Seeing as this is a site dedicated to the building of effects pedals, I'm intrigued as to what everyone has on their pedalboard. This is a thread which is exactly the same as the ones found at HCFX/HM/TGP etc. Pedal porn basically ;D
I'll go first. :D
The Danelectro OD has already been replaced since that photo was taken. It's now got a Cream Pie Deluxe in its place, a kind of full-frequency rangemaster of sorts.
Nothing too out there, save for the rack unit under the big rackmount analogue delay. That's a Sony DPS-V77, and is mindblowingly powerful. The midi stuff is all just for that unit.
I don't have a board, but this was all my pedals (plus one going out...) that I had as of about a month ago (2 more added since). Not bad considering I've now been doing this hobby a for about 18 months...
Edit - Thought I should probably add what they all are. Starting in the top left:
Agent Orange - Orange Squeezer
Fuzzy Kitten - ROG 24/7 on one of John Lyon's boards. It's a CMOS BMP
The Gameboy Effect - Insonicbloom's slightly disfunctional (and damned fragile) take on Tim Escabedo's PWM+LFO. It doesn't work, but the way it doesn't work makes it awesome.
Angel - Rick Holt's Little Angel chorus on a GuitarPCB board
QotSA Drive - Catlinbread SFT
Clone Abduction - The only pedal here that's a re-housed commercial pedal. I bought a tatty old Small Clone and made it pretty.
Master Shredder - Marshall Shredmaster, BYOC kit
Brazillian Beaver - Rev3 BMP with tweaked tonestack amongst other things
Echoes - BYOC Ping/Pong kit
Trek Phaser - BYOC Phase 90 kit
Tonebender: Russian Bullgod edition - An NPN Tonebender MkII Pro into a SHO
SG1 - Boss SG1 built on a BYOC board
Foxxy Lady - Foxx Tone Machine
Zach in a Box - Box of Rock
Thermionic Overdrive II - Renegadrian's Twincaster slightly frigged for different valves
Thermionic Vibradrive - A Vibracaster with the same valve
Danger! High Voltage - A bit of a lie, it's only 12v. It's a EF86 valve boost again frigged to use different valves. Also added tone, gain and selectable clippers.
The Hypnotoad - Rick's Causality 4 phaser. ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD
2 Face - Catlinbread Merkin Fuzz and Fulltone 70 (no mids control and frigged for more bottom end)
EchoEcho - Echobase, Can't remember where I got the PCB for this *blushes*
Prom Girl - Rick's Promiscuous Girlfriend
Elunium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator - Tim Escabedo's Uglyface + LFO and mods. Actually in bits at the moment as the LFO section has never worked correctly. I've re-assembled it as a Uglyface and wi'll be dropping in a new LFO on Thursday hopefully.
Hot Sholicon - A Hot Silicon with low gain transistors into a SHO
Snow White - Mad Professor Snow White Auto Wah. Built on a GuitarPCB board.
Darkside - Cornish G-2. My first Madbean build. It has a 100K pot in place of the 10K vol to make it a little more flexible.
The big thing on the bottom right is the Vibratron - It's a EF86 boost into a Vibracaster.
Not shown are:
Zombie Tramp - Phase 45 on a GGG board
Klone - Klon on a Madbean Board
Ooherr - OohWah II on a Madbean Board
^YES! Juansolo I love your work. ZVex-in-a-box is one of my faves.
Quote from: tonedeaf on December 13, 2010, 06:08:00 PM
^YES! Juansolo I love your work. ZVex-in-a-box is one of my faves.
Cheers! I do like that, even if it's a bit surreal. I also seem to rotate them a lot as I've built quite a lot more than this, but a lot of them get recycled for parts if I'm not keen. Leaving me with just the stuff I really like (and the SG-1, which kinda freaks me out and I'm not that keen on. I just keep it as it's a nice build). It's also dawned on me looking at that, that I have the right knobs for the COD kicking around, I must swap them over.
I'm curious about your tube-based pedals. what are they? what voltage are you operating them at?
Holy crap Juansolo!!!!! They all look outstanding! Give me a bit I've got to square mine away. With the new builds and I just grabbed a used TC Elec. Nova Delay mine is kinda in a state of flux rght now. But I'll have something close to being finalized tonight I think :o Peace. J.J.B.
Ok this not anywhere near done. The last three in the front end chain from the left are my Yellow Shark, Neutrino Burst, and the Egodriver. I just threw this together to play through tonight. There is still to many for my taste. My Holy Grail is up on the amp. I realy like it as "grab and go" as it can get and it ain't there yet. Peace. J.J.B.
Don't have a pedal board running currently, but here is a bunch of pedals built recently. as you can see, my artistic skills leave something to be desired, so I've gone for the "industrial aesthetic". works for me :-)
clockwise from top-left:
Ge Fuzzface
Woolly Mammoth
faultline (SFT)
Fuzz factory
Green ringer
2 knob big muff - from layout "Bikini wax" on freestompboxes
aquaboy with mod board
4ms phaseur fleur
prunes n custard
Noise swash
I keep my unused pedals in either two drawers of an old dresser and/or a laundry basket for easy transport to the amp room.
I'll have to take pics of that. lol :) I've got a few.
Quote from: stecykmi on December 13, 2010, 07:29:48 PM
I'm curious about your tube-based pedals. what are they? what voltage are you operating them at?
The Twincaster (Thermionic OD II) and Vibracaster (Vibradrive) are running 12DW8 valves that were designed for car audio use and are running correctly at 12v. The Prom Girl is one of Rick Holt's designs and I think it charge pumped up to about 80v or so (Rick can correct me on that one if I'm wrong). The others are mostly 12v but not feeding the heaters as much power on them as maybe they should. They still work nice though.
The Twincaster is my fave though. It does an incredibly close impression of an amps OD stage. Brilliant thing and I'll be making a new one shortly for someone which will allow me to tweak it a little more too. It's massively power hungry though. The thing draws nigh on 1A on it's own.
Quote from: juansolo on December 14, 2010, 07:17:00 AM
The thing draws nigh on 1A on it's own.
:o :o :o holy crap! Talk about needing it's own dedicated power supply...
Heres my pedals, built a few more since this. Everything on the board is diy.
Top from right to left:whammy iv, crybaby 535q wah, box of metal, danelectro tuner, behringer uo300, boss rc-2, and modded metal zone.
Top row of the board right to left: snow white into causality 4 phaser, atoner, tap tempo tremolo, 7k phaser fleur, stage 3.
Bottom- sliqfuzz(1kf), 7of9 phase 90 vibe, byoc analog delay, some persons stage 3 that needs to be picked up, and the byoc esv fuzz(germ). next to that is a dual tap box i made for the rc-2
This is my current pedal board... I am missing my slow loris because a friend borrowed it for a recording and I am waiting on it to come back.
guitar les paul w/p90's or 54' reissue strat ->
modtone tuner,barber tone press,sunking,mxr bluebox clone with volume mod, zombii fuzz, pork barrell chorus, double flush trem, phase 90, deluxe memory boy, moog expression pedal into the deluxe memory boy.
I am about to loose the phase 90 because it is borrowed but I don't use it as much as I used to anymore.
I generally go into my carmen ghia clone or a crate vintage club 20.
The tone press has been showing up in a few of these boards...
Quote from: gtr2 on December 15, 2010, 01:30:45 PM
The tone press has been showing up in a few of these boards...
I am a compressor-holic I have 4 and the tone press is the best I have found. barber makes really good stuff too. inspirational build quality. The blend knob is a great feature for a compressor because you can keep your attack but retain the supernatural sustain.
Quote from: gtr2 on December 15, 2010, 01:30:45 PM
The tone press has been showing up in a few of these boards...
Still some of the best non DIY money spent. It's been with me for about two years+ and it's always been in the first slot since. The parallel mix knob is the key. As a Tele player a comp is a given and I went through a few 'till this one stuck. Does what it does without sound being to rubbery(word even?).
Peace. J.J.B.
Edit: Mike I didn't see your post. What he said. ;D
Quote from: eniacmike on December 15, 2010, 02:31:37 PM
I am a compressor-holic I have 4 and the tone press is the best I have found. barber makes really good stuff too. inspirational build quality. The blend knob is a great feature for a compressor because you can keep your attack but retain the supernatural sustain.
Quote from: jackbart1960 on December 15, 2010, 03:09:23 PM
Quote from: gtr2 on December 15, 2010, 01:30:45 PM
The tone press has been showing up in a few of these boards...
Still some of the best non DIY money spent. It's been with me for about two years+ and it's always been in the first slot since. The parallel mix knob is the key. As a Tele player a comp is a given and I went through a few 'till this one stuck. Does what it does without sound being to rubbery(word even?).
Peace. J.J.B.
Edit: Mike I didn't see your post. What he said. ;D
blend knob mixes compressed and uncompressed signal? parallel compression in a guitar pedal? nice. I need to visit Requests thread :-° bye
yeah barber uses a stereo pot to blend.
I just got a Pedaltrain Nano for an Acoustic board. This is much easier than lugging my PT-JR around.
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The DIY on this board is fairly minimal. The CE-3 has been modded a bunch - needs some more tweaking though, there's still a volume drop. Also, the power jumper cable is built by me. Makes it so all the pedals are powered using one cable. I need more ends and cable for making power cables though, I ran out.
Here is my current setup. Still waiting on completion of Pork Barrell chorus, Noise Gate using board from tonepad, and maybe a wah. Signal goes guitar>tone press>fat pants>drivetrain>sunking>direct drive>dirty bomb>LTD>volume pedal>ross phaser clone>tap tempo tremolo>echo base delay>nova repeater delay>Barb EQ>pitchblack>amp. The copper colored box above the repeater is going to be the noise gate. The Pork Barrel will reside next to the phaser. If I get a wah the Tone Press will move above the LTD and the wah will go where the Tone Press is. The board is a pedaltrain PT Pro. The power supply is BBE Suppa Charger. Most of the cables are Lava, a couple are generic.
Thread resurrection!
I got a new pedal in the mail this summer. Finally got to try it out and I like it a fair bit. New home in the top right of my main board... Chain is: (brand new, sparkle red) Barber Tone Press > EHX Micro POG > Fulltone Fulldrive 2 Mosfet > Empress Tremolo > Strymon El Capistan > Hardwire DL-8 > Line 6 Verbzilla. Posted rig includes the Epi Dot I rewired with Alpha pots and Sheptone pups this summer, and the '76 Vibro Champ I've been playing for the last year. I have a Hardwire RV-7 in the mail to me that will maybe kick the Verbzilla off the board, but we'll see what Delay/Reverb end up on that top row...
