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Topics - kinski

I remember reading somewhere about recommended parts for 1590A builds.

Some sort of smaller caps were suggested. and 1/8w resistors, or something?

I can't find the post now. Anybody know what is recommended?

Tantalum in place of electrolytic? Also, what about the non-polarized caps? Any special kind?

Tech Help - Projects Page / Weener Wah Question
February 21, 2012, 04:40:40 PM
Okay, I got the wah tuned in really nicely. Sounds fantastic. But there is one problem that still bothers me.

At an early part in the sweep, there is a static sound, like its a dirty pot or something. The strange thing is, I don't think its the pot that is causing this. The static sound only happens when I am playing my guitar through it. If I roll the vol back on the guitar all the way, and rock the wah, there is no static. Also, I ran an oscillator through instead of a guitar, and there was also NO static sound. But if I use ANY of my guitars, I get that sound.

Its quite annoying because when you are rocking back and forth, you hear a "tsh tsh tsh tsh" sound. I even tried a different pot and I still got the static sound.

Any ideas what this could be? Does anyone else have this problem?
Tech Help - Projects Page / Weener Wah: HELP
February 10, 2012, 07:09:14 AM
Man, I've been having bad luck with a number of my builds recently.

Cant get the Weener Wah to work right. Heel down to heel up, its all muffled sounding. I used the frequency pot, and also tried a 15n cap in its place. Same thing.

Any ideas?

Q1: 0.02v/0.58v/7.34v
Q2: 7.96v/4.8v/6.16v
Q3: 8.58v/0.82v/0.0v

General Questions / Yellow Shark v2.5?
January 31, 2012, 04:55:33 PM
Okay, so a while back I built a Yellow Shark v2.5. Is this an inaccurate honey bee clone, or is the new one just an updated layout?
Open Discussion / PN3565 same as 2N3565?
January 30, 2012, 07:00:27 PM
Seems mouser only has something called PN3565? Can I use this in the weener wah, in place of the 2N3565?
Open Discussion / LM7815T - Where to buy?
January 24, 2012, 03:03:07 AM
Anybody know where I can buy a LM7815T?

Can't seem to find them on mouser, ebay, small bear, etc.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Warhead Univibe: DEAD
December 31, 2011, 04:24:52 AM
So I built the Warhead Univibe and I get nothing as far as I can tell. I turn the pedal on and there is no sound of any kind and the lamp does not even light up.

I have tried a wall wart and my Voodoo Lab Pedal Power. Nothing.

As far as I can tell, all of the parts are oriented correctly.

I only subbed one part. I used a 78L15 in place of the 7815T.

I DO own a multimeter, but I have never really used one to probe a circuit, only to get cap and resistor values. I can give you guys readings but if somebody would be kind enough to let me know where to make contact with the circuit I'd greatly appreciate it.

Its a bummer to make and populate such a big board and have it end up completely dead!

Thanks for the help!
Tech Help - Projects Page / Warhead Univibe: 2 Questions
September 30, 2011, 03:47:29 PM
I'm going to place an order for this pedal soon. Really looking forward to it!

Two quick questions:

1. Instead of the wall wart power supply, could I use a Y-cable with a Voodoolab Pedal Power?
2. For this buid, is it important for any of the components to be matched? I've read that some univibes, phasers, flangers need matched transistors, or something like that.


Also, going to build that Electric Mistress when it comes out! Thanks Madbean!
General Questions / Pepper Spray: Updated soon?
August 15, 2011, 10:31:57 PM
Hi Madbean!

I'd like to build the Pepper Spray. However, I notice it says that an updated version is coming soon.

I'll wait for the updated version if its worth it. But what is the update exactly?
Mods / Muff diode clip?
August 13, 2011, 02:52:24 AM
Hi, I can't seem to find the instructions for how to turn a Muff (basically) a Colorsound Supa Tonebender. I've read that you have to remove the 2nd stage diode pair. If this is correct, how could I put these diodes on a switch so I can take them in and out of the circuit. Thanks!
Mods / More Bass in Bumblebee Buzzaround?
June 29, 2011, 09:17:01 PM
How would I go about adding more bass the the bumblebee buzzaround? I love the sound, but it cuts way too much bass for my liking. Thanks!
Tech Help - Projects Page / Help with Buzzaround
May 02, 2011, 06:14:25 PM
So, I've built this guy. Sounds great. However, I've run into a problem that I've never had before with other pedal builds.

I can't seem to get the DC Jack or LED to work. I've only been able to power it with a battery.  When I add the DC, the I get no power, AND the battery gets really hot. And, no luck with the LED at all.

Any thoughts? I've build a good 10-15 pedals so far, and never had this problem. Thanks!
Open Discussion / Enclosure Finish Question
March 29, 2011, 02:40:43 PM
Hi all,

Going to be building a Pork Barrel and some other things as soon as the parts arrive.

For this run, i'd like to finish the pedals using paint markers and then seal it off with some Acrylic Clear Coat to give it a hand-drawn look.

My question is, which kind of paint marker should I use if I will be sealing with Acrylic Clear Coat? Acrylic, Oil, Water? Or does it not matter?

For example, I like the look of the pedal in this video:

Im looking at the PDF of this. What are all of the red lines on the layout? Are these connections I have to make? with wire?
General Questions / Yellow Shark LED Question
January 21, 2011, 08:49:00 AM
For the 2 LEDs that are used in this circuit. Does it matter or make any difference if they are 3mm or 5mm?

Also, the square markings for the LEDs on the PCB are NEGATIVE, right?