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Messages - stellablue

So if I mount the led on the 3pdt switch board, I can leave the SW pad empty, correct? Thanks for the help.
I see in this picture from another thread, the SW pad is left empty. I'll give that a go and see if this sucker comes to life.
Hello, it looks like my Mudbunny board is from an erlier version. I would love to use a 3pdt switch board to wire this up. The pads on the board say sw-in-gnd-out. On the left side of the board is the 9v and gnd. Where does the wire from the SW pad go? Transistors are Russian KT3102 which is why they are backwards. I also used all mylar and Russian kd521 diodes to give it some original character.
I need to box up a DSOTMfuzz (guitarpcb), and finish population a mudbunny pcb to green russian specs.
Quote from: culturejam on October 08, 2014, 08:44:51 PM
^^ Gotta be signed in to read it.

Google it and read the cached copy.
Quote from: culturejam on October 08, 2014, 03:27:02 PM
Quote from: stellablue on October 08, 2014, 03:21:49 PM
All that's left is for the real Antonio/Taylor to wake up from a coma and realize that his evil twin has stolen his identity.

Wow, we've attracted stellablue to the forum. Nice.  ;D

I did notice this thread is about the 5th listing when you google "TMG guitars". We're almost famous!
I saw this thread as I was looking at mudbunny builds. You can't say shit on TGP without pissing off Ward Cleaver or one of the other mods. During my most recent 6 month suspension I started building some pedals. I started with Jack Orman's SOS. I have about 6 drive and fuzz pedals under my belt. I just received two mudbunny boards. The parts are out for delivery right now. In the past I've just used this site for reference material, but now I guess I'll jump in with both feet. I'll check back on TGP in a few months to see who makes the most accurate klone and find out which overdrive is most transparent.
Quote from: raulduke on September 10, 2014, 03:42:53 PM
Unfortunately no photos (always too eager to eat than to snap pics ;D), but me and my wife have been using Hello Fresh for a while now.

To put it bluntly, it is fan-f*cking-tastic.

If you are in the UK, check it out:

My wife is a stern veggie, so we get the vegetarian box each week. The recipes are delicious, and it saves the hassle of having to come up with a meal plan (which always ends up being the same stuff).

We both hate routine with food ('friday is curry night!' etc) so the surprise each week is nice.

I'm not sure if there is a US alternative (the logistics would be difficult on a national level I imagine), but I would think it should be possible as a single state only service.

Hello fresh operates in the US as well. It's a cool service, but I prefer the cost sharing coops from local farms.
Quote from: GermanCdn on May 14, 2014, 06:19:17 PM
Wow.  Days Of Our Lives, relic guitar edition.

All that's left is for the real Antonio/Taylor to wake up from a coma and realize that his evil twin has stolen his identity.