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Topics - matmosphere

Open Discussion / Boss ds-1 mods ;)
May 28, 2016, 02:59:23 AM
I did some mods to the old ds-1. Honestly I'm much happier with it now. I've never been really into the pedal, but it honestly sounds much better now.

First thing I did was go true bypass. I managed to jam a 3pdt switch in there. Need to grind down the to a little more so I can have space for the switch to reset but it's very close now, so I don't think it'll be a problem.

I won't go into detail about the mods right now, but I'm sure a couple of you will spot the changes right of the bat.

Open Discussion / Breadboard layouts
May 26, 2016, 03:09:18 AM
Wasn't there a site that had a bunch of breadboard layouts? Similar to tagboard effects?
Open Discussion / Yesterday was a good day
May 23, 2016, 05:49:41 PM
For some reason the reverb on my Music Man Sixty-Five decided it would start working again after four years. I had forgotten how good it sounds!

Thinking back I'm pretty sure the problem was the footswitch. I'm not sure I ever remember out working after I bought a new footswitch for it. Hopefully that means it'll be an easy fix.
My wife and I are thinking about taking a trip to Canada. I know there are more than a few guys on here from Canada so i figured I'd see what you guys recommend doing our setting in Vancouver and Montreal. We're going back and forth between the two. Both look like they'd be amazing but seems like Vancouver might have a little more going on.

The big takeaway though is that Canada has more metal per capita than the US does.
I bought a used set of Gibson Deluxe tuners from my local shop last week for a build that I'm working on. It's a great shop and I choose to support them instead of buying a less expensive new set of tuners online, but they've let me down this time.

I reemed out the holes on the neck and when I went to do a dry fit with all six I noticed the back wasn't secure on one of the bass side tuners. Turns out the little tabs that hold it down were broken clean off. The guy at the shop won't take them back because I can't find the receipt despite the fact that he and I both know exactly what I paid for them. He's a nice guy and has a great shop so I don't want to burn bridges here but I'm pretty ticked off. Especially because my budget is super tight right now and I don't have the cash to buy a different set at the moment, and having reemed the holes out my original choice will now need conversion bushings that will just add to the expense.

I'm not 100% sure it was pulling away when I bought them but the most I did with it was check to make sure that everything turned smoothly. I feel like the thing should have at least made it onto the guitar before kicking it, I mean there wasn't even any string tension on it. I ended up taking it apart this morning and discovered that one of the small plastic washers had broken off and was between the back of the tuner and the gear. I figure the pressure from that is what caused the thing to break. The metal washer and other plaster washer are very warped as well, so I'm pretty sure this thing was messed up before I ever got it.

At any rate if somebody out there has a bass side Gibson Deluxe tuner laying around I might be willing to take it off your hands.

I have never had a gibson, so I'm wondering if these things are just total crap. Maybe I shouldn't even mess with them and just wait until I can afford something better.
Hey guys, here is what I've finished up lately.

First off the Behemoth bass drive. This is Jeremy's board from the group buy a while back. I believe its a clone of the DAM ezekiel. Sounds great on bass and guitar but I wish it had a little more gain, so I'm probably going to try a few different IC's and swap a few diodes. Huge range of sounds.

I was hoping that it would look like Calvin was stomping on the switch.

Next up is a Green Bean I built for my brother. Built it to Bean's specs. Socketed the symmetrical diodes. There are 3mm clear red leds in there right now but I think I'm going to try something else. Is there a big difference between how clear and regular led's will sound?

My brother has been collecting comics since before I was born. One of his favorite characters is Green Latern, so I thought "what better for the artwork!" I'm pleased with the look of this one. Originally I wanted to take the artwork straight out of an old comic, but I couldn't find anything that fit right. So I tried to make the print look like an old newsprint comic. Turned out pretty well. The thing I'm most happy with is getting the LED lined up just right. I probably think it's a little cooler than it really is but the LED is my favorite part here.

57 is young too, poor guy.

Just four months in 2016 isn't a good year for music.
I remember before the great crash that there was a guy on here that would selling pickups he had wound. Anybody remember who it was and know if he's still doing it? I'm working on a guitar build and thinking I might give him some business.
Open Discussion / This is pretty neat
April 01, 2016, 02:04:15 AM
A thousand year old instrument that sounds like a video game from the eighties.

Hey guys, the archives of Bevis on the wayback machine are almost completely gone. Does anybody have any of the page saved? I'm still hoping the whole thing comes back at some point.

I'm specifically looking for the article on having a well stocked bench, but there is so much other stuff I'd like to have too.

Feel bad for the guy. Hopefully he can recover from whatever is causing the problem. I've never gotten into these guys, but they have a great sound and they are a really tight band. Lots of respect for them as musicians.
Build Reports / February builds
February 29, 2016, 04:01:31 AM
It was warm enough to get some building done a few nights this month.

This is a Timmy clone built on a nice compact board I got from Rockhorst. It's all stock besides the 4558d. I'm thinking about tracking down an original 4559, the 4558d doesn't have as much gain as I thought it might, but it does sound great. For the artwork I tried to stick with the inspiration for the pedals name. Went the paint marker route because I wanted to just get it on my board so I could pull of my Joyo (gasp, it was cheap and I was broke) OCD clone. Almost melted one of the caps when I was boxing it up. Had some Davies style knobs but I like how the boss ones look so I'll have to pick up a few more.

Second we have a Madbean Doombutter. This is a clone of the Mid-fi Clari(not). It's a damn fun pedal to play with. Gotta give props to Jebus and m-Kresol for helping me with some troubleshooting on this one. I eventually figured out that I shorted some stuff because the board was pushed up against the switch :( fail. I got the wedge enclosure off the forum a while back. I love the look of the enclosure, I wish I could make them myself. I use them all the time. Still have to find the right knobs for this one.

I was thinking about breadboarding the 424 (and maybe a few others) but I do not understand what the pin connections are on the schematic. There are three, one by the input, one by the output and one by the 9v in. I've only breadboarded a few very simple circuits so far, but I haven't run into that one something I want to try out.
I just wired up a build and in having power issues. When I hit the switch the led blinks on and turns off immediately. No sound passes when the pedal is switched on. I'm guessing the two are related. I tested the power supply with a different pedal and can rule that out as the cause. I've double and triple checked the offboard wiring. Everything worked in the testing rig last night, so I'm pretty sure the problem is either the dc jack or the stomp switch. Anybody seen a similar problem before.

Tech Help - Projects Page / Doombutter question
February 24, 2016, 07:04:37 PM
Built up my doombutter last night. Rocked it (out of the box), realized the volume was wired in reverse. I switched the wires, didn't rock it again, boxed it.. Fail

Had to leave it and take care of other things, but I remembered after I left about switching the wires. I checked over the off board stuff and it's all fine. Should I switch the volume wiring back? I guess I'm assuming the volume would just work I reverse if lugs 1 and 3 were switched. Am I incorrect on that? Maybe I just thought it was backwards.
And I haven't even finished boxing this up yet.
General Questions / Question about rotary switches
February 22, 2016, 03:00:40 AM
So when I was stomping on my Multiplex at practice today I must have accidentally stomped to hard on the rotary switch. When I opened it up it looked like the switch had separated a bit. I found a little ball bearing rattling around in the case as well. My question is, can I put the switch back together or does it just need to be replaced?
I'd like to start etching but every tutorial I see involves using a laser printer to get a good transfer. Unfortunately I don't have one. I've considered having things printed at a print shop, but I'm nut confident in any of the shops I've used around me. Does anyone know of a decent alternative?