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Messages - Aleph Null

While I was very happy with the circuit, I was never happy with the finish on my original vero build. Having decided to learn to design PCBs, this circuit seemed like a good candidate. The thread on the original goes into details about the circuit, but basically it's a short delay with envelop control pitch bending. This makes for unique chorus, doubling, slap back, and vibrato effects.

The enclosure is a Love My Switches limited run. The face plate is a one-sided aluminum PCB from JLCPCB.

The face plate made finishing a breeze and makes it easier to hide mis-drilled holes!

I've been experimenting with ribbon cable and am liking the results. I'm considering making daughter boards for bypass and inputs for future projects to streamline things further.

The circuit is unchanged except for the boost section. The boost has been revoiced to cut frequencies below 140Hz or so. At the lowest setting, there is no frequency cut. The boost gets "brighter" as the gain is increased. This keeps things tight when boosting into an overdrive or dirty amp.

Here's the original demo.

I have extra PCBs and face plates. If anyone is interested in building this, please DM me.
The clipping diode key on the south face is really smart!
Open Discussion / Re: dual OTA circuits
June 17, 2024, 03:37:43 PM
I'm working on a multi-band compressor that would use both sides of the LM13700, but I haven't had much luck getting it to work yet. Other than that, I can't think of any circuits that use both sides. 
General Questions / Re: Distortion Problems
June 04, 2024, 04:26:52 PM
Can you take a picture of the actual layout? It might be an artifact of the breadboard or something.
Build Reports / Re: Queen, Clone, Pickles.
May 28, 2024, 04:43:06 PM
Looking good! How do you like the screen printing service?
Welcome aboard!

jwin615 made some great recommendations. There's lots of knowledgeable people here so definitely ask away. We all remember what it's like to be new to the hobby—and there's always more to learn.
Quote from: jwin615 on May 09, 2024, 11:02:28 PMI love big knobs.
I love unruly fuzz.
I love this.
Great job and congrats on the first layout working out.
Should've dimed it in the demo though ;D
I've been meaning to build one of these up. Breadboard one a few years back and loved it. This circuit has a bit more going on than the parasit layout. Was that you or inspiration from elsewhere?
Great job!

I wasn't aware of Parasit circuit. I did look at Anderton's comparator fuzz, but this circuit is different from that one as well.
Quote from: TNblueshawk on May 09, 2024, 12:04:28 PMLooks great AN.

Next up a digital echo PCB design?  :o

Thanks! I have PCBs for my Special Sauce circuit on the way—that's built around a PT2399, so maybe that counts? I have been side-eyeing the FV-1.
Quote from: jessenator on May 02, 2024, 04:35:56 PMOh I meant boards that come in JLCPCB's blue delivery box haha. But maybe you went with OshPark.

The first few pcbs I had were totally bogus or super noisy.

These are from OSHPark. I have stuff coming from JLCPCB, but that's a story for a different thread!  ;)

It was definitely a relief to discover there was only one small error on this first board—I swapped the ground and lamp pads that go to the bypass switch—that's easily fixed!
Quote from: jessenator on April 30, 2024, 09:42:25 PMNice work! Good to see your first attempt worked out of the blue box :)

Does the Blue Box use a comparator? It certainly sounds like it could be.
Build Reports / One Chip Pony — Comparator Fuzz
April 30, 2024, 07:51:15 PM
This is my first attempt at PCB design. I chose a simple circuit and followed along to DigiKey's KiCad tutorials.. The One Chip Pony only does one trick—and it only uses one chip!

Clown color hydro-dip finish felt appropriate.

Maybe it looks a little silly in such a large enclosure, but I needed the extra room for the giant knob! This layout was designed specifically to accommodate the knob and switch, and also to be easy to troubleshoot.

An input gain stage feeds a comparator. Instead of amplifying the signal until it clips, the signal is compared to the bias voltage. If the input is above the threshold, the output swings to the ground rail; if below, it swings to the supply rail. It's maximum fuzz and maximum compression all the time. Picking dynamics do come through a little, but as changes in timbre, not volume. The "Gate" switch is actually changing the input gain and the input impedance. More gain means less aggressive gating. The upshot of the gate is that the pedal is dead silent when you're not playing!

Here's a demo:

I have a couple extra PCBs. If anyone is interested, DM me.
Build Reports / Re: My latest brood
April 26, 2024, 04:00:06 PM
Here's to a quick recovery!
Build Reports / Re: My latest brood
April 25, 2024, 06:03:25 PM
Looking good from here! I can't tell you how many sins I've hidden under washers. How do you like the circuit?
General Questions / Re: Transistor Question
April 22, 2024, 08:56:11 PM
If everything else is connected correctly R4 is sending negative feedback to Q1. It'll just be guitar signal. That's a lot of negative feedback, so the signal could be pretty weak, but it won't break anything.
Global Annoucements / Re: Forum issues
April 21, 2024, 12:55:04 AM
The login issues seem to be resolved from here. I'm still getting used to the new color ways. The mobile experience is much nicer now!