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Messages - steveperiod

Quote from: peAk on March 19, 2015, 01:36:08 PM
...nah, this thing is built better than anything I could have done so no regrets there. I don't really follow new pedal companies but some of their other stuff seemed cool too.

Any thoughts on pigtronix stuff?

i was able to pick up an echolution 2 on the cheap recently and really, really like it. a bit of a different flavor from some of the other popular digital delay units out there. their service has been great too, even though i bought mine used. i liked it so much that i went with their infinity looper when i wanted to step up from the ditto i had on my board. both pedals are rock solid and offer pretty unique sounds/features.

tl;dr: thumbs up for pigtronix.
Build Reports / Re: Dirtbag/DMM
May 19, 2014, 05:03:58 PM
love those synth knobs and the 70s-ish electronic font. adjustable slam switch sounds sweet too. great job.
this thread is super interesting to me as i'm currently in a spot where i might be forced to use some sort of amp sim for all of my recorded guitars. i had considered adding a dummy load to my 18W and using something like a red box for silent recording, but i'm not sure it would be enough of an improvement over the tone of the sims to be worth the effort (because of my elementary recording/mixing skills). my family is moving out of country so we're a bit limited on what we can bring. my wife is fine with my modest pedalboard coming but we just have no room for an amp with a cab. *maybe* a small head, but that's it.

another issue in my case is the place we're going (nepal) is without power for huge chunks of the day. so a sim has the added advantage of being able to be used as long as my laptop has a battery charge. pretty sweet but unfortunately doesn't have the fantastic tone of the 6V6s in my amp.

i've been using the sims in logic pro x as well to try and get a feel for what i could be dealing with. i've pretty much come to the same conclusions listed above. good, not great, and good amp is definitely preferable. now i've heard of some other sims mentioned as being quite a bit better - scuffham s-gear, most of the time - but i haven't had the chance to try it out yet.
love these distressed (but not too distressed) looks. great job.
i used ppp last year sometime for a one-off screen print before their policy changed. though the print had a small issue it came out looking freaking fantastic.
Third thumbs up on the George L's. I had a set of Lavas and found them to be good but a little more work to fix on the fly. The George L's are crazy easy to setup and fix (if needed). The only time I had any go bad on me was when I completely rearranged my board, so I was sort of expecting it. Great cables.
General Questions / Re: Dr. Z Air Brake - home made?
April 14, 2014, 01:23:20 AM
I built one using this layout:

Can't remember where I got it from originally, but I followed it and had good results. I skipped the rheostat portion as the bedroom level option didn't interest me very much. Mine ended up being mounted inside the cabinet of a 2x12 18 watt Marshall clone I built. I used it pretty much all the time to knock a few dBs off the amp.
Quote from: mah62 on March 06, 2014, 04:12:10 PM

I'm surprised no one has mentioned "Parks and Recreation", Ron Swanson is one of the funniest comic creations for a long time. "there's been a mistake: you appear to have served me the food that my food eats"!

Yes!! Parks & Rec!! That show doesn't get nearly the attention it deserves. Just about every character on that show is amazing.
It's been said a couple of times, but True Detective. Oh my goodness. Definitely my favorite thing on TV at the moment. If you have HBO (or access to an HBOGo account) do yourself a favor and watch that show. Really love The Americans too. As far as stuff no longer on the air, the third to last episode of Breaking Bad (Ozymandias) might be the best thing I've ever seen on TV.

I wanted to like The Walking Dead. I really, really did. Was a huge fan of the first few dozen issues of the comic but then it started to suck. The show just never grabbed me at all.
On all three of my builds (18 watt TMB, 18 watt lite IIB, modified Fender 5E3) I clipped off exposed wire, put heat shrink over the ends, then coiled them up and used a zip tie to hold them in place. It ended up looking much neater than that description sounds.
General Questions / Re: Taptation Chipset
October 29, 2013, 09:20:04 PM
if you're interested i have an unused set i'd be happy to sell. doesn't appear that i'm going to get around to a diy tap delay anytime soon, so it might as well go to someone that can use it.
Open Discussion / Re: NGD!
October 10, 2013, 03:05:21 PM
i know you don't like it as much, but damn i love a cbs headstock on a strat. great looking project all the way around.
Audio/Video Demos / Re: Supreaux Deux demo
September 08, 2013, 11:59:44 PM
pretty interesting sounds out of that pedal. great playing as well. and i'm a huge fan of the detailed notes you put in all your demo videos. thanks for that.
Open Discussion / Re: Interesting Read JHS content
September 04, 2013, 02:28:26 PM
for some reason i picture mr. jhs insisting on doing the captain morgan stance while he gives those bullcrap answers.
spent some with the "gentlemen" album by afghan whigs today. took me back to my freshman year. still such a great grimy, soulful rock record.