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Topics - copachino

Tech Help - Projects Page / mxr phase 90 no sound
February 12, 2015, 09:54:46 PM
hi all i have a hand wired phase 90 from mxr but i cant get any sound of it, not in bypass or fx on, the switch works fine but i get no sound, not noise not nothing, batery its ok and got voltage on the board, any idea wher i shoud start looking first?
well where do i start this, billy(WGC) designed a pedal i always wanted to build but with no luck, and his lovely project build caught my eyes, and ask him on the thread if he got any spare board to sell me, the many said the same and Billy redesing the board and carefully make a perfect beginners project, even the mouser cart, was so good, i had many trouble with the board, since i live outside US and a fedex cargo company ships from miami to my door, and the board got lost for a month or so, since the packet was small they didnt take it and forget about it, after that i forgot to but the pots, then i have many problems with the led, and got the bad idea to unsolder with a sucker pump, and lift a pad, the i got sound but no distortion, the i gave up on the board, and solder another one(this)the friend make me a great logo on photoshop and had some tiger red sparkle from mammoth, and got it to my trophey store, and etch the enclosure, but i did bad my corel layout and it wasnt center, then i drilled bad holes and had to wait for low profiles jacks to make the fit because the normal boss style i use on 1590a enclosure were to big.

finally after more than 4 months i have complete the project and woww so amazing i wish i was cleaver on enclosures since the clipping leds, bright so high on the board, that could look so amazing on a clear enclosure...

not so cool the drilling and the bad aligment, but man i love the pedals, ps... i did unsolder the cp resistor for the face melter, i didnt like that one
Open Discussion / thinking on my first multi
January 29, 2015, 05:18:22 PM
hi all, im thinking on a all in multiple build pedal, but im not so sure what to put in...

this are my pcbs builded ad verifed ready to box and already rocked,

zero point micro II, SMD RIOT by Billy, shoot the moon, and nurse auqckey from the message, a SHO from rullywow, lovepedal englisman by me, and minivache by alanp, my idea its a portable pedal with all you need to play at least normally, id like to get a phaser in there but, i have never build one, im not so sure why it scares me.

the pedal its a gift for a firend almost a brother, we know each other since child and start playing guitar the same age, for reason of the life, we live on different cities, but id like to give him something to remind the past and the friendship have, so  a pedal will be that, but as he lives making tattoes and travel too much, have to many pedals will be bad.

so tell me what would you pull off, and what should i incorporate, also which order must the pedals go, booster before or after the overdrive, should i add a good buffer?? boards are small, most layout for 150A so they would fit nicely on the monster.

Open Discussion / what do you think about ebay wood?
January 23, 2015, 07:25:00 PM
im looking ebay woods just to see im not planing to buy since its too expensive the shipment to my country but i have found some good cheap ones
  like this
i ws wondering if this heat gun used for any other works but electronics could be useful for solder paste on smd

i use it for  Heat-shrink tubing and for my photo resist paper... but could be cool to try on solder paste
does anybody have a drilling template of a 1590A enclosure to try some laser etching??
Hiii i have a tweed 5f1 project only have regular components and transformer which are triad-utrad ones... Some says this are cool but they are 15 watts power both.. So i was wondering why not an extra 6v6 power tuve but the question its what do i need to change to modify the power amp for both tubes
Open Discussion / transformer mistake and gift to me
January 08, 2015, 02:10:33 PM
I have a friend who had a eggnater renegate amp bit another friend told him he have a tourmaster amp that he could chance it because ir had a bad transformer PT it waa common those transformer to blow. I told him if you want get the PT and i will replace ir for you , so he bought a mercury transformer and yesterday i start todo replace it when i turn ir on ir dindt work out.... So i meassure original PT and it das good so i look better and see that there was no voltage on the input and when i saw there wasnt a part on the plug.... So the whole amp only needed a fusile replace.... What a fool thing i just dindt check it before cos the last owner said he was sure ir was The PT...

