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Messages - pryonisys

Thank you guys so much, you're the best.

Quote from: BrianS on March 13, 2017, 11:36:48 PM
Have you seen these?
That would be fantastic if I planned on doing more of these, I will have to keep those in mind.
Quote from: Aleph Null on March 13, 2017, 05:56:15 PM
You'll need a 3PDT for order switch...and a 4PDT if you want and LED indicator as well. There may be other options for relay swtiching, but I can't speak to those.

I put an order switch in a tremolo/reverb. It looks like this:

If you would like a wiring diagram, I can make you one.

If you could give a wiring diagram that would be fantastic!  Thank you!
In general curiosity, I've got the 3PDT switches and I'm willing to use them, I just like that the 2PDT switches are a softer touch.
Having a "quieter" switch would be nice, but like I said, I'm completely fine with using the 3PDT if they are what work.  I figured if anywhere  would have people who knew how to do this or if it was doable it would be this forum.
Hey everyone, I am making a pedal that is very much like the JHS Double Barrel, 2 drive pedals in one enclosure, but I would like to be able to use a switch to select which pedal is first in the chain.  I have seen some diagrams where people are using 3PDT foot switches and are able to achieve this using a 3PDT on/on switch and I'm willing to do one of those, but my preference would be to use 2PDT foot switches (with a Millennium bypass, I would like to use the board mounted layout from effectslayouts
So to ask my question in a condensed fashion, is it possible to use a switch to determine effect order when using the millennium bypass instead of using 3PDT foot switches?  Is there a different schematic for that or anything of that sort?
Sorry if this is a terribly newbish question, and thanks for any help.
Build Reports / Re: Hamlet Delay
February 04, 2017, 03:13:41 AM
Dangit, I've been wanting to make one of these and now I really want to make one.  That looks like it turned out great
Got the switch back out and put in properly, the effect still works great.
Not going to box it until I have a second effect done so they can be boxed together.
Thanks everyone.
I love so many of these responses.
Thanks everyone I feel better to know I'm not alone in some silly mistakes.
How Do I? Beginner's Paradise. / 8-Ball Stupidity
May 03, 2016, 01:22:47 PM
This really isn't a question, I just want to show off the stupid mistake I made when putting together my 8-Ball pedal.
Before anything else let me say that the pedal works great (not boxed yet but it sounds really good).  I was putting all the components in the board last night in the short time I have every week to work on these projects.  As I neared the end of my time blocked out for projects I just had to put in the switch and the pots.  I put the switch in first then realized my stupid stupid mistake when I went to put the first pot in the board.

As it currently stands it is going to be really hard to use the switch haha.
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on April 25, 2016, 04:12:04 PM
Couple of ideas...

1) Use your multimeter and test to make sure your 9V and GND are not shorted. Just set the multimeter to "ohms" and put the red lead on the 9V wire and the Black lead on the GND wire. (MAKE SURE TO DO THIS WITHOUT POWER CONNECTED) You will see a resistance reading however, it should not be less than a few hundred ohms.
2) Check to make sure you are reading GND at all of the appropriate points on the PCB. If the passives are not grounded properly, that can cause you to see 9V everywhere.

Good Luck!  ;)

Thanks a ton, I will give these things a check.  I really appreciate everyone here the help and experience from others is great.
I'm going to either try working on this pedal again tonight or move on to another pedal.  Has anyone seen anything that jumps out to them in regard to this pedal?  I think at this moment my strugle is I don't fully know what I'm doing when it comes to troubleshooting but I'll do what I can.
It is just kind of sad that it seems to have a clean sound with now power then when power is applied there is no sound and nothing else.
Just went through and reflowed all my solder joints but still no go.  I have been trying to take pictures of this thing for awhile but finally was able to tonight.  To me it looks pretty good, but I may just not know what in the world I'm talking about.
Sorry if some of these are a little blurry, they looked fine on my phone then I put them on my computer and realized they are a lot more blurry than I thought.

I'm sad that I haven't been able to get this to work yet, but I know that it's going to feel awesome when it does finally work
Still having problems with this.  I have it hooked up to a testing rig and it's giving no sound at all, if I unplug it from power a signal does come through.  I went over the board with the multimeter and everything seems to read 9v (all parts of the IC and all of the other components) There are a few options I can think of,
1. I don't know how to use a multimeter
2. the multimeter I'm using sucks
3. Something that I can't see is grounded when it shouldn't be.

I'll keep reading help and troubleshooting files, but if this sounds famaliar to anyone I'd appreciate the help.  Thanks.
This may sound ridiculous but I was checking the voltage on the IC and all of the readings are at just about 9 volts.  It is possible I have no clue what I'm doing with a multimeter.  I have the black probe going to ground and I'm testing the IC and all of the legs of the IC are reading at 9 volts.
In fact everything on the board seems to read at 9 volts.  What the heck!?
Maybe I should be using a better multimeter than this one that I bought from Harbor Freight for $5.  Maybe that's a goal for later this week.
I'm getting clean sound through without power applied (testing it, not boxed and no switch yet) but noting when power is applied.  I'm about to trace the power but are there any suggestions as i begin this?
Ok, so I put all the components in the Green Bean and it doesn't work, I'm sad, but not incredibly frustrated.  There isn't any sound at all, so maybe I just did something small wrong or so I hope.  I haven't started troubleshooting it yet.  Time to re-read the troubleshooting document and start attempting to follow the schematic, but that will be a project for tomorrow.  Currently there is a crying baby and I figure I should go help my wife with that so we are actually able to sleep tonight.
I'll keep you guys up to date.