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Also I got a Mini the other day. It's my fourth Pedaltrain board. Currently I'm sizing it up for a Boss only board for grab and go or easy rhythm and singing board. We'll see if it stays that way, but one of the reasons the Boss only board works is because I can easily drop batteries in if I'm ever in the no power cord situation. With the typical pedals in Hammond boxes you have to unvelcro and use a philips to get to the battery snap - if it has one! Anyway, the train represented is: CS-2 > OD-3 > TR-2 > DD-7 > RV-5 (I'm thinking of switching the DD-7 and RV-5 to the PT-JR and moving the Hardwire Delay and Reverb [that's yet to arrive] over to this board).
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One day I'll post a big family pic with my PT-2, Jr, Mini and Nano all in one big post.
My pedalboard. I've since removed the Green Ringer and put a Madbean Yellow Shark build after the Taijidrive / Klone.
Fulltone Clyde Std. -> TC Polytune -> Green Ringer Clone (GGG Board) -> Fried Chicken / Range Boost (Fuzz Face variant / Rangemaster variant - Tonepad Boards) -> Taijidrive / Klone (Madbean Serendipity / Madbean Sunking) -> That '80s Pedal (CE-2 Clone - Tonepad Board) -> Uniphase / Impulse (Modded Phase 90 / E.A. Tremolo) -> Reiterator Analog Delay (dual Madbean Aquaboys)
Jkokora, no DIY pedals on your boards?
Quote from: jimmybjj on August 26, 2011, 03:46:16 PM
Jkokora, no DIY pedals on your boards?
Heehee... I was waiting for someone to notice that. No, not on that board right now. I have a PT-2 that's almost entirely DIY pedals. The Mini is also going to house up to 7 125B's and act as a demo board for a line I'm launching...
Figure I'd post some pics since I just did some modifications to my PT-2. I've been wanting to mount my Line 6 G50 wireless underneath for some time, so I got some rubber feet from Lowes that just slip over the existing pedaltrain feet, held in place with some super glue. Next I mounted a small surge protector underneath so I could use the wall adapters for the wireless and my Nova Modulator. Haven't rewired everything yet, still need to route the power cables and make about 4 more patch cables.
When I go to a show all I'll have to do is pop in the antennas
Here's a little A/B box I made that switches between the wireless underneath and a standard cable input on the right side of the enclosure. Keeps me from having to unplug wires when switching between wireless and cable, since I don't use the wireless at home.
Here's a pic of all the pedals on the board currently. I was planning to make a riser but decided against it.
The amp switcher in the top right was just there as a place holder for the A/B box
Quote from: aflynt on August 26, 2011, 02:44:56 PM
My pedalboard. I've since removed the Green Ringer and put a Madbean Yellow Shark build after the Taijidrive / Klone.
Fulltone Clyde Std. -> TC Polytune -> Green Ringer Clone (GGG Board) -> Fried Chicken / Range Boost (Fuzz Face variant / Rangemaster variant - Tonepad Boards) -> Taijidrive / Klone (Madbean Serendipity / Madbean Sunking) -> That '80s Pedal (CE-2 Clone - Tonepad Board) -> Uniphase / Impulse (Modded Phase 90 / E.A. Tremolo) -> Reiterator Analog Delay (dual Madbean Aquaboys)
Cool board man, your pedals look awesome!
Quote from: chip46 on September 06, 2011, 12:08:07 AM
Figure I'd post some pics since I just did some modifications to my PT-2. I've been wanting to mount my Line 6 G50 wireless underneath for some time, so I got some rubber feet from Lowes that just slip over the existing pedaltrain feet, held in place with some super glue. Next I mounted a small surge protector underneath so I could use the wall adapters for the wireless and my Nova Modulator. Haven't rewired everything yet, still need to route the power cables and make about 4 more patch cables.
Nice work fitting that wireless RX under there! Those pedaltrains look so good... I'd love one, I'm still using plywood :P
Thanks. I've been putting it off for a while now, but glad I finally got it done. I finished wiring the board up earlier. I left all the audio cables on top because I've got a ton of projects still left to do, so I'm sure the board will be changing a lot more in the coming weeks/months.
here is a photo of one of my boards.
It's built on a modified pedaltrain board. I forget witch size. I modified it to except 4 neutrick locking feed thru jacks to make setup a breeze. I also trimmed some of the material from the crossmembers to accept a voodoolab pedal power 2+,and an Iso 5. everything is powered from 1 ac cable.
The signal chain usually goes something like this:
prs singlecut>early RMC1 wah modified with Foxrox wah buffer> board input> Analogman red dot nkt275 sunface modified with power jack and road rage board (this sometiomes gets swapped out with one of several ff's that I've got but this is my absolute favorite)> buffer> Glitterati> Himmelstrutz Fetto> Analogman bi-comp> Analogman ver4 kot reg gain both sides (red side cleanboost, yellow side od)> output to amp> input from effects loop> soulsonic iso buffer/splitter (this thing is an amazingly versital buffer)> BYOC phase royal> Foxrox aquavibe> Dr. Scientist Tremolescence (splits signal into stereo)> Diamond Halo chorus> Strymon Timeline> out to 2 amps.
this rig is super quiet and trouble free, the buffers deliver a super strong signal with no treble loss. I wired everything up with Mogami 2319 IIRC and some great pancake connectors (with a few exceptions)
lately I've been running everything through a Fender tweed deluxe reissue, and a mesa nomad 100 2x12.
I've been loving the 6l6's these days. the cleans are breath taking, and the drives are FAT AND PUNCHY
Thread ressurection!
Redid my small board. Also did some custom power wiring - RG174 and some jacks. You guys can tell, but the chain goes: Guitar > Hero Drive (TIM) > Whetstone Phaser > Tremolo > El Capistan > Amp.
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Close up of the power input from the One Spot.
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Also, this is my medium board. It's also gone through some changes since I last posted it. Chain goes: Guitar > Tone Press > Micro POG > JMKlon > Empress Tremolo > Timeline > RV-5 > Jamman Solo > Amp.
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Hope you've enjoyed!
I like the jack socket on the end of the board... 8)
Very tidy, and I have generic timeline envy also :P
Right now there is an aqua puss where the DMM is
There is a deep blue delay where the echo base is
There is a Ezekiel instead of the cheese source. I change that distortion area weekly...
The green bean 808 isn't in the chain just there as a swap position
Phwoar! Nice board... is that a chaos pad?
I like the power strips from "down under" they remind me of the movie "scream" LOL
Quote from: nzCdog on February 01, 2012, 02:02:57 AM
Phwoar! Nice board... is that a chaos pad?
Yeah the newest KP3 Kaoss pad.
Cool for effects and LPF fades and stuff.
I did a walkthrough of my board and how I would use it, sounds I get, etc.
hours of fun to be had there jacob... nice tones. 8)
hey I just bought my first strymon today, a blue sky reverb I scored second hand... can't wait for the ambient lushness to begin ;D
Quote from: nzCdog on February 02, 2012, 11:39:47 PM
hours of fun to be had there jacob... nice tones. 8)
hey I just bought my first strymon today, a blue sky reverb I scored second hand... can't wait for the ambient lushness to begin ;D
Thanks Cory. How much did you end up spending?
$350 NZD... they cost about $500 NZD to land here new with exchange rates and import duty etc, so pretty good considering its almost new :)
This is my current pedalboard:
The signal goes like this:
Guitar -> Boss CS-2 (MIJ) -> ProCo Vintage Rat (reissue) -> Wormhole Violet Ram's Head (mudbunny - DIY) -> Wormhole Counter Revolution (mudbunny DIY - Civil War Muff) -> Electronic Orange Pig Hoof (1970 's Ram's Head) -> Chandler Tube Driver -> Danelectro Transparent Overdrive -> Lehle D.LOOP > Loop A goes to Digitech IPS 33B > Loop B goes to Lovepedal Pickle Vibe -> Boss CE-2 (MIJ) - > Boss DSD-2 (MIJ) -> MXR Carbon Copy -> EHX Deluxe Memory Man -> Amp
The Ernie Ball Vol. pedal is used with the IPS 33B (for whammy, etc...) and that little black box is a footswitch that i made to change the IPS presets and to bypass the unit (this function is not needed any more because now i have it in a loop).
Bling! Nice toys there man, some very cool kit... your DIY content fits in nicely too ;)
I am currently downsizing slightly to a PedalTrain PT-2 because my home built board is kinda heavy and I wan't something a little more compact for easier transport. This is my rig as of right now though.
Blue: Hotcake clone
Copper: MB Egodriver
Black sparkle: MB Green Bean
Silver (top): Tap tempo tremolo
Off the board to the top right w/ the Monster logo: Road rage charge pump (I usually have it on my Fulldrive)
... and yes, it is too many drive pedals for one board. I am still trying to decide which are staying on this board and which will be going on my new travel board.
I like that setup. You can get a lot of cool sounds out of that I'm sure.
What's that little blue 1590A?
Looks like a Cusack More Louder to me.
This board is a Gator Pedal Tote with GBus8 power supply. All DIY except for the TU-2. A good compact setup, but Rebote will be replaced by Dirtbag in awhile and I have to find space for a Little Angel.
Here's mine in "mid build" just need to fasten stuff down and the power supplies underneath.
It's enterily for my own amusement, no idea if it would live as it would probably pick up all kinds of interferance ;D
Goes like this:
GUitar > Tuner> MXR Blue Box/Dwarfcraft Robot Devil Hybrid clone thing > EHX Doctor Q (about to get modified for LED & power etc) > Dwarfcraft HAX > GGG Tone Toaster (JD Sleep actually made this for me years and years ago, think I was the first to ask for a double stomp rather than the standard toggle for the octave) > MadeByMike Custom DualPedal (Mike's take on the OsMutantes Fuzz and a Green Ringer) > BOSS XT-2 > BOSS BF-2 > @Probodger Zirconium Tweezer ( > Digitech JamMan Solo
Then if no one is about that all goes into a Series II Yamaha G100 212 amp or if house is full, or it's late a 10w practice amp with headphones.
Just need to add in a tremolo and delay pedal, I have my eye on one of those baby board builds, the Cave dweller for the delay. 8)
Here's my pedal board. I've got a few empty spaces. Wanting to add a Compressor, Boost, Distortion (I have three overdrives and a TS808 clone not on the board) and Reverb pedal.
Chain goes like this:
Guitar -> Echoplex Boost (Madbean FatPants) -> Boss AW-3 -> TS-9 -> Boss SD-1 -> Custom Preamp (Madbean Glitterratti) -> Boss BF-2 -> MXR Phase 90 -> Behringer NS200 (noise suppressor) -> VOX Tonelab LE -> Line6 DL-4 -> Behringer EM600 (Echo Machine) -> Fender Hot Rod Deluxe.
