question:  should the blend knob make it go 100% wet?  I thought the DMM did that, but i still hear the dry with blend all the way up.  Just want to make sure it behaving the way it should.

Also, if the blend won't go full wet, is there a way to accomplish that?  Higher value pot resistance?

Build Reports / 2-in-1: Big Muffaletta Machine
January 29, 2015, 02:30:17 AM
Here is my next 2-in-1 completed octagon, trying not to waste all the space.  A zvex machine feeding into a Big Muff Pi V3/V6 (trying to get a J. Mascis version after reading the kitrae interview).  Zvex is supposed to pair with fuzz, will cut through it.  Its pretty gnarly sounding by itself.  Muffaletta is a New Orleans Italian sandwich, so i have a machine grinding one up.  The teeth of the grinders are little pi symbols.  So much fun to put stupid things on pedals.

One day I'll get obsessive about clean wiring, not there yet obviously. 

I've made several Selmer Buzztones for friends and such in these octagons, which is a huge waste of space, so starting doing more 2-in-1's.  Here it is combined with an orange squeezer, which is side mounted.  I now have a little hook and zip tie to secure the board.  the pot holes are such that the threads prevent them from going all the way through.  Both have footswitches, so you can use the squeezer as a boost, and I put in a order switch to play with compression before or after fuzz.  Finally, you can play them separately with stuff in between, if you plug in something into the alt out switch it disconnects the two and you can put stuff in between, but the order switch has to be in the up position.

Had a question on the moodring before i start planning/building.  Is there an easy way to convert the dry kill switch to a mix/blend pot?  could i just put a pot across it instead of a switch?

Someone asked me to make a tubescreamer so I came up with a graphic, but then they wanted something else (Maxon OD), I liked the graphic, but didn't really want to make a tubescreamer for myself, so tried to find something else to fit it.  So came up with running the os mutantes fuzz (deadpool) into the tube sound fuzz (snarkdoodle).  for the interest of symmetry i put a SWTC2 on the TSF.  The deadpool is crazy sounding, not sure these are the best things to pair together, but it's built so thought I'd share.  going to let some of my real musician friends test it out out.

The graphic pick ups on another pedal i made the dream squeezer, an orange squeezer with a dreamsicle being squeezed by resistors and transistors with a bite out of it.

Not a madbean board, but thought I'd share.  I almost gave up on this one, whenever I go off the normal build instructions and try to add features, it gets ugly.  But I finally got this one working with lots of help from slacker and others on diystompboxes.  This is the echo base delay with a blend mod (dry/wet), dub madness switch, modulation shape pot, and a switchable effects loop.  One side of the loop/switch sends the delays through an external pedal once, the other side keeps sending the repeats.  In both cases, the clean is not effected, and the first repeat goes through the loop.  I had to learn about buffers and such for that.

My brother is an English major and I grew up hearing about Camus and the Myth of Sisyphus, and i guess it stuck.  Sisyphus has to push the rock up the mountain, then it falls down the other side, and he has to keep doing this for eternity.  Camus said we must imagine Sisyphus happy in the Myth of Sisyphus.  So I made Sisyphus doing the only fun thing i could think of that involves moving heavy objects, bowling.  The "Strut" is a homage to The Meter's song Cissy Strut, which certainly has no delay effects, but who cares.  Clear water slide decal on bare aluminum. 

Wiring is pretty bad, there were a lot of redo's.  I had all the wires at good lengths, but just gave up trying to make it clean when i had trouble making the loops work.  If anyone is interested, i can attach my cryptic powerpoint schematic.

Are there any pcb's out there, or mods to existing projects, for a envelope filter pedal switchable to be controlled by LFO?  Like, maybe, is there a way to use the LFO in the sample/hold side of the sharkfin/maestro FSH-1 to modulate the filter side?
Build Reports / MFOS Subcommander
November 29, 2014, 09:30:47 PM
It's not a madbean build, but wanted to share my build of the Music From Outer Space Subcommander, analog guitar synth.  I found a guy on etsy making octagon shaped dice trays out of oak and he made me a box, which is beautiful.  The graphic is something from a Russian artist, Tebe Interesno, a submarine orbiting the earth.  I covered the top in aluminum tape first, then clear waterslide decal over the tape.  I may redo this, i think it needs more contrast and i can't get a good photo of it.

Anyway, still playing with this thing, very fun.  Troubleshooting included missing jumpers (to replace caps for some mods), left off chips, wrong chips, backwards chips, and a bad guitar cable.  My first real troubleshooting using as o-scope, which was pretty satisfying.


