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Messages - Jorge Insurgente

Hello people!
This is my debut post in this forum, and first off I'd like to thank everyone for reading this. Every little help is very apprecciated!

With the Current Lover I've just build my first madbean project a few days ago.
Its a great PCB and an awesome alternative and improvement to my self etched EM3207. Though I am very satisfied with the Current Lover PCB I am experiencing some problems which I'd like to share with you. Unlike my Thomeeque's EM3207 that I'm extremely happy with, this flanger just does't seem to produce the right sweep. I am aware of the differences and the few minor differences of these two circuits and I tried to adapt it to the exact values that I used with the EM3207 except that I used an MN3007 (running from 9v) this time.
The problem is that the very short delay times at the "top" of the sweep, or however you want to call it, just don't seem to be there. It 's more like that the delay completely gets lost on the way up. please axcuse my dilettant way of explanation, I am not very confident with the details of this type of circuit though I'm trying to learn.
As far as I can say the pedal should work correctly, I've checked all voltages plus I aligned it with this procedure:
Do you think the problem could be the 9v being to low for the BBD or is there any other possible reason? I've also changed the clock cap to 42pf as I experienced a very loud popping noises with the 22pf.
I am very thankful for every possible help, as I am building this for my band colleague and I am as dependent on his sound as he is ;)

kind regards,