Used to have the DL-4 in the effect loop of the amp but the output is line level and the DL-4 expects instrument level so there is a volume increase when the pedal is engaged even with trails enabled. I am looking to add a reverb and an EbTech Line Level Shifter in the effects loop, placing the EbTech first to shift the level then into the delays followed by the reverb back in to the EbTech back into the effects loop.
Love each of the madbean builds. They were fun to build and sound great.
Here is my current one. Always swapping in and out.
TU-3 (or tu2)
BYOC Wah (or my Weener Wah!)
Thigh Hat (SWAW)
Serenity ( Serendipity)
lil' Stinger (Yellow Shark)
Moby Sr. (Sunking with a million diodes)
Dual loop box (switchable slambox in each loop)
Loop B
Tempo Tan-Trem
Sea Urchin
Texan (Rangemaster)
Loop A - nothing right now, just the Slambox turned on for boost
Here's the list and their stand-in's!
Fender American Deluxe Stratocaster into:
MadBean Wheener Wah / Crybabay 535Q
Fulltone Mini Deja Vibe 2
MadBean Screwdriver / Bumble bee / or other fuzz
Rothwell Love Sqeese
MadBean Sunking / Crowher Audio Hot Cake
MadBeans Egodriver / GreenBean / Slow Loris
MadBean Darkside / Mudbunny Ram's Head
B.K. Butler Tube Driver
Empress Vintage Super Delay
Mooger Fooger Lowpass Filter MF101
Mooger Fooger MuRF MF105 (first generation)
This goes into a Orange Tiny Terror.
Additional Pedals (not on the board) include: Madbean's Boneyard, Deadringer, Rangemaster, Zygote. Foxrox Captain Coconut 2, TZF Flanger, Digitech Whammy and some more. They all make apperence every once in a while. :)
Here's my board at the moment
Volume pedal is modified, contains a '386 booster and an IC buffer
Half the other stuff is homemade, including the power supply... couple more projects on the go but no room on the board! ;D
Here's the current rig. I'm a big fan of running stereo, so it's sort of tailored to that.
Partcaster with D. Allen pickups
GFS Tuner, Fat Pants, Cosmopolitan, Sea Urchin. Goes into a Bill M modded Blues Junior, Weber Mini Mass out to Behringer Red Box, which feeds into a small mixer, then into the computer.
Quote from: eldanko on March 03, 2012, 07:16:21 PM
Here's the current rig. I'm a big fan of running stereo, so it's sort of tailored to that.
Boom eldanko! Quite a few cool and expensive toys there! Nice 8)
Quote from: ckim715 on March 03, 2012, 07:51:45 PM
GFS Tuner, Fat Pants, Cosmopolitan, Sea Urchin. Goes into a Bill M modded Blues Junior, Weber Mini Mass out to Behringer Red Box, which feeds into a small mixer, then into the computer.
Not to mention the 'jandals' (look it up nz vernacular) and the little Jesus doll :D
The red wah is an RMC6 Wheels of Fire. The Small Stone has a DIY blend circuit to blend in some more clean signal. The red box with two footswitches is a Colorsound Power Boost and a Mosfet boost/cut circuit a la Jack Orman. The gold one that says "Bonerdrive" is a Madbean Sunking.
there goes my board
tu2 > vox 847 > fuzz (musikding kit) > the king (aristrocat) > ocd (egodriver! :P) > marshall regenerator (for every little chorus/phaser and VIBE here and there) > coolvibes (tremolo on right side, nothing on left side!) > dd20
from a classic player 60s strat or a classic player baja telecaster into a lionheart 20watt 1x12combo
^ cool setup...
Quote from: Diamond on March 06, 2012, 05:28:21 PM
The red wah is an RMC6 Wheels of Fire. The Small Stone has a DIY blend circuit to blend in some more clean signal. The red box with two footswitches is a Colorsound Power Boost and a Mosfet boost/cut circuit a la Jack Orman. The gold one that says "Bonerdrive" is a Madbean Sunking.
I dig this setup. Is that the toni iommi custom SG?
My only obsession is building pedals and pedal boards starting at the bottom, right to left and working up: MXR Dyna Comp, Apollos Tone(klon style drive),DDM OD(electra style drive),Black Out Effectors Mantra,Ye Olde A/B box with LED indicators, TC Hall Of Fame,The Perch(clean boost),King of Brits(RTO style drive),Boss TU-2,EHX Memory Boy Deluxe, Line 6 DL-4 and The Paradox Box(PT2399 style delay).
Reverend WarHawk with humbuckers
MIM strat with Dimarzio HS-1 & HS2 or Lace Sensor Hot Golds if I feel like switching the pickguard
TopHat Super Deluxe 2X12 with Vintage 30's
*Thanks to Brian and this great forum for all the DIY stuff and info. couldnt be done without this place the genius that comes from it!*
Nice! Are you using the taptation in the paradox?
Yes! the taptation works great. if you plan on using it be sure to keep the wire that runs from pin6 on the pt2399 away from any power source. made this wierd noise that i couldnt figure out for a couple of days.
Quote from: guitarhands03 on April 21, 2012, 02:37:33 AM
Yes! the taptation works great. if you plan on using it be sure to keep the wire that runs from pin6 on the pt2399 away from any power source. made this wierd noise that i couldnt figure out for a couple of days.
I wanna know more about this Paradox. What circuit is it?
Ive built two so far, one uses the seaurchin layout and the other uses the guitarpcb layout. both work fantastic. It was a really tight fit with the three toggle switches but what i ended up doing is laying the taptation pcb board in the pedal first and stacking the other pcb on top with a piece of wrapping foam in between them.
Quote from: guitarhands03 on April 21, 2012, 03:24:54 AM
Ive built two so far, one uses the seaurchin layout and the other uses the guitarpcb layout. both work fantastic. It was a really tight fit with the three toggle switches but what i ended up doing is laying the taptation pcb board in the pedal first and stacking the other pcb on top with a piece of wrapping foam in between them.
How did you add the different note valued repeats?
Through ToneGod's taptation chip set, the data sheet explains it alot better than I can but with a SPDT toggle switch you can select a quarter note,dotted eigth note,or sixteenth note and with the toggle furthest to the left makes the repeats duble of whatt you tap in so you get eigth note, dotted sixteenth note or 32nd note
Finally got one, here's mine! Could use some more modulation and fuzz :)
Modded wah->CS400 Compressor->VS Angry Fuzz->Sunking->Neutrino->L6 Echo Park
I'd like to put in a Muff, Dirtbag/Sea Urchin, Rat, Quadrovibe...
My dad made the pedalboard for me!
jtn, that's a nice looking board.
Bit of a Way Huge theme developing. I started collecting these to try and end up with a use for them all so far :) sound really lovely.
Gave me an opertunity to dig the current stash out and photo it. These are all my DIY effects bar one as it's currently being fettled, a Dr Boogie/chunk-chunk.
Does not include bought pedals... Which are currently breeding : Geiger Counter, WET Reverb, Prometheus, Rainbow Machine and Crystal Dagger.
Have you tried chaining as many of them as possible together, just for fun? :)
The sheer number is impressive, but what impresses me on top of that is that every one looks very professional, nicely graphic'd and painted.
Quote from: alanp on May 14, 2012, 11:39:13 AM
Have you tried chaining as many of them as possible together, just for fun? :)
The sheer number is impressive, but what impresses me on top of that is that every one looks very professional, nicely graphic'd and painted.
I haven't got that many patch leads!
I do need to come up with some method of storage and transport for them though... It's getting out of hand ;)
Yeah JS, that's quite an impression collection.
Impressive is an understatement. Such a pro collection!
And the whole aesthetic is very cohesive, too. I believe I would recognize one of yours anywhere!
Bought some BRÄDA ( yesterday, a little bit bendy in the middle if you are stomping on the top tier pedals, but in all ok for moderate use.
Using the power supply underneath will add support :)
Will use chain links and self tappers to fix pedals to the board, when I've got the order sorted.
My signal chain is: Fender Yngwie Malmsteen Stratocaster guitar into Boss NS-2 Noise Suppressor to Neo-Classic 3080 Compressor and Neo-Classic 741 Overdrive (both in the send/return NS-2 effects loop) to MXR Carbon Copy Analog Delay to Boss RC-3 Loop Station out to Marshall MG15FX Series 4 home practice amp, only using the clean channel and no on-board amp effects. I'm only a home guitar music enthusiast so this small effects rig is a perfect fit for my small row house environment.
My favorite pedals are the 2 Neo-Classic "clones" that I completely made from scratch as first time DIY builds (in 2010 and 2011) of a 1979 'gray spec' DOD 250 Overdrive and 1977 'script spec' MXR Dyna Comp with no changes from the original circuit schematics and sound except the addition of true bypass, LED power indicator, and Boss style DC jack. My original pedal PCB artwork layouts were designed using ExpressPCB but home etched and tinned. You can get more details on these 'non-commercial' DIY effects projects on my Neo-Classic FX ( showcase website including interior gut shots. I made an extra copy of each as a special gift of appreciation for my good friend and American neoclassical shred guitarist Dean Cascione ( Dean liked my gray 250 clone so much compared to the others he owns that he recorded all the guitar leads on his 2011 instrumental album "Neoclassical Fire (" with it which made me feel honored and it turned out sounding great!
My next favorite pedals are the MXR Carbon Copy Analog Delay and the Boss RC-3 Loop Station. I like moderately low slap back echo type delay with an almost reverb like effect at the same time. I'm also having fun with the RC-3 creating loops to play along with as well as backing tracks copied to it via USB from my PC. It's a great practice tool. I hope you this relatively tame and simple setup interesting. It gets the job done without the temptation of effects overkill that a large pedal board rig would spoil me with.
Havin one of those days where my gear is inspiring hours of noodling. Yay! I forgot how much the SHO makes everything better... woooop
It's sort of sad my laziness with decorating the pedals I build. One of them is labeled with a sharpie, not even painted.
Commercial guitar gear in pic = 7 (incl guitars)
DIY = 18
What's the amp in the head cab, angrykoko?
ax84 Hi-Octane amp. I LOVE that amp it sounds amazing for the stuff I like to play. After I got that amp built.. the little blackstar started being neglected.
Yeah that amp, the head enclosure and speaker cab are hand built (lots of wood working and sore fingers and some bleeding).
Nice! I have been haunting the ax84 page with great interest... what tubes did you use?
12AX7 pre-amp & I finally settled on an EL84 power.
I tried a 6L6 and then a 6V6 for power tubes but they made it sound boxy & fizzy. I really like the glassy-ness sound that the EL84 brings. I seem to be in the minority though on my love of the EL84 and I didn't try adjusting the internal volume of the speaker cab to try to fix the boxy sound from the octals; the EL84 just nailed "that sound" for me so well.
