Gotta say I'd love to see a Sonic Titan board. Heck maybe even a Sonic Titan / Meathead combo. That would be crushing.
+1 on the Sonic Titan.
yes is fantastic pedal !!
i want it !! ;D
Yup more DAM stuff would be great alright! Especially the Sonic Titan
Another vote for the SONIC TITAN :)
First Post so firt of all.... hello!
I build a couple of D*A*M meatheads using madbeans boards and would also like to see a sonic titan board.
The clips I have heard of the sonic titan are pretty impressive so it would be a cool project
Hey all,
I've got some boards I want to throw into the Member's Projects, but haven't had time to test the layouts, and now that I'm in the middle of moving, all my stuff is packed up and I can't build anything for about a month.
One of them is a layout for the D*A*M Sonic Titan. If someone wants to give the build a shot and verify the board layout, I'll gladly send the project document to them and you could etch your own board and report back. If not, I'll build it up once I'm moved and unpacked. Thanks everyone!
sprayfe is helping me out. once it's verified, i'll put it up in the Members Project area, and I might offer some boards for those that want them. fingers crossed that the test goes well!
Can't wait. +1 for the sonic titan!
Almost done! Ian is the man
Hopefully it works!! Let me know!