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Messages - Dexxyy

Open Discussion / Re: Tayda Electronics clone PCBs
April 02, 2014, 09:39:57 AM
Actually cj posted "You don't need to drink the Koolaid to serve it out to others."
Personally I don`t get why people are getting their knickers in a twist about this, if you don`t like it don`t buy it, simples. How many people in the diy community started out by buying a kit, building it, getting more interested and kicking on from there? Quite a few would be my guess. What tayda actually call their kits is irrelevant, if it breaches copyright then it`s up to the copyright owner to take action. I doubt calling their kit box of rock etc is going to lead to many, if any, people, to believe the are buying a genuine zvex product, especially as there is no mention of zvex anywhere in their description.
Yeah, selling pcb`s of circuits from the diy community aint cool, but as CJ already said, if you post it on the internet then for people to use then, unless you patent it, you don`t really have much say in how it is used. After all Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.