Signal chain is tuner - LaVache - comp - phaser - delay. I don't use the overdrive and compressor at the same time, so that's never a problem. Not a lot there, but it has everything I need :)
Quote from: angrykoko on July 03, 2012, 08:42:17 AM
12AX7 pre-amp & I finally settled on an EL84 power.
I tried a 6L6 and then a 6V6 for power tubes but they made it sound boxy & fizzy. I really like the glassy-ness sound that the EL84 brings. I seem to be in the minority though on my love of the EL84 and I didn't try adjusting the internal volume of the speaker cab to try to fix the boxy sound from the octals; the EL84 just nailed "that sound" for me so well.
So is 'your sound' Voxy, Marshally or other? Do you get 10 Watts or so? How does the amp overdrive/compress with booster pedals? What speaker? (Lol soz for the iterrogation, I'm an EL84 fan myself)
Quote from: alanp on July 03, 2012, 09:51:50 AM
Signal chain is tuner - LaVache - comp - phaser - delay. I don't use the overdrive and compressor at the same time, so that's never a problem. Not a lot there, but it has everything I need :)
Epic! The essentials cable tied to an old fridge shelf! That is so Rock n Roll! 8)
Quote from: alanp on July 03, 2012, 09:51:50 AM
Signal chain is tuner - LaVache - comp - phaser - delay. I don't use the overdrive and compressor at the same time, so that's never a problem. Not a lot there, but it has everything I need :)
overdrive into compressor is a good thing!
Quote from: nzCdog on July 03, 2012, 10:18:55 AM
Quote from: angrykoko on July 03, 2012, 08:42:17 AM
12AX7 pre-amp & I finally settled on an EL84 power.
I tried a 6L6 and then a 6V6 for power tubes but they made it sound boxy & fizzy. I really like the glassy-ness sound that the EL84 brings. I seem to be in the minority though on my love of the EL84 and I didn't try adjusting the internal volume of the speaker cab to try to fix the boxy sound from the octals; the EL84 just nailed "that sound" for me so well.
So is 'your sound' Voxy, Marshally or other? Do you get 10 Watts or so? How does the amp overdrive/compress with booster pedals? What speaker? (Lol soz for the iterrogation, I'm an EL84 fan myself)
Quote from: alanp on July 03, 2012, 09:51:50 AM
Signal chain is tuner - LaVache - comp - phaser - delay. I don't use the overdrive and compressor at the same time, so that's never a problem. Not a lot there, but it has everything I need :)
Epic! The essentials cable tied to an old fridge shelf! That is so Rock n Roll! 8)
I love the wire shelf pedal board!!! Great idea!
As far as "that sound" I was more referring to getting that sound where the voice in your head is going "Hell yeah!" The amp is voiced after a jcm800 but at 5 watts. I'm stuck in 80's metal land if that helps narrow it down. I've got a V30 in the speaker cab and the whole thing takes pedals really well without becoming a noisy mess (the blackstar is a bit more finicky). I've put a Red Llama, chunck chunck, and a Aeon OD in front of it with no problems.
Quote from: alanp on July 03, 2012, 09:51:50 AM
Signal chain is tuner - LaVache - comp - phaser - delay. I don't use the overdrive and compressor at the same time, so that's never a problem. Not a lot there, but it has everything I need :)
Is that a refrigerator rack you got your pedals mounted on?????
Yeah, my old fridge shat itself and died (luckily I had a bit of money that I had been saving for an amp). I pinched the idea from a guy on another forum and saved the old one's racks.
It looks a bit rangi, but zip ties are more removable than sticky sticky velcro substitutes :D
Who needs to spend $200 on pedaltrains?
ha! I want to try something like this ( with a bit of timber sometime soon!
Here is the current setup:
Top left is madbean Aquaboy with dual V3205 BBD's, top right is etched Ross Compressor with Janglebox bright/normal Ross switch. Bottom left to right: footswitch for amp trem, etched MKII Tonebender Prefessional/Marshall Supafuzz mashup with NPN OC139 and 140 transistors, jtn191's Flapjack with bluesberry mod, madbean Rangemaster clone with additional gemanium sym/asym clipping section, and my trusty Junk-O-Wah offboard. Also my Tele gone jazzmaster, and '61 Supro in 5E3 style cab.
Do we have one of these yet?
With all the stuff people are building, I'd love to see some boards.
Here is my current setup, likely to change shortly with the introduction of a couple recent builds.
The signal chain isnt anything fancy, all in series
Boss Tuner
EH HOG Synthesiser running 1, 2 and 3 octave up blended pitch shifter sound mostly
Way Huge Pork Loin set for a clean blended overdrive
Pork Barrel CE-2 (1983)
EH Microsynth 90s big box reissue
Dirtbag Deluxe Memory Man (MN3005)
Marshall Echohead (digital delay mode, bought for £15 - bargain!)
Rub-a-Dub Reverb (Blade runner, teal box)
Digtech XP-ALL (running the XP-300 Space Station patches)
Boss Slicer tap tempo tremolo/rhythmic
Current Lover Electric Mistress (MN3007, 15v)
Line 6 DL-4 used for jamming loops
Korg Kaoss Pad KP-3 used for LP Filters / Bit Crush sounds / Synthesiser bleeps
Boss RC-3 used to trigger stored loops, with home made stop/patch controller
Was this previous
Differences were my original XP-300 Space Station, Way Huge Aqua Puss (MN3005) and my old Current Lover (running 9v, now a friend has this one).
The glarey one is an El Cap. I also have an XP-100 that I'm slowly converting into a XP-300.
Quote from: LaceSensor on November 19, 2012, 02:15:44 AM
Do we have one of these yet?
Dude... You last posted in this thread on page 5.
I've merged the thread.
Clearly I posts too many forums I got confused :). Ty for the assist. I did search, too...
Quote from: LaceSensor on November 19, 2012, 05:14:54 AM
Clearly I posts too many forums I got confused :). Ty for the assist. I did search, too...
No prob! Happy to help.
wow lots of people mod there XP series pedals. any info on doing that mod at home?
Quote from: stecykmi on November 19, 2012, 07:45:01 AM
wow lots of people mod there XP series pedals. any info on doing that mod at home?
On DIYstompboxes there is a thread ( about it with very detailed explanantions summarized in a PDF file.
The direct link to the PDF file is here (
With all complements going to digi2t and govmnt_lacky
I paid a competent guy €80 plus shipping which seemed far too cheap considering the work, parts etc inc an output volume control. Made it about €200 all in inluding the xp100 from eBay. I reckon that's a bargain...
Photo of some of my amps, Will edit with my pedals and guitars sometime this week.
From top left, Handwired custom HIWATT/MATAMP Hybrid w/KT66 power tubes, and Raytheon JAN 12AX7A preamp.
1972 Ampeg V4,
Hot rodded 1975 Ampeg V4 w Smoke glass 6550 power tubes, Telefunken ECC803S pre amp tubes(Look em up)
1968 100w Coral Californian head w/ matching 6X12 cab, 6 matched Jensen Bluecages. Amp had the most insane reverb I have ever heard, also biult in tuneable sine wave generator.
Traynor 2x12 I have since sold.
Ampeg oversized 4X12 w/2 hellatone 60 & 2 EV12L, Not pictured, 1969 Ampeg Blueline Gemini 1x15 combo SUNN Magna Cab, SUNN, 2x15, Carvin B100 and Blue Voodoo cab. (
This is what I'm rocking folking tonight. :)
Bearhug (comp) > Fallstaff (treble/mid boost) > VP Jr. > Little Ducky (Envelope Filter) > Nature Dweller (Delay).
Playing with some local Americana guys named Whale Song. No practice, just sitting in. Should be fun.
Dude, no fuzz?
yeah rly, u got a have fuzz mang. are you out of your folking mind?
Quote from: midwayfair on November 29, 2012, 01:25:32 AM
This is what I'm rocking folking tonight. :)
I love that. Four of the smalles pedals out there, and one HUUUUGE pedal.
That eight string guitar looks a bit odd, is it going to be folk-meets-Meshuggah? ;) (Yes, I know what a mandolin is.)
Quote from: madbean on November 29, 2012, 01:40:06 AM
Dude, no fuzz?
I tried. The mandolin pickup does something really strange with fuzz or any sort of actual distortion, even with the compressor on. There's also a MASSIVE volume drop even on some kind of my louder fuzzes regardless of the preceding pedal(s). It could be the lack of bass content, I'm not sure. But overdrives didn't work either. I couldn't try everything since most of my fuzz pedals are at a friend's house while he figures out what he likes, but my gut feeling is that something about a passive piezo + no bass means no fuzzed out mandolin for me. Sad face!
Turns out Mandolins also don't play nice with Orange Squeezers. To much ducking ruins chop.
Envelope filter, though? !@#!ing
I think the impedance of a passive piezo is way different than mags. Usually there's a preamp involved, like graph tech ghost or fishman. No offense intended if this is stating the obvious!
a unity buffer with really bigger pulldown and bias resistors will do the trick. 2M2 or 10M
Quote from: aziltz on November 29, 2012, 01:42:05 PM
a unity buffer with really bigger pulldown and bias resistors will do the trick. 2M2 or 10M
I used the Bearhug for that. Worked great for this and it has ~5M input impedance. I still needed the treble booster on pretty much all the time to sound right into a PA, though. PAs are hopelessly dark. (Fuzz Face into a PA sounds very good for this same reason, though, for anyone looking to experiment with travelling light.)
Piezos have really high output impedance and are a voltage rather than current source. I understand why that could cause issues going direct into a fuzz, but having the comp on in front ought to have eliminated that from the equation.
I might just post a "Why" thread on DIYSB and see if anyone there can break it down for me Barney style, rather than further derailing this thread ...
Here is my current set up for guitar (still a work in progress).
Waiting on my pork barrel board for chorus/vibe, really want to find THE PERFECT diy trem (using a boss TR2 at the moment and it's almost exactly what I want). Also looking to replace the AD9 with the aquaboy deluxe, and the Blackstar with a Matchless hotbox i'm building with a mate...
and the power will be relocated under the board, eventually
nice jeremy! I keep forgetting how big those blackstar ht pedals are :o sound wicked tho
Yeah, it's massive eh? Just arrived today, but I reckon its a keeper.
At least till I build the Hotbox, anyway ;)
Quote from: nzCdog on December 20, 2012, 09:02:40 AM
nice jeremy! I keep forgetting how big those blackstar ht pedals are :o sound wicked tho
Here's my gigging board. Signal from guitar goes to Kingslayer, Timmy clone, Cosmopolitan, Ernie Ball VPjr. modded with one of Aziltz's buffer boards into a Current Lover, into aT.C. Hall of fame reverb, then to a Strymon Timeline....
Thanks to Madbean and the whole d.I.y. community........
