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Messages - cdicker

I checked the values and they are correct.  When the switch is in the 1/2 position, it is quiet, and the gain doesn't do anything.  When in the 5/6 position, it is a lot louder but it will randomly not work at all.  And then when it does work, the gain doesn't work and when you let it ring out, it fizzles out like a blown speaker.  All distorty in a bad way.  I even changed the IC1 chip and it didn't make any difference.  The LED's both work now.  But when it does that fizzling sound, the LED's both barely go on.  Any ideas anyone.  I'm completely lost and I don't want to give up.

I just finished building the sparkplug and when I pluged it in, it was really quiet.  With the volume cranked even.  All the knobs work except the gain knob doesn't seem to make a lot of difference.  Also, the D3 LED isn't lighting up. Is the the power on LED or does it do something else? And finally when you flip the toggle switch the D2 lights up but goes between distorting really really bad and cutting in and out. Like its about to blow a speaker.   It does get louder though.  Please help cause I like the tone but it has to be cranked.  Thanks

I thought that too but couldn't find anything.  I am using metal jacks so just the input is grounded. I'll check grounding again though.
Ok, this is my 3rd build and I don't know why this won't work.  When I plug it in all it does is hum.  Even if it is bypassed.  Still a hum.  It gets louder when you engage it though.  I tried to take pics and they are super blurry. I'll try again but any ideas.  I've checked my joints and even values like I read on another post.  I even removed the 3pdt switch and it still hummed.  You can very very faintly hear a little guitar when you crank it up but barely through the hum. Please help.

We good news kinda.  Seems I am a super super noob that doesn't pay attention.  My power jack was wired backwards. So my ground and 9V was reversed.  I was looking at the aristocrat that I build and noticed the power jacked looked different. At least it was an easy fix  Live and learn I guess.   Well thank you guys for all you tips and stuff.  I learned a bunch from you guy,s so thanks.

Here is the pic. Sorry it's blurry, I'll try to get a better pic but hopefully this can help a bit. And here is a random question kinda.  Why if I test the voltage for R12 do I get 9V on both side to ground and when I measure R13 I get 9V on one side and .7V for the other to ground.  And I did change out the resistor and nothing has changed.

[attachment deleted by admin]
I didn't clarify whether it will help but R13 at the one side reads 9V and the other side reads .7V.  Bothe from ground.
It is the correct color stripe.
Ok wait, I measured the wrong resistor.  It is a 100R but the side furthest away is .7V.  When you measure it, it comes out as 100R though so could that mean that it could be a bad resistor even though you can measure it? May be a dumb question.
I tested the voltage coming in and it's 9V. I checked R13 and it's 9V to ground and it is 100R.  I checked connections and nothing is touching other than all the grounds.  Do you think it's the IC?  I will try to take a pic today also.
Nope.  I have .75 V and the rest are .60 V ish other than 4 which is 0V.
I have bypassed the whole 3pdt switch  and everything is wired directly to the PCB.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Egodrive not working
June 23, 2011, 05:22:50 PM
can someone help me. I am a total noob and I can't figure out why my egodrive won't work. No sound at all.  The LED lights up but that is the only thing that works.  I checked all the solder joints and values and they seem to be correct.  I tried to trouble shoot from a different post (the egodrive problem one) and I have voltage but when I go to the IC, I only get .66 on each one (other that 4 which is 0).  I know he got values of 4.4 but I don't.  I am lost where to even begin troubleshooting.  Please help.
Open Discussion / Re: Egodrive not working
June 23, 2011, 05:21:29 PM
Thanks, I'll move there.
Open Discussion / Egodrive not working
June 23, 2011, 05:01:59 PM
can someone help me. I am a total noob and I can't figure out why my egodrive won't work. No sound at all.  The LED lights up but that is the only thing that works.  I checked all the solder joints and values and they seem to be correct.  I tried to trouble shoot from a different post (the egodrive problem one) and I have voltage but when I go to the IC, I only get .66 on each one (other that 4 which is 0).  I know he got values of 4.4 but I don't.  I am lost where to even begin troubleshooting.  Please help.