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Topics - Aentons

VFE Projects / Dual gang pots
October 10, 2018, 03:21:53 PM
Is there anywhere you can get multi-value dual gang pots similar to the ones used in the VFE Standout, Dragon, and Pinball?

C10k/C100k Custom PCB Dual-Gang 16mm

Is it the different values that are custom about these, or is it tolerance, or taper, or something else?
General Questions / Mouser pots?
September 13, 2018, 08:33:15 PM
Ok, I usually order pots from Small Bear or Tayda like everybody else but...
Does Mouser actually carry an equivalent of the Alpha pot like Small Bear carries?

Alpha Single-Gang 16mm Right-angle PC Mount

I've browsed through the Alpha product index to see if there was something new that took its place or if model numbers changed but I don't really see anything different.

I see they have the RV16AF-42-15R1 but arent those the long pin version?
Open Discussion / New USA Gibson for super cheap
September 08, 2018, 01:13:15 AM
Whaaat? $470 shipped for a Gibson USA model. How could this be? Who's heard of these?

Here is the orange one for even cheaper

I don't understand why it says can't ship to USA, didn't they get it from there. I thought thomann was even a drop shipper so that would make even less sense.

Edit: Looks like there is/was a whole line of these... The S Series. How did I miss that?
Open Discussion / Boss FB-2 Feedback Boost
September 07, 2018, 02:52:22 PM
Is digital the only way to generate feedback in a pedal like the Boss FB-2 does?

I know there are the feedback loop type pedals out there which seems to be something different.

VFE Projects / Triumvirate bass mods with guitar
August 28, 2018, 01:58:38 AM
I'm just wondering if anyone has tried the Triumvirate bass mods with guitar? I'd like to be able to use it for both if it sounds just as good. That's alota trimpots...
Open Discussion / 2x10 stereo guitar amps
August 21, 2018, 12:10:02 AM
I'm looking to weigh any and all options to buy or build a 2x10 "Stereo" combo amp. I listed the ones I know of below.

Does anyone know if there are any other past or present production models out there, or if there are any kits or diy projects floating around?

Ideally, I'm looking for a stereo AC-30 top boost with a half power switch and in a small form factor, but I'm open to anything that might be interesting. Solid state is not out of the question. I have owned a JC-77 and loved it, but it had mystery issues so its gone. I would love to build one but have never even seen a clone of a JC much less a project for one.

Any input is appreciated.

Magnatone Panaramic Stereo

Roland Jazz Chorus JC-40, JC-77, JC-90

Orange Rocker 32

Gibson GA-79 RTV

Open Discussion / Circuit Analysis
August 20, 2018, 03:57:44 PM
In addition to the Tutorials section, I think it would be helpful to have a collection of links to all the different detailed circuit analysis pages scattered around the internet. These are Not "How To's" like tutorials, but are detailed descriptions and explanations of well know circuits, not generalized concepts. Please post a link to any that I've missed.

Let's kick it off with none other than R.G. Keen's...

The Technology of the Tube Screamer
The Technology of the Fuzz Face
The Technology of the Univibe

Here are all the wonderful ElectroSmash articles:

Tube Screamer
Big Muff
Boss CE-2
Boss DS-1
Fuzz Face
Phase 90
Sitar Swami
Vox Wah
EMG 81 pickup
Back Talk
PT2399 delay chip

Other random analysis articles:

Boss MT-2

LM308 opamp

741 opamp

555 Timer
I know this subject has been done to death and top mount jacks with top mount power (TPTJ) has basically won. Also, since there are some great folks here, some who actually run a pedal business and deal with customers who make requests of one way vs the other, I think it is a good place to discuss a couple of points that I haven't seen mentioned much anywhere else.

There are two major types of side mount jack configurations, Boss/Ibanez style (TPSJ) with power on top and jacks on the side, MXR style (SPSJ) with power on the side and jacks on the side.

1) Aren't the TPSJ pedals the real space wasting culprit? SPSJ seems just as space efficient as TPTJ. It's just that SPSJ gives you more vertical rows, and TPTJ gives you more horizontal columns. Full disclosure, I like the SPSJ type pedals since they give me an extra row on my pedal train pro, and they are spaced just far enough apart so I don't get accidental clicks on a neighbor, which brings me to my next point...

2) Who are all the people with these super skinny feet/shoes that prefer TPTJ pedals crammed up right next to each other? Can you actually step on a switch without accidentally enagaging another next to it, especially now that soft switching is prevalent? The only way I can manage to do it is
barefoot and use my big toe or tilt my foot at an extreme angle. I have an BYOC OD2 and an EQD Palisades as my only TPTJ pedal examples and they both have multiple foot switches, so if I were to put another TPTJ pedal on either side, the switches would be extremely close. Ive been looking at a couple of the Chase Bliss pedals thinking that it would be close to unusable next to my OD2.

Just saying... I'm honestly curious how others justify TPTJ with these things in mind or if it's even ever an issue for most.