Quote from: Munkybot on December 21, 2012, 03:39:14 AM
Here's my gigging board. Signal from guitar goes to Kingslayer, Timmy clone, Cosmopolitan, Ernie Ball VPjr. modded with one of Aziltz's buffer boards into a Current Lover, into aT.C. Hall of fame reverb, then to a Strymon Timeline....
Thanks to Madbean and the whole d.I.y. community........
Is that your gigging amp too? ;D
Quote from: Bassman on December 21, 2012, 03:41:28 AM
Quote from: Munkybot on December 21, 2012, 03:39:14 AM
Here's my gigging board. Signal from guitar goes to Kingslayer, Timmy clone, Cosmopolitan, Ernie Ball VPjr. modded with one of Aziltz's buffer boards into a Current Lover, into aT.C. Hall of fame reverb, then to a Strymon Timeline....
Thanks to Madbean and the whole d.I.y. community........
Is that your gigging amp too? ;D
;D I've thought of bringing it to shows and hiding my actual gigging amp and puting a mic in front of that little orange.....
Tuner wah opticomp bear hug chorus blues Breaker cave dwell bbe sonic stomp all tied to a Bassbone
Quote from: the3secondrule on December 20, 2012, 08:22:08 AM
...really want to find THE PERFECT diy trem (using a boss TR2 at the moment and it's almost exactly what I want)...... a Matchless hotbox i'm building with a mate...
Hi Sir,
do you have a schematic for the Matchless hotbox clone and a diy guide link? :) if you do could you please PM me the link?? :)
did you find a perfect diy trem??
This is one of two boards I use on rehearsals these days. We are an instrumental experimental rock trio. The other board that I use consists of a Baja Silent Selector, Lel old russian parametric EQ, Ibanez HD1000 harmonizer delay, Black Arts Pharaoh clone, Cave Dweller, and a momentary switch equiped Pulsar tremolo clone.
The primary board setup consists of these pedals:
Wah - Vox V847 with it's guts removed and I put in there a Vox Clyde McCoy clone with the yellow Fasel. I love the yellow Fasel, it has such an agressive vomity tone with distortion, and still retains GREAT tone with clean funky lines.
Vox 1904 Wah - an autowah from Vox. This is one of my favorite pedals. I know that the Nautilus for example would be so much more fun but I will never take this of my board.
the Octa-Squeeze - this is Orange Squeezer and Tycobrahe Octavia in one enclosure. I can't stress enough how much I like the Octavia. It is my absolute favorite. You can do so much with it. The Orange Squeezer I use as a low mid gain boost. More on my philosophy of pedal stacking later, but I never use the squeezer for the clean tone only for the sound alterations of my dirt tones.
NPN Dallas Rangemaster/Keeley Java Boost - such a great pedal. I have a mid/treble/full boost switch, some paper in oil caps in there, as well as a Tesla brand NPN Ge transistor that just sounds sweet.
Sunking - I really wanted to hate this thing, because all of the hype. But I just can't take it off my board. I have a great TS808 clone, and an original Ibanez SD-9 from the early eighties, but the Klon just smokes them right off. I love it how it works equally well with single coil and humbucking guitars.
Univibe clone - Warhead project. Works nice, can get some really epic sounds out of it. I'm still not completely satisfied with it, but it has a place on the board and I really love vibe type effects. This was made by a friend and I got it in some sort of trade agreement, so he did the Jimmy graphics, I am not a fanboy and I am not so keen on that part of the pedal but hey, I was too bored to put something else on there ;)
69 Fuzz Face - Fulltone 69 clone. I'm using russian Ge transistors with this one. The pair that's in dunlops Joe Bonamassa FF, MP something something, and GT308V if my memory serves me correctly. Sounds awesome, but I use it as a Ge warm and round boost, not as one would think. More on this later.
Everythig sounds better with this pedal on. Just...everything.
from there the signal goes to the true bypass looper, KROK type, with the feedback momentary button [this is the pedal on the lower left corner with Kaki King on it], in the loop are
EHX Small Stone version 2 - built in the 11th week of 1977. The happiness I feel every time I stomp on this pedal is inexplicable. This just can't be cloned. I have tried clones, great DIY builds, but nothing has the depth this thing has, I mean, I can feel the sound with my inner organs, it's just, ... I was GASing for this particular one for a couple of months, and finally I managed to kick it out of my friend's hands.
Electric Mistress clone - MN3207 version, I like it a lot. Great flanger.
AD3205 analog delay - GGG project board, but with 3205 instead of 3208 hence the longer delay time. Sounds uber sweet, I love it. This one I acquired before I even got into pedal building hobby.
Super Hard-On - an always ON booster of the loop, I have a Zetex BS170 in there [really makes a difference]. Within the loop there is a volume and treble loss, mainly due to the small stone being vintage as it is, and this takes care of that being always on. It makes the repeats of the analog delay even more pronounced in some way, I really like what it does to the overall sound.
out of the loop, into my trusty
Korg DT-10BR tuner - just a great tuner. No need to say anything more.
I use pedal stacking for my sounds A LOT. Actually, the Klon and the 69 FF are always on. Then I can further alter the frequency/gain/EQ content with the squeezer, rangemaster, and SHO. And with volume and tone pots of the guitar of course. I use the controls on the guitar A LOT.
I mainly play a Gibson SG Standard. There are separate controls for the two pickups right...So I leave the neck pickup fully open, and the bridge pickup I have on 1 or 2, and that's my clean sound.
The FF makes the clean up so much better. But the Klon cleans up very nice already.
From there I can get more highs and clarity with the SHO in the loop, as well as modulation.
If I need an insane saturated muffy long sustain I just switch on the neck pickup and stomp on the rangemaster that goes in the Klon+69 combo and that makes the sound I wanna hear.
If I am using that sound with the flanger and delay on, then I stomp on the compressor as well which retain the overall distorted sound but just injects clarity and cleans in the signal, so I can play with immense gain going on, modulation, delay, and still retain clarity with complex chords. Works for me.
I just can't use pedal in a "this is my sparkly clean sound, now I'm gonna stomp here oh feel the sudden difference, now I'm gonna dance on these two as well and to return to my clean sound I'm gonna stomp on seven pedals in a second or two" manner. A lot of people seem to do it just fine, but I can't. Maybe one day if I get some sort of switching system [like Carl Martin Octaswitch] I might arrange the board differently but for now I am quite happy with the way I manage my sounds while playing. It's hard when you are the only guitarist and there is only bass and drums present. You can't afford the sonic space and time needed to switch a thousand things on the fly because the song suffers a lot.
Phew...this was long. I hope I haven't murdered anyone with boredom! ;D
Tuner - Kingslayer - La Vache - Doppelganger (I know, I know...) - Multiplex.
I might add the Moon Lander in there somewhere. Sounds too good not to. Don't know what I'll drop, though. I might have to get a bigger refridgerator rack. (This is a rackmount pedalboard! Geddit?)
Right! The lot, shot Juansolo style but with less pedals and less talent.
Multiplex, Doppelganger, La Vache, Regicide, 22/7 (Runoffgroove)
Grind Customs Superfet, Rangemaster, loop, Cupcake, Rub-a-dub, CaveDweller 2nd Ed Dub, Dirtbag Deluxe
Loophole, Chunkchunk, Double Flush, Low Rider, Collosalus
Current Lover, Cupcake, Thunderpuss plus Moonlander.
You can see the clearcoat cracking on the Dirtbag, Cupcake, and Current Lover. I used clear nailpolish after that, it doesn't crack.
All three label methods seen here -- indian ink on paint (example - Multiplex), indian ink inlaid in engraving (22/7), and Dymo labels (Chunk).
Left side of board is the Fender Volume pedal. Top L-R - First Aid Kit(Sonic Stomp), Thunderpuss(Clean Boost), Southern Tremolo(Modded EA), Boss GE-7 Equalizer,^behind^ BBE Orange Squeeze - Building a MoRC Compressor to replace it, Low Rider(Double Octave Down), Bottom Row L-R - Dun-Delay(Cave Dweller), SoftFx(Pork Barrel AKA CE-2 chorus), The Langerham(Current Lover Flanger), Smoothie(Phase 45), Boss DS-1 w/ Keeley Tube Drive Mod., StringBean(Aka GreenBean, Greenie, TS808, Well moddified!) And off the right side of the board lies a MI Audio Blues Pro and a Red Llama clones boxed together and a two button switch box for my Classic 30 amp. Riding on the back of the board is a secondary power supply( A very cheap one) allowing me up to 14 9Vdc outputs plus 4 18Vdc outputs, also riding on the back is my Samson UHF Wireless.
Missing the Double-Flush tremolo. Didn't really fit my style to it came off the board in favor of the EA Tremolo.
I currently have 7 more pedals in the works. ShoNuff v2 distortion, Zero Point SDX delay, another EA tremelo, Cupcake compressor, MoRC compressor, TODD overdrive, and a Kingslayer overdrive. By the way I am SICK of ODs and Distortions! Also finishing up a SWAW autowah.
My next board, that I really need to start building soon, will have Remote switching for rack mounted effects, lights, built in Microphone mount, personal monitor, and some type of computer mounting system, Ipad or Mobile PC.
orange squeezer/mosfet boost (yellow) > LaVache > Aristocrat (copper) > Em-drive-ish > Jhs VPjr > polytune (tuner out) > ZeroPoint SD > pt2399 tap delay > Memory boy dlx > mod'd DD-3
I posted this pic in a build report thread of mine, so I figured I would post it here as well.
I use a small, clean, tube amp with a direct out and speaker attenuation for an almost silent stage rig (playing in a church with in-ears). I let my pedals handle all of my dirty tones, and the amp does a great job of taking on the character of the various pedals.
Pedalboard is an IKEA Gorm Shelf. Signal Chain in order(not topographical order...)
DR 2000 Series Wireless Unit - I picked it up for about $30 shipped. The box was beaten to heck, but everything inside was factory fresh. New twist ties and plastic wrap. I will eventually move it to the underside of my board to leave room for some more pedals.
TC Electronic Polytune - Great tuner. Nuff Said.
Dunlop 535q Wah - Modified for actual true-bypass and I added some LEDs for funzies. It already had a red fasel inductor inside, but one day I want to buy a yellow fasel and set it up for red/yellow/series/parallel switching. More out of curiosity than anything else.
DOD FX-17 Wah/Volume - The wah on this thing is not my cup of tea, but it's the teeniest volume pedal I've ever seen. Sadly most gearheads ask about where they can get one instead of noticing my DIY pedals. I keep it by my tap switch for delay swells and such, but it's before my ODs in the chain because I like how it sounds there better.