The good its The amp has a new mercurio transformer and since today its my birthday my friend gave me the original 100w PT.... So its great todo source parts for an amp
well what can i say, i dont see why i got all this pop on almost every pedal, now i have build an afterlife and its awsome, but there its the popping when i engaged the pedal, when i bypass the pedal i dont have the pop problem, im using a mammoth pro 3PDT( i bought a pcb instead of sulder lugs) im using afterlife wiring diagram which its as far as i can tell grounding out and input, so i dont think its a ground or switch problem could it be the output tantalum bad??
Open Discussion / guyatone funky box
December 29, 2014, 04:58:44 PM
hi all, i got a present from a good friend, its a guyatone funky box, its uses a 12ax7 tube, but i cant power it, im using a voodoo lab power supply but the pedal at 12V DC works but the output its so poor, the pedal have a 12V DC mark up and dowm, but its rare a pedal that uses a tube to have DC, could it be 12 AC??
hi im looking for a cab sim like the red box, and have only found the condor, but its doesnt have a balanced output, i know TH sell pcb for balanced outputs and for the condor, but shipping from EU will be so so long time, any other projects over there if its CONUS its better
Requests / etchable blend circuit
December 23, 2014, 10:19:13 PM
does anybody will have a etchable blend pcb layout?? i have vero and that the only ones i could find, its for a muff, i have seen the muffn blend but only for vero, and due the holidays shippings are way too slow to buy one
General Questions / clear water slide decal
December 20, 2014, 02:13:46 PM
hi all, i got some powder coated 1590A for my baby boards from MBP but, yeterday i tried to labe them with a water slide decal, seems pretty easy, but its not. i was trying on a black sparkle powder coated enclosure, but my experince was negative, first no matter the color i print the decal the letter bacame invisible on the enclosure, then the decal always star to folding itself, and while it was drying star to fold more and more bubbles became to show off, in the end, the decal was really bad and words invisible...

im not sure what am doing wrong in fact but its pretty hard to work with, maybe i need to get another way to label my pedals
does anybody have this fx for etch?? im looking but only on vero and i dont quite like veros i want a small layout for multi fx
Tech Help - Projects Page / 3p-4t rotary switch
December 18, 2014, 07:55:05 PM
hi all, i have never used a rotar switch so im a bit confused on how to wire it i want to switch 4 capacitos and 4 diodes on a neutrino but i cant find the right way to wire it, i see the poles are numbered by 1-12 and have some middle lugs named A-B-C so i guess there are 4 lugs per letter maybe A output have pins 1-4 to be switched, and B 5-8, and C 9-12..

am i right??
Tech Help - Projects Page / cupacake, after life
December 15, 2014, 07:46:16 PM
Hi all, i have a cupcake and a afterlife boards but i made a mistake while ordeing the diodes Brian says the recommended are germanium 1n34A, and i orded by mistake some japanease white glass diodes, im not sure if the will work for the compression
hi all, im just wonddering if the type of wiring you make to the 3pdt really matter about popping issues, i have a sho and been trying to get rid of the pop by many matter i have now al electro caps nichicon and poly caps and metal film resistor, ive heard some guys never have a pop problem, but im wondering does my wiring type makes something different??
General Questions / zero point micro at 12V??
December 12, 2014, 02:17:22 AM
hi all, where or what reg do you recomend me to run a zero point micro with 12 volts??, i got full my power stack for 9v and only have the 12v spot
hi all, i have a neutrino but i would like to trun it into a turbo mode with a 3p4t rotary switch but i far as i can tell the tubo modes are clippling, and some have a tone capacitor change, i can make stock values of the ts9 in the neutrino and change c5(tone cap) and clipping diodes to make it work alike??, or there its something different on that.

also does the afterlife would suite ok for bass??, i have just bought a board and i want to make it a gift for a friend who plays bass and he told me he want a compresor
hi all, im buying my tourmaster PT from mercury since its burned, but, im wondering of cable, does the specific cable matter??, i have low capacitance cable for patches, its lave cable, still i only need about 1 foot long cable, but many guys says that i could damage the head using that, i still see no logic on that, cable its cable, but the only question im not sure its about power, maybe guitar cable its not strong enough to resist the power of the amp.... but im just wondering.

what do you says guys?? should i wait until i got speaker cable or guitar cable should do the job???