So when I get around to building the Blueprint, I want to try and figure out how add few options that I mentioned in previous posts like tap tempo and trails. I'm in the collecting ideas and research phase right now but... two other options I've thought of are, an effects loop using a stereo jack, and a variable high pass filter on repeats. Any pointers or knowledgeable insights are most welcome.

I have a EH Deluxe Memory Boy that I like sometimes and it has a semi-secret knob mode that does a HPF which is where I got the idea. It really takes the muddyness out and let's you play over the delay in a unique way which is something I haven't experienced in any other delay.

I'm only beginning to learn how to modify circuits and I learn best by example. I understand most components and mostly how they work llike opamps and filters and whatnot. So I'm at the point where I can understand the gist of what's going on in most effects circuits but this is my first time really looking at a delay in any detail and the vfe switch board confuses the hell out me.

I purchased the VFE schematics and board files from the website and I've been looking through them. It is fantastic of Peter to put it out there. In this instance, I'm not sure if they will provide anything beyond Brian's refined build doc schematic.

I know the PT2399 has a couple of low pass filters built in and I see a couple of others(r16+c4 and r31 and c11). Could the HPF thing be as easy as swapping cap and resistor positions and replacing resistor with a trimmer?

VFE Projects / Delay trails
April 27, 2018, 09:19:36 PM
I saw what looked like a prototype online called BP + Trails. Does anyone have any ideas on how to enable bypass delay trails with the Blueprint or Mobius?
VFE Projects / Blueprint tap tempo
April 23, 2018, 09:19:09 PM
Anybody know how to do the tap tempo mod for the Blueprint?
I am trying to recreate my Boss LS-2 line selector in it's A+B mix mode which is basically a 2 channel parallel looper. It has a knob on each return. I have not examined the circuit, but it appears that noon is unity, turn to the left and volume gets cut, turn to the right and gain is increased. The knobs are labeled "Level" and the extreme positions are labeled -infinite and +20. I assume it's using opamps for the boost.

Can anybody point me in the right direction on how to do that? Or is that what it's even happening?
VFE Projects / White Horse versions
February 28, 2018, 02:21:18 PM
I'm starting the White Horse and reading thru the build doc and notice it talks about the differences in building version 4.2, which is what is on the PCB, and ver 5. I see the clipping diodes are different and there are some cap changes as well. What do the changes in the cap values affect? Are the values interchangable?
VFE Projects / Old School depth
February 28, 2018, 02:12:06 PM
Hi folks,

I just finished up the Old School and it sounds great. However, the Depth knob doesn't seem to kick in until at least halfway up. I know VFE stuff tends to have some extra range on the knobs. Just wondering if this in particular is normal?

VFE Projects / Chroal Reef Noise
February 01, 2018, 06:05:55 PM
I built the Choral Reef and it sounds pretty good. I know there is some hiss associated with longer delay times. When my Width knob goes past noon the hiss starts and then seems to go past acceptable at about 3oclock. At that point the hiss is too loud and there is also slightly audible oscillation, especially the more the feedback is cranked. Is this considered normal or has anybody else had the same experience?
VFE Projects / Choral Reef MN3008 source
January 12, 2018, 02:35:33 AM
I just started building the Choral Reef. I saw the posts about a few sources for the MN3008 back when it was released. It's been a little while so I figured I'd ask...

Has anybody found any other or new sources for the MN3008 for less than the small fortune that Small Bear is charging?

I'm in the US so the overseas shipping for Banzai comes out about the same.

Has anybody tried a different chip?
VFE Projects / Alpha Dog Clipping
August 28, 2017, 07:35:29 PM
I see that in the Alpha Dog there are two clipping sections, "Hard" and "Soft". I understand that the normal Rat clipping is the Soft section. What is the "Hard" clipping section... the output stage? It looks like the options are the BS170 (Mosfet) transistor, no clipping, and the 1n34a(Germanium) diode.

I use to own a Deucetone Rat and it had lots of clipping options but I remember having the option of Germanium diodes in what would be the "Soft" section in the Alpha Dog. I guess I don't understand why the 1n34a is where it is?

The Deucetone clipping options were:

Clean Rat = no clipping
Vintage Rat = silicone diodes
Turbo Rat = LED
Dirty Rat = Germanium diodes

Also, I see the four 1n4148 diodes on one side of the "Soft" clipping section and the center position is no clipping. Is the other side the 2n5458? Isn't that a silicon transistor? Why use two silicon options instead of LEDs for one side?

Thanks folks!
VFE Projects / VFE production gut shots
August 13, 2017, 03:50:20 PM
I have (or have had in the past) several of the latest production versions of the VFE projects and figured I'd post some gut shots in case they might be helpful. If anybody else has any others, I'd be interested in seeing them as well.

Tractor Beam/ Enterprise
The Triplet
Pale Horse
Fiery Red Horse
Rocket EQ
Mini Mu

VFE Projects / Alpha Dog 9mm reverse audio pot?
August 10, 2017, 05:37:27 PM
The Alpha Dog build calls for a "10kC 1 PC Mount Right Angle, Plastic Shaft 9mm" and the Small Bear link in the build doc doesn't have the reverse pot. I couldn't seem to find them anywhere else. Do these exist?... Does anyone have another source for these?