MXR Classic Overdrive - From what I understand, this is just a Tube Screamer. I picked it up before it's actual release day from GC because it was cheap and "limited edition". I like it a lot. Inside the pedal there was a dipswitch to switch between tonestacks, so I moved the switch outside the pedal.
Hotcake/Shortstack - Built on jtn191's Shortstack board. I really really like this thing. It's a fantastic low-cutting overdrive. It stacks great for heavily (analogish) delayed sounds because it really cuts through the darker delay trails.
MB Yellow Shark(Honeybee OD) - I really like this guy too. I'm told it may get kicked off my board when I build ROG's Supreaux Deux, but we shall see. Right now I'm using it for that Supro-ish sound. It gets a lot of use from me on single note neck pickup licks on the high strings.
BSIAB 2 - My second build (started ~2008, finished ~2010). I don't remember who's board I built this one on, probably gaussmarkov's because I was reading through his website around the time I built this. I added a "second channel" switch. Basically I can switch between two sets of Vol and Gain knobs. The tone and mid knobs are universal to the two "channels," however. I'm considering attempting a 1590a build because I don't use both channels very often, and I need the space.
Madbean Collosalus - I've always been a huge MXR Flanger fan. When I was 17 I tried to build the project from Shredaholics. I was never able to find a SAD1024 and eventually gave up. So for me, the Collosalus was a longtime victory waiting to happen. I'm currently building a MB Current Lover that will occupy the gap on my pedalboard between the Collosalus and the DL4.
Line 6 DL4 - I picked this one up off the internet, broken, for basically the cost of shipping. I fixed her up good as new. Well, except for the fact that I stripped all the paint off...You can get more for them on ebay this way. I'm going to do the usual mods and ditch it on ebay for much more than I paid for it, and then start heading towards a TC Flashback x4 with the money.
Line 6 Verbzilla - or the pedal that made me money when I bought it. I love this thing for textures and swells. I would never leave a reverb pedal on all the time, it's just not my thing.
Marshall Echohead - When I first started looking into delay pedals I came across this one on craigslist for $20. I literally left $20 under this dudes welcome mat and took the pedal off his porch. Best craigslist transaction ever. The tap tempo pedal is connected to the Echohead. It doesn't do tap divisions, but tapping .8ths is pretty simple. It has a fantastic sounding Analog delay mode, and reverse delay for more textural sounds.
LPB-1 - This was my first build. I built it when I was 16(I'm 22 now). I bought the parts from Fry's Electronics and built it from a schematic on perfboard. I opened it recently and cleaned the wiring up some. My wiring is not very clean now, but it was apparently much worse. It's at the end of my chain so I can use it as a pure volume boost(set for about 5-8db) for lead breaks(church sound guys are usually deaf and cannot hear when lead breaks start). In front of my OD's I was getting different levels of boost when used in conjunction with each OD, but at the end, I get a pretty uniform boost level no matter what I am running before it.
The 1590a at the end of my chain. - Is literally an input jack wired to an output jack. The position of the LPB-1 doesn't work very well for plugging a straight guitar lead into it, so I made a little output box. Eventually I will put it underneath my board with a closed circuit input insert, so that in the event my wireless goes down, I can just plug a cable in and continue rockin'.
I have a couple other pedals that don't get used on this board:
EHX Freeze - I just got this, not a fan. If I don't find a way to use this soon, it will set a personal record for the shortest time between purchase and reselling of a pedal.
Violet Rams head muff clone - Too crazy for church(with the exception of the occasional lead tone). I have it boxed in a BB, so I'm building a 1590a version so that I can include it on my board and not worry about size.
Way Huge Red Llama clone - Not enough applications for church music and I'm not a huge fan of it, so I'll probably give it to a buddy or ditch it on ebay.
Eric Johnson FF clone in a 1590a - It doesn't play well with my wireless. Any recommendations on how to fix that?
Modded Boss DS-1 - I can sell it on ebay, but the going rate for even keeley modded DS-1s is about what I paid for mine. I'd rather just keep it or give it to a young talented guitarist when I see one(which is what I usually do with extra pedals.)
I also have countless PCB's that I am building, slowly but surely. I think I am addicted to buying PCB's. I feel like I never have time to build, but I always have time to buy PCBs.
Four madbeans on this one.
The lilac sparkly thing in the top right is a kingslayer. The purple 1590a is a fatpants. I love these two together! Almost never turn them off unless I'm using other drive pedals.
The white one is technically a madbean since there is a cave dweller pcb in it. This was a crazy idea of mine to build a deep blue delay and cave dweller in one box, with a switch to choose between the two, using dual gang pots where necessary. To top it off I added a taptation circuit in there with modulation. Turned out better than I could have imagined!
The pinkish one with the blue knobs is a loophole (I'm really into looping what with the boomerang as well). I added the vibrato to it and it works great (thanks Jakefuzz!)
Other DIY stuff on there: Blue one is a lunar module rehoused to add the two other controls. Green one is a meathead and a random number generator with a switch to choose the circuit, takes care of my crazy fuzz needs. Unfinished one on the left board is a BYOC reverb.
Opening day line up:
Six or five string bass > Turbo Tuner > Gstring > Boss Bass Eq > Madbean Low Rider > sfx MicroThumpinator > Jon Patton Blue Warbler > Red Panda Bit Crusher > The Wahfather > Madbean Green Russian > Telray Power Wah > Boss Bass Overdrive > Tonpad Ross Phaser > (Back to the Gstring) > Deep Blue Delay > 1776 Rub-a-Dub reverb >Carl Martin Comp/Limiter > amp
Here's my rehearsal pedalboard as of late.
TU-2->BYOC Blues Breaker->Tonepad Phase 90->Chimaera BFD->Little AngelChorus->Cave Dweller->DeProfundis->BBE Sonic Stomp. This changes weekly usually,but this has been the setup for at least 2 weeks.
@ rollo greb:
Ah! A fellow Boomerang user!
Quote from: jimilee on April 02, 2013, 03:02:12 AM
Here's my rehearsal pedalboard as of late.
TU-2->BYOC Blues Breaker->Tonepad Phase 90->Chimaera BFD->Little AngelChorus->Cave Dweller->DeProfundis->BBE Sonic Stomp. This changes weekly usually,but this has been the setup for at least 2 weeks.
Are the pedals just loose in the bag? I think it would be much easier if they were attached to something. I built a board out of a $7 ikea shelf once and it worked fine. Not as nice as a pedal train, but functional on the cheap.
Quote from: pickdropper on April 02, 2013, 02:23:49 PM
Quote from: jimilee on April 02, 2013, 03:02:12 AM
Here's my rehearsal pedalboard as of late.
TU-2->BYOC Blues Breaker->Tonepad Phase 90->Chimaera BFD->Little AngelChorus->Cave Dweller->DeProfundis->BBE Sonic Stomp. This changes weekly usually,but this has been the setup for at least 2 weeks.
Are the pedals just loose in the bag? I think it would be much easier if they were attached to something. I built a board out of a $7 ikea shelf once and it worked fine. Not as nice as a pedal train, but functional on the cheap.
Nope, there is velcro involved. It's a pedal board Gig bag. I have another pedal board that's twice as big and wooden, this is just more convenient for rehearsal.
Quote from: icecycle66 on April 02, 2013, 02:29:29 AM
Opening day line up:
I'm pretty honored to have something on there. :)
Mini board!
Haven't posted a board in a long while, and this one is different enough that I thought I'd upload it!
The Tonepress may be replaced soon. I use it because it's a special edition, and I like red pedals. The Engineer's Thumb will likely go in it's place, although I'll want mine on another board I think.
The Polytune is a good upgrade from a TU-2. I like the interface quite a bit.
The Hero Drive is a Tim clone. I like it. I like it a lot.
The El Capistan may be replaced in the future by the Hamlet+. I'm really looking forward to that build, and I think you guys will like it too. But for now, the El Capistan does stuff I can't get out of a PT2399. I also sometimes use a Dirtbag and will potentially use the Aquaboy Deluxe in there when I get mine finished.
I haven't used the Favourite switch yet, just got in the mail this week and snapped a shot once I had it installed. But I look forward to being able to have two settings for the El Cap at my feet, along with the Tap Tempo. If strymon had enabeled the Tap switch to operate as either a favourite switch OR a Tap Tempo switch, I wouldn't have needed the Favourite switch. I don't use Tap Tempo unless I'm playing lead, and this pedalboard isn't really for playing lead, but rhythm.
Overall, I really like it.
Here's my "in progress" pedalboard:
DIY'd a few years ago from a Harbor Freight "road case style" tool case. At 18" x 13", it's not quite wide enough to fit all of what I want, so I'll likely build something else.
Signal chain will probably be, when finalized:
Volume pedal from junk yard '60's Hammond tonewheel organ
'89 Dunlop "Original Cry Baby"
Veritas Transparent Boost/OD (simple booster, similar to Emerson Custom EM Drive)
Teleforce Beam Emitter (bufferless TS clone, kinda like Eternity "Burst")
Dirty Red Delay (Sea Urchin with modified part values)
Dirty Red Delay... "I'd Tap that," (JMK modular delay with modulating TapTation, part values mixed up with Sea Urchin and De Profundis)
Prince Charming In A Can (Rump Roast)
I have 7 or 8 more pedals that just won't fit at this time... I think I need a pedalboard at least 24" wide. LOL
Here is my current board setup, I slimmed down from two boards to one for a while.
Signal chain goes: boss tu-2 >torpedo fish (mad bean pepper spray, Albini's specs) > bass micro synth> fuzz factory clone> Mothra (madbean mudbunny triangle spec)> rude man (madbean range master)> chadderbox effects loud/louder boost> moog ring modulator> EB volume> western CF-2 (madbean pork barrel)> boss enhacer> big box MN3005 memory man with analog man impede ce and delay time mods> deluxe memory man w/tap temp 1100> stereo memory man (for looping) > mr black eterna> mr black supermoon
Its quite the space station and really fun to get lost in!
Quote from: sdb guitars on April 08, 2013, 09:14:28 PM
Here's my "in progress" pedalboard:
Mesa Boogie Mark III: red stripe / two 6L6 / no EQ / Imbuya's cabinet (that's really fancy I know...)
Eventide Timefactor
Tc Electronics minipolitune
The guitars:
1993 G&L Legacy with suhr v60lp's and a DSV in the bridge
1989 Ibanez AM400
Everything second hand except timefactor and minipolitune:
Sorry, no pedalboard yet... only a few pedals laying around...
Someone suggested it was time for another group shot.
( (
Here you go :)
I can't remember if I've posted these here or not. The big board is the one in my office. It's not terribly portable. ;D
( (
This is my small acrylic board. I've got a couple of these.
