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Messages - Bumfluff101

Checked everything and replaced a couple of resistors but still no change.
I've ordered another PCB and will give it another shot.
One query I had was that for C8 the cap reads -15.3v on the negative leg and -1.34 on the positive leg which then feeds pin one of ic2. Does this mean the cap is the issue? This is one I hadn't changed but not sure whether it's worth it now?
Thanks, I have checked the ones identified with a MM and they are all the right values except R57/R58 which have the right code for 100k but are only measuring about 50k on the MM. I will replace those and check all the others again and report back
Yes, pin 6 sorry

240 on the mica cap

I've swapped out the ne570 but still get the funky voltage readings

Readings are

Pin 2
CCW - 49hz
CW - oscillates between 586-637hz

Pin 8
CCW - 49hz
CW - 57hz
Hi all,
Put this together and although a signal passess through there is no delay.

1) All ICs have the approx -15v on pin 4 but there are some low voltages on some of the pins (see pics)

2) TP1 has signal

3) Level control works

4) Blend control 'works' in that you can hear a difference in the level of the output but no other control impacts the signal

6) TP2 there is signal but not delayed and BIAS1 trimmer takes away some of the static noise

7) TP3 there is signal but GAIN1 trimmer doesn't really do anything

I am not really sure of the next steps as the signal does seem to hit everything, I am assuming its not MN3005 as I got them from a reputable dealer but could be.

Any ideas as to where to start?