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Topics - irmcdermott

Such a noob question. I just don't have a diagram in front of me....

Can you use any A/B box to be used as either 1 input to 2 outputs or 2 inputs to 1 output? Or do you have to wire it differently? Same question for an A/B/Y box?

I've never built on and was just requested to build 2 of them.

Friends band has a violin/guitar player. He wants 1 pedal on the front end to switch between his guitar and violin into his pedal board.... He also uses 2 amps and wants to come out of his pedal board to switch between the amps.

So my first thought is an A/B on the front for his guitar/violin and an A/B/Y to his amps. Thought? Direction?
Open Discussion / Hand-painted Enclosures
October 21, 2010, 03:34:32 AM
Hey guys and gals,

I'm pumped because after hanging out with a great friend, and former band mate, who just recently moved down to Nashville, he told me he would totally be into hand painting some enclosures for me. I really dig his artwork, so I'm pretty stoked. My question is, do any of you paint your own, and if so, what types of paints do you use?

I saw on Catalinbread's Custom Shop page, that in the pictures the girl that paints his just uses good ole' Testors paints that I used on the countless model cars that I built growing up. Just looking for some tips and advice on that so i can get him started on the enclosure for my Cherrybomb, or whatever the name will turn into once he paints the enclosure. Thanks everyone!

Tech Help - Projects Page / Cherrybomb Transistors
October 19, 2010, 02:06:36 AM
Waiting for parts to get here to build the Cherrybomb. I know in the project doc madbean says he likes the 2N3904 for Q1 & Q3 and a 2N2222 for Q2 and I'm definitely going to try that. just wondering if anyone else has tried other combinations and what they liked before i build mine. hopefully everything for the circuit will get here tomorrow (except pots) and the remainder by the end of the week. probably just in time for me to leave town for work again..... :(
Open Discussion / Nashville Builders
October 13, 2010, 10:27:01 PM
A question for all you current or former Middle Tennessee DIYers...

Are there any local stores to get parts at, other than Randolph and Rice, and RadioShack? I've been here for three years and I can't seem to find any places that sell all the little things we need. I went to Randolph and Rice today to give them one more shot, but I pretty much turned right back around. The store just stresses me out. So disorganized and they don't have prices on anything. And their prices aren't even that great.

::sigh:: I just wish there was a good place down here.... please let me know if there is.
Open Discussion / I'm out for a little while...
July 02, 2010, 04:56:48 PM
Hey all,

For the next week or so I will traveling abroad, working in an orphanage in Eastern Europe! Very excited about it! So I'll be out of commission for a while. I'll miss you all while I'm gone :)


So, a friend of mine told me that his Lovepedal Vibe has been giving him some trouble. He says that when in his signal chain, the Vibe sounds great when it is on, however, when the effect is bypassed and in his chain he gets a big loss in his high end clarity, as well as reduces volume. I cracked it open and looked at it, and there isn't anything wrong with it visibly, all the wires and solder joints look alright. I'd like to get this thing fixed (if possible) and back to him this week (as I am leaving the country for 8 days on Friday). Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated! When you plug directly into the effect it's fine, it's only when it's in his chain that this happens.

Also, Lovepedal has totally been shooting him BS saying they won't fix it "due to the rare nature of parts, they can't do anything about it." And he had to email them twice just to get a response.....

Thanks everyone! Help is greatly appreciated!!
Open Discussion / Interesting Etching Method
June 19, 2010, 10:45:55 PM
So, in my effort to save money, and save etchant, i just tried a different etching method that I found here:

After giving it a shot, here were my results on the Faultline board I just etched:

- It took WAY longer than "one minute" like the title suggests. Maybe 15-20, but it was my first try, so I may not have had enough on my sponge.
- I did have to reapply the sponge with some etchant 2-3 times, but again, maybe I didn't have enough on there to start.
- Not sure I'm comfortable with just rinsing out the sponge down my sink. Usually with my used etchant I keep it in plastic bottles... haven't figured out where in my town I can take it.
- I'm happy with the results (only see one or to spots I may need to fix) and I like the idea of only using what I need, making my etchant go a lot farther than it is right now.


Open Discussion / Copper Clad
June 11, 2010, 02:16:55 AM
Hey guys and gals,

So, where do those of you that etch boards buy your copper clad. I've just been using the double sided stuff that you can buy at Radio Shack. I really am not a fan of Radio Shack and their prices to begin with, so I would like to start getting it from somewhere else.

Also, I'm thinking about starting to by single sided copper clad to help save some etchant/money.

What do you guys use and where do you get it from?
Build Reports / Grapevine
May 29, 2010, 06:10:29 AM
Here is my Grapevine build, which is the next in my nerdy Avengers themed pedals, Iron Man,  ;D. This was my most challenging build yet. Fitting in all in the 1290NS wasn't easy and I think if i had the tiny bit of extra room that you get in the 1590 would have been helpful. I was very happy when I fired it up and it worked! It sounds great. I had to put the board in with the traces facing the bottom plate, so I used some spray adhesive and lined the bottom plate with some overhead transparency to keep it from shorting. I took a risk and attempted a two tone paint job on this one, and while not perfect, i'm very happy with it! Anyway, here are some pictures!

Build Reports / Add 2nd output to Slambox?
May 26, 2010, 05:45:06 AM
If I ever wanted to add a 2nd output to the slambox like the original has, how would you wire it up? i know you have to link the two outputs to the board, but what would be the best way to do that without there being an "OUT2" pad on the board? Thanks. I built one tonight and it sounds great, might be building one for a friend who might be interested in having that 2nd output.
Build Reports / Neutrino
May 22, 2010, 07:31:28 PM
So here is my Neutrino build. I kind of did a sloppy job on the enclosure on this one (which won't be too visible from these pics). I'm kind of a comic book nerd, ever since I was a kid, and now I'm 26 year old married man who still loves them. I decided to make the next bunch of pedals that I build have an Avengers theme to them, starting with the original line up and then moving on to characters added later. So here is the first one I built with this theme. I give you Captain America. This pedal sounds great. Knobs are as follows:
Stars: Drive
Stripes: Volume
The Dream: Glass

"The Dream" is just a reference to a good Cap quote: "I'm loyal to nothing, General. Except the Dream"

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Open Discussion / Organizing the work bench
May 21, 2010, 04:22:05 PM
So, when I first started this addiction I felt like I had a really good handle on keeping all my parts labeled and organized. Now my work area looks like that of a deranged, mad scientist. Crap is everywhere, and the amount of components only continues to grow. So I ask, how do you guys (if at all) organize/store the ridiculous amounts of components that go with this hobby?
Tech Help - Projects Page / Weird power issue
May 02, 2010, 05:39:57 AM
Haven't had this happen before and not sure what to check. My pedal runs off of a battery no problem, but if I plug a power supply into it powers down. Not sure what is going on. Thoughts? Thanks!
Tech Help - Projects Page / Pyledriver Question
April 02, 2010, 12:22:37 AM
I was looking over the schematic and layout for the Pyledriver and had a question. Doesn't the positive lead of C10 have to be connected to the power source as well? I just don't see that on the layout. Am I wrong, or just missing it (still a newb). Just confused. A friend of mine wants me to build him one of these so I was looking at your board. Thanks!