( (
couple of updates to my bass and guitar boards...
bass board goes:
lowrider, slow loris, muddbunny, tonepad sansamp GT2, sharkfin, stereo memoryman w/ hazarai, AD9
Stomptown MkII tonebender, egghead, mudbunny, timmy, EB VP Jr, rc2, Nova, AB dlx, Ea trem, THcustom reverb
( (
Finally got around to zipping it down. The Dirtbag is in the loop of the flange, the Multiplex is after the flange. They'd been sitting loose on the big rack, before this.
Oh, and I found that the Loop affects the regen setting on the Flange, quite badly.
If the thing in the loop amplifies a bit (like a distortion or boost, say), it will oscillate early. Very early.
If it cuts signal a bit (like my v3205 Dirtbag with no freaking headroom), it will oscillate at the end of pot travel, and not a smidgen before.
Quote from: B_of_H on December 13, 2010, 02:50:21 PM
Hey! Very nice board! What is the prdal on the right side? It looks cool!
I will be back to this topic in one year! Only two oedala at the monent! :-(
( (
The 40% and Flatlife are on the board, so I had to rearrange it. (Going to ziptie everything down later, I wanted to check how well it worked at practice first.) The nailpolish on the 40% reflects the flash, I'm afraid. Probably because the paint is a bit lumpy.
The Cavedweller originally went on purely to connect two too-short patch leads, but it's staying there as a brilliant little ambient delay.
Finally put this together, going to jam with some friends in the holydays.... so i needed something that would cover pretty much everything.
-Rotten Komp
-GodaSound Effects Un Ojo Fuzz Prototype
-Ludicrous Screamer
-ISP Decimator
-NicoFX Echo
-MXR117 Flanger
-CE2 Chorus
-Maxon AD999
hm, decimator. anyone out there at the moment who's offering decimator boards? [the Galego ones]
Quote from: Cortexturizer on December 23, 2013, 09:25:48 AM
hm, decimator. anyone out there at the moment who's offering decimator boards? [the Galego ones]
Haberdasher did 'em for me.
Quote from: Cortexturizer on December 23, 2013, 09:25:48 AM
hm, decimator. anyone out there at the moment who's offering decimator boards?
marmaliser that looks great! I've sent the e-mail to the owner of the site ;)
Starting from top left; Harmonic tremolo (1776 Effects Cardinal tremolo), Marshall footswitch, Worthog ( Madbean Current Lover) with separate depth control for filter mode, Deluxe Delay ( basically a 2 mode version of the Madbean ZPSDX).
Bottom row; Tube Screamer clone (cross between a Paisley Drive and a modded TS with a mosfet boost), Compressor (BYOC 5 knob), Boss GE7b (modded to a GE7 and upgraded ICs), Rotolux (Madbean Harbinger with a switch for phase shifter mode), Boss TU2, Dunlop 535Q
Man, you guys' pedal boards are all so nice and neat.
I need to bring someone over and fix mine up for me. I just throw that crap on the floor and as long as the cables and power reach it's good.
I reorganized my board some, so here's the result. It's not that pretty but it gets the work done. Volume pedal, expression pedal for the dl-4 and the wah are near by.
Imma just gonna leave this here.
Here's my bass rig pedalboard:
Get one chopping board.
Screw rubber feet into the base.
Attach loop velcro to reverse side.
Add pedals.
Nice implementation!
Here's my latest incarnation of pedalmania:
all DIY pedals (except tuner obviously... doh...) on a custom aluminum frame, will post a tutorial on how I made the alu frame board.
(It's here: (
Pedals are directly screwed onto aluminum base as I use pretty much only 125B with topmounted jacks and the slightly double wider enclosures as pictured (not sure from top of my head what spec number that would be...).
Because of that there's a 'pattern' of screwholes that allows to change pedals freely around.
A few points:
there's a loop box (top left) which I find very handy to stick another pedal or a 'satellite board' in on the fly, the position is basically after drive section before most modulation.
You can see the rechargable battery pack and power filter/regulator (top right) that I posted in this thread (
The very left is a 'terminal box' that has input and output jacks located in one place and also a switchable input buffer at the very beginning of it (which puts out two identical signals, one goes further into board, the other could be use un-effected into mixer, recording or whatever...).
Hope you guys enjoy!
and frame only almost finished:
That is just beautiful. I love all the pedals, reminds me of some of the same art work my wife used to do. Top mounted jacks for the win also.
this is pretty much my board these days
The Dinosaural Preamp is switched for a Dr Scientist Frazz Dazzler, and currently a POG1 sits where the microsynth is.
Cooder, what is the extra pot and switch on the Dopp 1.4 for?
Love the board build. I know a guy who fabbed a pedalboard out of ply and metal as well, only he put a hinged cover on his (to protect the jacks, pedals, and cables from drunken bogans, as well as to cover it up when he's not using it.)
Cheers Alan, the extra pot is a 'Bacon bits' booster which I can engage/bypass with that switch. I do like the Doppelgaenger often on subtle settings where I feel there's a little bit of volume loss. So I can boost signal active if necessary.
The Doppelgaenger is a fab pedal, thanks for the great work on it!
I do have a case that I can put the whole board in for transport.
Here's the smaller brother of the bigger board posted above, I use it mainly for acoustic guitar or as a quick 'grab'n go' for electric.
More build pics and details here: (
As impressive as that board/setup is, I'm just about as impressed that you can remember what all those knobs do - especially that one on the corner ... :o
Quote from: jubal81 on September 16, 2014, 02:51:54 AM
As impressive as that board/setup is, I'm just about as impressed that you can remember what all those knobs do - especially that one on the corner ... :o
+1. I'd be lost.
Beautiful boards (and pedals) Cooder.
Cheers guys,
it's my personal test to see when Alzheimer's get's too close for comfort...
It's actually not that difficult to remember when you've built the stuff yourself I find, spending hours nutting it out helps with memorizing.
I can understand though that it looks like a mess to everyone else.
For most part I use the same logic in layout, most dirt boxes go the usual vol/tone/gain from left to right etc, so there's system in the madness.
Jason: the one that you were pointing out on top right shelf: my partner said when she saw it finished "that looks like a hedgehog"... and bang, the name stuck.
It is two 5 band eq's (TH custom's excellent mini boards), so knobs are simply two rows of low to high freqs, a selector switch to select which preset is active. I find that very useful as acoustic I play normal steel string (active PU), resonator (passive PU, totally different eq requirement) and Weissenborn lapsteel (active PU).
That allows to have three different sounds preselected: bypass/lower row/upper row. An LED lights up beside row that's active.
Simple and not to hard to remember when you know the guts.
Edit: ...and yes, it was a blimmin' tight fit with topmounted jacks and relay bypass board...
Not a great shot, but apparently a friend of mine took this while I was sound checking this afternoon and I saw it on Facebook when I got home.
From front to back that's a Sparklehorn (for leads), an MXR Phase 90, a Pork Barrel chorus, a Lavache (for Cinnamon Girl), an Ego Driver (my "dirt channel") and a Boss TU-2 tuner. Nothing fancy. Just playing a 14-song set.
I'm mad because I didn't get my JMK Super Phaser finished in time. I swear I can hear some bleed-through from the Phase 90. Plus the guy who owns the Phase 90 is gonna see it on Facebook. Oh well.
I lent out my Red Llama and SHO builds to the other two guitarists for their lead boosts.
Finally got round to implementing the FoxRox and big box DMM
This board is close to perfect for me. I had to compromise on losing the MicroSynth and/or POG but I didnt use them too often.
Waiting on some more George L plugs, and I will probably add the BitQuest. I am also gonna squeeze another elements next to the other one and nudge everything together on the front row when it arrives.
Angled shot shows you that some pedals (Slicer, DMM, TZF, Mobius) are on Diago risers. These are really useful as you can "store" excess cabling under them.
For those interested the signal chain goes thus:
In > Klon stereo buffer (allows for dry out) > Tuner > Elements > Frazz Dazzler > Mobius with Space Station in Pre-Post loop > TZF > DMM > Compressor* > Timeline
Then its stereo out to the Big Sky > Slicer > Loop Station
Amps are a Fender Hot Rod DLX and a Blackstar Artisan
*compressor is after the DMM because I didnt have the cabling at present. When I address this, it will be before the DMM. DMM will then go direct to the Timeline.
Here's what I'm using right now
phasers are my thang, pigtronix ep2 and the lectric-fx wonderful space harp
all on this board has been arranged in a way that's allowing me to perform on my own. you cannot rely on others in Serbia.
the only thing missing is the CV distribution box that I will build in a couple of days as soon as Tayda order arrives. that one will lift the possibilities to a whole new level, I cannot wait for it to become true.
that looks fantastic. Very tight fit alltogether.
I love your centaur. Seeing it again reminded me of your build report. That one is a real beauty
top board (right to left)
klon (aion), input/output patch, plexi, ms70cdr, jamman solo xt
bottom board (right to left)
pitchblack poly, sonic maximizer (madbean), mutron (madbean), charge pump, riot, ep boost, tremulus lune, buffered input/output patch, multiplex (1776)
That's one colorful bunch that won't go unnoticed at any gig!
I purged all my gear, downsized on my board to a PT3, and as you've seen in the build reports section, I've been busy. So far I'm really happy with it. Still need to play with the order of things in the chain, but this is what it looks like so far:
( (
Guitar > Skreddy P19 > Engineer's Thumb w/ clean blend > ZenDrive > Sparkplug > Box of Rock > VP Jr. (Tuner out to Korg Pitchblack), Strymon Mobius, EHX Pitch Fork, Strymon Timeline, Strymon BigSky, NashPedals Bronco Billy Boost > Amp
The strymon's are controlled with a Disaster Area DMC-6D with there little expansion switch as a global tap/favorite switch.
Underneath, everything is powered with a Cioks DC10, and then the strymon's, DMC-6D, and some other things on that side of the board are powered with a Voodoo Labs 4x4
( (
Pretty sweet and powerful board there! Very well put together! 8)
Quote from: irmcdermott on October 27, 2014, 06:25:36 PM
I purged all my gear, downsized on my board to a PT3, and as you've seen in the build reports section, I've been busy. So far I'm really happy with it. Still need to play with the order of things in the chain, but this is what it looks like so far (pedal placement is the same, I reran some cables after the pick was take, originally i goofed and had the Pitch Fork before the Mobius, but flipped those):
( (
Guitar > Skreddy P19 > Engineer's Thumb w/ clean blend > ZenDrive > Sparkplug > Box of Rock > VP Jr. (Tuner out to Korg Pitchblack), Strymon Mobius, EHX Pitch Fork, Strymon Timeline, Strymon BigSky, NashPedals Bronco Billy Boost > Amp
The strymon's are controlled with a Disaster Area DMC-6D with there little expansion switch as a global tap/favorite switch.
