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Messages - skypn

General Questions / Distortion Problems
June 04, 2024, 03:52:23 PM
Consider this schematic:

When I run a 125hz signal from my computer through the pedal and output it to my computer speakers, it sounds oh so wonderfully dirty, yet sweet ;D . Pot 1 gives it a great range of "dirts". Pot 2 doesn't add so much volume, as it adds flavor.
But when I run a six sting through it, still through the computer speakers, whenever I turn POT1 up pass 10:30ish, it starts to squeal. Pot 2 does little but change the squeal's threshold. Before that, it still sounds cool. If I had to guess, I would take a stab in the dark and guess maybe to play around with the values of POT1, and C2. or swap transistors, maybe.
What do you guys think are the usaul suspects?
General Questions / interfet 2N5484 Pinout
May 08, 2024, 02:57:55 PM
I'm confused. consider this potion of the data sheet:

That is my guess of the pinout. Where this potion:

leads me to believe I've got it backwards.
please help
General Questions / Re: PCB Design Basics
May 08, 2024, 02:45:23 PM
Thanx Guys
General Questions / Re: Transistor Question
May 02, 2024, 10:55:11 PM
Thank you for helping me eliminate a variable.
General Questions / PCB Design Basics
May 02, 2024, 10:52:32 PM
Ok, I'm getting kinda close to figuring out parts layout.
While studying a few of Madbeans layouts, I have noticed the clustering of resistors, diodes, even caps. Are these clusters designed solely by trial and error, or are they laid out by principles that one can learn, and even follow, to better their layouts.
If the later proves to be the case, would one please point me to the proper reference materials. If the former proves to be the case, cross you fingers 8)
General Questions / Transistor Question
April 22, 2024, 06:28:47 PM
Consider this schematic.

 If one mistakenly installed a 1K resistor instead of an 100K for R4, what are the odds that would result in damage to Q1?
General Questions / PCB Design Software
January 16, 2024, 04:43:20 PM
I just got a new Win11 computer, and I'm starting to install the software. I have been using Eagle in Win7 (wait for laughter to die down). I know Eagle's gone in '26. I have been thinking of jumping ship and going with a freeware like KiCad. My hesitation is i have spent HOURS customizing parts in Eagle. There will be a learning curve for Fusion 360, so I guess to make a long question short...
What software do you guys use? 
General Questions / Re: Fuzz Face Volume Problems
December 09, 2023, 11:44:03 AM
Thank You MB
General Questions / Re: Fuzz Face Volume Problems
December 08, 2023, 05:42:49 PM
Increase R3 for more volume. Try 470R, or 680R.
It just came to me. this portion of the circuit is series, and I is constant in series, so E has to increase, more E = more Vol, I guess. DUH, sorry
General Questions / Re: Fuzz Face Volume Problems
December 08, 2023, 05:37:10 PM
MB, you have given me a lot to go on. Thank You.

Increase R3 for more volume. Try 470R, or 680R.
Please explain why, in this case, when you increase the R, will that decrease I, or increase E?

Then check the voltage at the collector of Q2. You'll want something around 4.5v. Adjust R5 as needed.
This is one of the few things I Do know.

TIP: add a 1k resistor in series between IN and C1. That can help prevent oscillation when the guitar knob is rolled all the way down.]
How does it do it? Do I need to learn more about RC circuits? (we already know the answer is yes ::))
And should I do that all the time, or just for Fuzz?

In conclusion, in your vast experience , should I try to modify the board I have now, or re-work the whole thing on a breadboard, and make another PCB?
Thank You for your time knowledge.
General Questions / Fuzz Face Volume Problems
December 08, 2023, 11:36:13 AM
In reference to the pedal I recently built:

Consider this schematic:

NOTE: Q2 is missed labeled. It is really a 2N2222.

This is my problem. I get a noticeable drop in vol when I turn on the effect, and hardly any response at all, either vol or fuzz, unless the guitar is cranked up. But when it is cranked, it sounds great.
Now I've only been doing this stuff a couple years, and so far I've only been "painting by numbers", and am slowly learning what effect each part makes on the sound.
If I had to guess, I would say maybe adjust the value/taper of the 500KA vol pot, but I wouldn't bet money on it.
Any ideas will be helpful, and as always, TIA
Build Reports / Re: The Chocolate Fuzz
November 14, 2023, 04:39:46 PM
Thank You both for your kind words.
Actually, the graphic is just a glob of smooge that is spiky from the audio waves. ::)
Build Reports / The Chocolate Fuzz
November 13, 2023, 03:45:49 PM
It's been a while since I finished a pedal. This is the Chocolate Fuzz, built on our old friend the Fuzz Face. I have modded it to be a bit more Bass friendly.



And the side no ones gets to see

Exactly, what I mean.
I'm looking for what they call 1 oz.
General Questions / Source for Quality Blank PCB
August 10, 2023, 08:51:37 PM
I'm guessing the big smiling "A" isn't it. I welcome your opinions.