Build Reports / Silicon Selmer Buzztone - Sili-Stache
November 01, 2014, 01:59:07 AM
OK, last octagon for for a bit.  I made a Selmer Buzztone called The Crustache (pre-pubescent mustache), so made a silicon version next called the Sili-Stache (2n2222).  I'm trying to get my friends with good ears and playing skills to evaluate, going to use this to mess with different transistors and such, and also play with a NPN germanium version, with silicon in Q1 and Q3.  Will be my first experimentation with all that, HFE, collector resistor, stuff i know nothing about.  The artwork was fun even if i'm still tweaking the circuit.

Build Reports / The Oyster FSH-12, sharkfin
October 28, 2014, 04:42:49 AM
Here is my sharkfin build, The Oyster FSH-12.  I thought I posted this before sorry if is a repeat (i don't see it in my history).  Oyster is because it's a filter, FSH-12 because 12 is a dozen oysters.  You can sample and hold oysters, right?  Design is kinda beach condo artwork on the gulf coast....  Anyway, really like the filter on this, very unique.  Obviously the sample and hold is unique.  Can anyone tell me if the sample and hold is a random arpeggiator?  regardless, very glad to have built this one.  fun stuff

Build Reports / The Lady Scramjet - Current Lover
October 28, 2014, 03:33:35 AM
Here is my completed Current Lover, The Lady Scramjet.  The little eye shaped thingys are diagrams of a scramjet engine. Flangers can sound like jet engines, so that is how the name came about. i suppose a design/name should not require explanation, but i think it looks kinda cool.  I have not finished the CV in wiring, just a few wires to solder up, but figured i post.  I want to try to control the rate from the envelope follower of the naughty fish, but have to build that next to try it out.  Thanks to Scruffie for pointing out my chip install mistake, this thing sounds awesome.

I totally gave into a layout of vertical pots before realizing the board had pot mounts, so just used the switch to mount the board.  That caused the input jack to run right into the board, so i have it cocked to the side and mounted very high to avoid interference.  Looking at the pic, i cocked it the wrong way on re-install, whoops.  Anyway, there it is....


I'm working through getting my current lover working and have a question about the MN3207 and v3270 error that is addressed with D4.  Should I simply connect the anode to +C6/D5 junction and completely avoid soldering it to the designated hole? 

Or should they D4 be put in its spot on the board and D4 anode jumpered to +C6/D5? 

In either case I don't get 7.6-7.7 VDC on pin 4 of IC2, i get 8.25v

Any help is appreciated.

On first try i got flanging noise that would change with the rate, but the dry signal was just fed through.  I re-flowed and re-cleaned, now i just have dry signal.  Figured I start with working this voltage first.

General Questions / Fuzz Study
October 01, 2014, 03:48:32 PM
Hello all - I'm planning to make a big fuzz box to help me understand fuzz circuits a little more.  The thought is to make a box with 8 fuzz circuits, the feed them all into a mixer and have adjustable volume on each.  The 8 would be 1 transistor fuzz, 2 transistor fuzz, 3 transistor fuzz....through 8 transistor fuzz.  Thought this would be a useful way to learn a little as i research and breadboard.

Anyway, looking for suggestions on the different fuzzes, here is what i have gathered so far.  was trying to stay all silicon but i have a few germanium transistors around.  let me know if you have suggestions for fuzz circuits to explore for this little project, or comments on the ones below.


1 transistor
ETI Fuzz
Dan Armstrong blue clipper
electra distortion

2 transistor
Silicone Mosrite Fuzzrite
fuzz face
Roger mayer axis fuzz
univox squarewave fuzz
WEM Pep Box Rush
Orpheum Fuzz

3 transistor
Jen Fuzz / Jen Fuzz III
Maestro FZ-1 / 1A
Marshal Supa Fuzz
Selmer Buzztone
companion fuzz
z vex fuzz factory

4 transistor
big muff
Ampeg scrambler
Maestro Fuzz

5 transistor
Fender blender
z vex octane 3

6 transistor
Super Fuzz
Tube Sound Fuzz

7 transistor
Death By Audio Fuzz War

8 transistor
WEM Project V
Tech Help - Projects Page / current lover and naughty fish
September 13, 2014, 03:45:23 AM
Sorry if this is a stupid question, my confidence is down,  I'm coming off a losing battle putting an effects loop in an echo base, buffered loop for single applied loop, with switch for one that applies the effect each time it loops.  Setting it aside for now.  Keep chasing my tail on the failed/broken connections from the mods.

But I have the current lover pcb (electric mistress) and naughty fish pcb (mutron iii).  Want to have an output from the mutron iii envelope follower drive the rate (or range or both on switch???) of the electric mistress.  Looking through the Anderton envelope follower in his book and how he applied the follower to the filter, phaser, etc.....   The rate pot on the mistress is C1M and range is B100K.   Wondering if I can get the right opto-coupler/vacatrol, driven from the same spot in the mutron iii, and have it control the rate pot in the mistress.  And also maybe a separate one to drive the range???

