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Messages - djroge1


Is there a smiley with a light bulb going off over a head? 
Quote from: jkokura on March 28, 2011, 12:12:48 AM
Switches can be reversable, but only up and down. You can turn a switch 180 degrees, but not 90 degrees.

The holes in the lugs need to be seen through top to bottom. That means that all the holes go up and down. Does that help?


I "think" I get what you mean but not sure. I understand the "You can turn a switch 180 degrees, but not 90 degrees."

But the holes need to be seen through top to bottom? Are you saying that the holes in the switch need to face the top/bottom of box? Thus the holes do NOT face towards the input/output jacks?
General Questions / Re: Serendipity help
March 19, 2011, 01:39:26 PM
Thanks I'll read up on those links.

I've built a BYOC pedal but the instructions were well written and easy to follow.
General Questions / Serendipity help
March 18, 2011, 04:20:26 AM
I have this pedal and I have it about completed but I cannot get it to work.

First, the page with the parts did not have a diagram of the switch. I've tried two different configurations but neither one seemed to make a difference. First I tried based on the diagram from the Double Flush pedal. Next I tried one someone posted here called Pandadandan method. On the first one the Led was brighter, but on the 2nd one at one point I could hear my guitar in bypass but there was a loud ground hum.

Second, where is a great shot of the jacks? Which is the ring, tip, and sleeve?

Even in my amp building projects I get turned around about the input jacks.
General Questions / Re: hangin' PCB
March 05, 2011, 10:28:43 PM
Cool thanks!
General Questions / hangin' PCB
March 05, 2011, 07:59:00 PM
I building my first MadBean pedal and I'm just wondering what do you guys use to isolate the PCB from touching the other parts?