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Topics - copachino

Mods / true bypass for boss?
May 24, 2014, 08:09:01 PM
hi i would like to know i someone has a way or schematic to make a boos pedal truebypass, more specific, the boss Meg Distotion 2, and also the ibanez tube screamer ts808 reissue....

can it be done without modifying the buffers??
General Questions / how to fix pcb on enclosure
May 23, 2014, 04:34:27 PM
hi, i have seen many of you that dont use on board pots, but, somehow on the photos, the pcb looks fixed, i have a project that always give issues, the pcb always move around, and some times the fx stop working because come cap shot a pot, or something happens, there, but its a pain in the ass, what can i do to fix my pcb??
General Questions / buffer help on desing
May 22, 2014, 12:57:58 AM
hi, im here with my noob things, i have a problem with my eagle, my eagles its trolling me, so i cant draw a layout for a buffer a have, its a dual buffer, i have already make it on pcb, but i have added a few changes like input resistor for true bypass, and a dieode and capacitor to filter the supply, but my torlling eagle its not working propelly, somehow, it has joins the outputs, like out1 and the after that uot 2, and the ouput most be independent, so i dont know if someone can help me to finish the layout on eagle to uploaded for free on OASpark, or for etch a board
General Questions / kingslayer II capacitors
May 21, 2014, 01:57:18 PM
hi, as i already been able to pay my Board, im making a small bears shopping for the board, but, i have seen rare capacitor that are not in stock on small bear, this are 5n6, 68n, 390n, and also 422k resistor, also its not listed the 1N5817 diode(i think maybe a 1N400x can work here), can i change this values for the close next??
General Questions / problem with check out
May 19, 2014, 07:22:24 PM
hi, i have a small problem with my check out, im trying to pay with paypal but it seems that something on neans account declined my payment, my paypal card its good, and to try out, i have make a puchase at small bears wihout problems, what can be wrong??
General Questions / carl martin plexitone
May 17, 2014, 08:19:25 PM
hi all, i have seen the plexitone, its a very simple schematic, but i has a transformer on it, so i was wondering if its better so supply with the transformer or just use a charge pump, does anybody have build this pedal before??
General Questions / sun king II or kingslayer II
May 13, 2014, 08:41:17 PM
which its better, i mean both are klon based circuits, but i have seen tha the sunking has almost the sam options, but which its better for modifying and also for a better tone control??
General Questions / positive ground wiring
May 13, 2014, 03:27:51 AM
does anyone has a positive ground wiring schematic for a 3pdt