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Messages - jhsa

Quote from: Marshall Arts on November 15, 2018, 12:18:19 PM
I might try it at some point as well, but am too busy currently, as I am working on my Linda Looper redesign. Seems like there is a lot of interest in Arduino-based control solutions ;-)

Hey, back after 5 years. I have learnt a bit more about coding. I can blink 4 LEDs instead of just two :)
Well, joking of course. But I did learn a bit more and been doing some cool projects as well. One of them is exactly an Effects Switcher (Looper). It is DIY, it is called iLoopino and you can find it on a Facebook group. Not my original project. I just help developing it.
But yeah, I finally came back to try the TapPrecise project. Is someone still building it?
yeah, my problem is (as I said above), I can barely blink a couple LEDs :) Your code is a bit too complicated for me :) But I will have a netter look and try to make some sense of it :)

Thanks for your answer..
:) I am not a programmer.. I can blink LEDs on arduino though :D I guess that is not enough to do the requested changes, right?? :)
One of the reasons I asked was that perhaps it was possible to just use the tap tempo without any changes to the code, and just compile it for an attiny? Hmmm, the problem is that the attiny has less pins right? so the code must be adapted :(
I could also make a DBD board and include the m328 chip and resonator. Perhaps I could make it all fit in one B type enclosure if I go SMD on most components, and double sided PCB..

Thank you.

Hi, this topic seems to be a bit old, but i will ask anyway :)
This is a really cool project, thank you very much for sharing it.
Is it possible to use only the tap tempo functionality, and make it as simple as possible? The reason is I would like to place this inside the delay enclosure itself, which is a "B" type. It would be nice if it could be done. Could it also run on an ATtiny85, or 84 if more pins are needed??

Thanks for this cool project