I'm going to start placing components, then see what I can do, but any advice is appreciated.   

These are my first attempts going beyond the provided instructions and it is fun stuff, but frustrating (spent the last two weeks studying buffers!, should have paid more attention in electronics class (mech engineer).

I made a Skippy Tremolo from tagboardeffects layout, a vox repeat percussion clone.  It's called the Tchouper.  Tchoupitoulas is a street in New Orleans that runs along the river, named for an extinct Native American Indian Tribe.  The Wild Tchoupitoulas was a Mardi Gras Indian group who recorded an album in 1976 featuring some of the Neville brothers, pre-Neville Brothers.  Tipitinas, the famous music venue in New Orleans, is on Tchoupitoulas street.

So I have a tomahawk made from a resistor and transistor, and the crescent river shape, which Tchoupitoulas runs a portion of.  And it's chopped up! 

Sorry for the New Orleans overload.  Also bonus video of my 4 year old doing a demo.

Edit:  Sorry, I don't have a gut shot, I totally forgot to take one.  Think i was more proud of the outside than the inside.  I'll add as soon as i get it back from my friend/tester.

Build Reports / Dream Squeezer
July 27, 2014, 03:50:53 AM
Orange Squeezer clone with a dreamsicle popsicle.  I think creamsicle's are more common than dreamsicle's, but could not allow myself to make a cream squeezer.  :-[

So, Dan Armstrong Orange Squeezer clone in oversized octagon box, using some resistor and transistor symbols in the graphic. 

This one was riddled with problems, wrong links on strip board, missed track cuts, etc.....   Simple circuit, but made some pretty crazy sounds before i got it working.  Note to self, Rum after board layout, not before....

Build Reports / Saturn Box
July 25, 2014, 04:13:35 AM
Here is a little video of my 7 year old son playing with the multi effect box i made, tubescreamer, tonebender, foxx tone machine, rat, small stone phaser, and echo base, (has a spring reverb but i still am mucking with it).  This room is noisy as hell, sorry.  He's not really interested in guitar, but likes the phaser because of phasers in star wars.

Build Reports / Selmer Buzztone Clone - Crustache
July 14, 2014, 12:48:18 AM
I'm learning the waterslide decal stuff, working on etching (having trouble), but here is one of four of these i built for friends, a selmer buzztone clone with the boost switch, in an oversized octagon box.  crustache is sorta slang for a prepubescent mustache, fuzzy you know.  anyway it sounds pretty cool.  used AC125's in all of them, seems to be pretty forgiving to gain, but i'm partially deaf....  anyway, love these octagon boxes...


I have a power supply question for my multi-effects box I'm building.  Sorry if there are simple answers already out there, I've been searching and my head is numb. I've got 7 effects to power, most are +9V.  One requires bipolar 12 v (+/-12v).  I may onboard a -9v, but not really in the mix now.  I have many AC adapters from various electronics (20V, 12V,  9V, ...), so I'm trying to figure out how to provide all the power from one of these adapters.

I've been reading about DC-DC converters with Dual output, and using mouser to drive down to something that may work, like taking 20v from an AC adapter, and getting +/-12 using something like Cincon EC3AW05.  Then using a regulator to step down the 12 or 20 to 9v for the others.

So for something like this, do I have to supply +Vin and –Vin?  Or is the –Vin generated by the DC-DC converter?

Any other thoughts?
Open Discussion / Multi Effect Box
April 08, 2014, 08:46:31 PM
Introducing my self so i won't get purged.  I made an octave double fuzz (Anderton) circuit on perfboard 18 years ago, got it working, then I had a plan to make a few boards and put them in a wooden box, even made the box.   Then sorta stowed it away.  I'm not a good player, but I mess around a bit.  Got married, new job, moved twice, have kids, 18 years later I find a whole world of guitar effect diy, kits, etc... out there.  I found the circuit and it still worked. 

So I have the bug now and am going to fill this box up with as much as I can.  It's wood, I know I have to shield it and all.  I'm putting the following in it (plan for now at least).  1) LPB-1 Boost, 2) EM-Drive, 3) Fuzz Face, 4) echobase (delay with modulation), 5) rat with mods, 6) foxx tone machine, 7) spring reverb with on board spring tank. I have 3 complete and am troubleshooting 2, have the rat and echobase near complete.   i have the spring tank, and the pcbs for the tone machine and reverb on the way. gonna have a patch board on top to set the order.  Not sure if I will ever complete it, but have a whole lotta fun!
