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Messages - NewtechGS

Drill Press for sure. Drill speed would be 2nd. Aluminium does not like being drilled too fast. Medium or 2nd from slowest on a pillar drill (2400rpm ish) is about right. Plus dont just steam on through, you want to cut a bit, then raise the drill bit out, then do a bit more. This will help remove the ally from the hole and the drill spirals as you go, which makes cutting accurately much easier. If you are using a stepper bit, than have the drill on it slowest setting.
Also what i find useful for nice accurate side holes on Hammond enclosures is to use an angle vise, which allows you to have the angled box sides on a flat plane for drilling. You can do it without one, but drilling down onto an angled box will cause the drills to drift
Open Discussion / 1s1588 Diode supplier
February 25, 2014, 12:46:03 PM
Having read a few threads of guys having issue sourcing these for builds, especially in the US
Here is two places that have the Toshiba version in stock, one is Germany the other Spain.

Glenn  :)
Requests / Re: More Sunkings.
December 03, 2011, 11:39:42 AM
I really hope you get some more done !  i have no probs etching a single side version from the drawing but the ones you have made are in a different league and look amazing all red and printed up

Please get more made !!! :)