Underneath, everything is powered with a Cioks DC10, and then the strymon's, DMC-6D, and some other things on that side of the board are powered with a Voodoo Labs 4x4
( (
this is practically perfect. I want/need the strymon trinity.
I have the Timeline/BigSky, but I don't think I want/need to add the Mobius.
Ian, what you need to do is build yourself an Epic Looper and then run midi out to your Strymons, instead of running that Disaster Area thing. Then you'll have presets and you'll have control over all your other pedals as well.
Quote from: jkokura on October 27, 2014, 07:00:51 PM
I have the Timeline/BigSky, but I don't think I want/need to add the Mobius.
Ian, what you need to do is build yourself an Epic Looper and then run midi out to your Strymons, instead of running that Disaster Area thing. Then you'll have presets and you'll have control over all your other pedals as well.
Jacob, it was my understanding that you can only do program changes with the Epic Looper and not use it for CC changes. I bet Ian is using it for the looping functions most of the time.. If I am wrong please let me know since I stopped my Epic Looper project due to that fact since I really wanted to use it as a looper and also to control the record/stop/undo features of the Timeline.
I love the DMC, so I don't see me getting rid of it. I use all of its functions. Scrolling is a breeze, looper control is awesome, and the way I setup the presets for what I'm playing is pretty easy. The control and flexibility it gives me is pretty outstanding. And the guy that makes them is a good guy. If I had space on the board for a looper, I'd build one to control all my other pedals so I could do less dancing, but I'm out of real estate haha
Quote from: selfdestroyer on October 27, 2014, 08:41:50 PM
Quote from: jkokura on October 27, 2014, 07:00:51 PM
I have the Timeline/BigSky, but I don't think I want/need to add the Mobius.
Ian, what you need to do is build yourself an Epic Looper and then run midi out to your Strymons, instead of running that Disaster Area thing. Then you'll have presets and you'll have control over all your other pedals as well.
Jacob, it was my understanding that you can only do program changes with the Epic Looper and not use it for CC changes. I bet Ian is using it for the looping functions most of the time.. If I am wrong please let me know since I stopped my Epic Looper project due to that fact since I really wanted to use it as a looper and also to control the record/stop/undo features of the Timeline.
You have it correctly Cody, which is a bummer I can agree. It comes down to not being able to do everything for everyone with that project. The Epic Looper will do the PC commands though, which would be great if you only need to change the presets along with your pedals in the loops like I do. However, if you're using the looper it becomes more complicated.
Can you not use the Epic looper to control presets and then use the Timeline footstitches themselves for sending the unit into Looper mode and controlling the record/play/stop functions?
Quote from: jkokura on October 28, 2014, 05:26:51 PM
Can you not use the Epic looper to control presets and then use the Timeline footstitches themselves for sending the unit into Looper mode and controlling the record/play/stop functions?
That will definitely work but sometime pedal layout and/or board size does not permit this. I am not abandoning the Epic Looper by any means and think it will serve well on my bass rig board where I just use a ditto.
( (
love them all!
Here's a shot of my gigging board. I put this together before I started building pedals, so the only diy is the I/O boxes and some switching boxes (and all the cabling).
Quote from: Sigesmundninja on December 19, 2014, 10:35:17 PM (
love them all!
I spy a Foxrox Paradox TZF!! Awesome, awesome stuff on that board.
Hi everyone. I don't know if this topic is abandoned, however, here is my pedalboard: (
Guitar goes to a Ritual Fuzz > Crowther Hotcake Effdub version > GCB95 > EQD Hummingbird clone > Digiverb > Tuner
Pretty simple board but for now is what I need.
PS: So many beautiful boards here, I was a little shy of publishing mine.
Current pedalboard sans two volume pedals. Also ALL my pedals, all that I own, in one picture. Damn, I totally thought I had more. It's just 30 actually. I gotta build something stat!
:o I'm full of envy
Quote from: Cortexturizer on April 20, 2015, 09:59:54 PM
Current pedalboard sans two volume pedals. Also ALL my pedals, all that I own, in one picture. Damn, I totally thought I had more. It's just 30 actually. I gotta build something stat!
Tight looking ship! I'm amazed you're using a DL-4 though. I always figured you were into real analog delays. I'm also quite envious of your envelope phaser. I WANT ONE!
I don't have any good pics of my current board, otherwise I'd post one. Maybe after tomorrow, after rehearsal. ;)
Hehe yeah, I am amazed too. I only use it for looping though, I HATE it's delay sounds. Soooooooooo dull.
I am into analog delays big time my man, I have an aquaboy dlx on the bench and waiting for a new compander because the last one behaved moody...we'll see how it'll go.
I am contemplating a Boomerang III these days...
Quote from: Cortexturizer on April 21, 2015, 09:40:51 AM
Hehe yeah, I am amazed too. I only use it for looping though, I HATE it's delay sounds. Soooooooooo dull.
I am into analog delays big time my man, I have an aquaboy dlx on the bench and waiting for a new compander because the last one behaved moody...we'll see how it'll go.
I am contemplating a Boomerang III these days...
why the boomerang and not a pigtronix infinity if I may ask? both are in the same price range
I bet it's because he just keeps coming back to the boomerang...
... I'll get my coat. ;D
haha juan :D
well I think the boomerang can actually do more and is more user friendly and I have a short attention span with loopers to be honest. also, I like the boomerang button-like switches more, at least I think I would, because I haven't tried it...
it's crazy expensive though...but the manipulation of loops that it can do is breathtaking and it does it all so seamlessly ...
I don't need MIDI functionality, nor do I wanna use a PC editor for my looper - that actually just drives me away from the Pigtronix
There is a limit to which I want my pedals to be tweakable :D
sorry guys for spamming with my board, I just got a perfect shot of it from the organizer of the last night's event and I just have to share haha
my beauties <3
No need to apologize when you have something that looks that cool.
Quote from: Cortexturizer on April 23, 2015, 04:54:02 PM
sorry guys for spamming with my board, I just got a perfect shot of it from the organizer of the last night's event and I just have to share haha
my beauties <3
no univibe..
I don't approve this
trivibe doesn't count I guess...haha the vibelord is not content :D
will have to add it at some point I guess. this board incarnation is for solo performance purposes...
Quote from: Cortexturizer on April 23, 2015, 05:05:51 PM
trivibe doesn't count I guess...haha the vibelord is not content :D
will have to add it at some point I guess. this board incarnation is for solo performance purposes...
OK, I think everyone on the forum will let you post one more picture of your board updated with univibe :D
didn't notice the monotron until now! your pedalboard wins the day.
Quote from: Cortexturizer on April 21, 2015, 10:50:41 AM
haha juan :D
well I think the boomerang can actually do more and is more user friendly and I have a short attention span with loopers to be honest. also, I like the boomerang button-like switches more, at least I think I would, because I haven't tried it...
it's crazy expensive though...but the manipulation of loops that it can do is breathtaking and it does it all so seamlessly ...
I don't need MIDI functionality, nor do I wanna use a PC editor for my looper - that actually just drives me away from the Pigtronix
There is a limit to which I want my pedals to be tweakable :D
If you don't want the MIDI but dig the more common funcionalities from the boomerang, maybe you should wait for the EHX 22550. Drolo mentioned it a while ago and now it is featured in their 2015 catalog:
it seems more intuitive than the infinity to me (although I haven't tried any of those) and I think the price is going to be half the infinity...
Here's my current smaller gigging pedalboard and my guitar tech.
Looks like your guitar tech really knows his stuff. "Un... looks like your problem is this cable right here."
Lately I've been getting into synthesizers and here's my latest purchase: a Yamaha DX7 synth from the 80s. It's in almost perfect condition. Just few minor scratches here and there and one key has a slightly louder release noise. Yesterday I quickly recorded a little demo video showcasing the factory presets (with few minor tweaks). I was born in the early 80s and my fascination to these sounds is probably encoded to my genes: I love this synth! :)
Quote from: Jurassic on April 25, 2015, 08:12:15 AM
Lately I've been getting into synthesizers and here's my latest purchase: a Yamaha DX7 synth from the 80s. It's in almost perfect condition. Just few minor scratches here and there and one key has a slightly louder release noise. Yesterday I quickly recorded a little demo video showcasing the factory presets (with few minor tweaks). I was born in the early 80s and my fascination to these sounds is probably encoded to my genes: I love this synth! :)
Love your demos Juri, and this one is beautiful!
Quote from: Jurassic on April 25, 2015, 08:12:15 AM
Lately I've been getting into synthesizers and here's my latest purchase: a Yamaha DX7 synth from the 80s. It's in almost perfect condition. Just few minor scratches here and there and one key has a slightly louder release noise. Yesterday I quickly recorded a little demo video showcasing the factory presets (with few minor tweaks). I was born in the early 80s and my fascination to these sounds is probably encoded to my genes: I love this synth! :)
Hey Juri,
Synth sounds great, I always wanted one of these. I heard they are built like a tank as well. Your demo led me to your blog and I like your music.
Very dreamy 8)
Quote from: peAk on April 25, 2015, 03:58:07 PM
Quote from: Jurassic on April 25, 2015, 08:12:15 AM
Lately I've been getting into synthesizers and here's my latest purchase: a Yamaha DX7 synth from the 80s. It's in almost perfect condition. Just few minor scratches here and there and one key has a slightly louder release noise. Yesterday I quickly recorded a little demo video showcasing the factory presets (with few minor tweaks). I was born in the early 80s and my fascination to these sounds is probably encoded to my genes: I love this synth! :)
Hey Juri,
Synth sounds great, I always wanted one of these. I heard they are built like a tank as well. Your demo led me to your blog and I like your music.
Very dreamy 8)
check evilbay. I've seen one on USA for less than 200 dollars...
Quote from: micromegas on April 25, 2015, 04:08:09 PM
check evilbay. I've seen one on USA for less than 200 dollars...
I think if I purchase another synth anytime soon, my wife will divorce me.
Thanks for the heads up on that site though!
Quote from: peAk on April 25, 2015, 04:14:51 PM
Quote from: micromegas on April 25, 2015, 04:08:09 PM
check evilbay. I've seen one on USA for less than 200 dollars...
I think if I purchase another synth anytime soon, my wife will divorce me.
Thanks for the heads up on that site though!
sorry, no new site:
Quote from: micromegas on April 25, 2015, 04:16:40 PM
Quote from: peAk on April 25, 2015, 04:14:51 PM
Quote from: micromegas on April 25, 2015, 04:08:09 PM
check evilbay. I've seen one on USA for less than 200 dollars...
I think if I purchase another synth anytime soon, my wife will divorce me.
Thanks for the heads up on that site though!
sorry, no new site:
oh damn, well I went to the site: and thought to myself "This place seems pretty cool, although I don't see a classified section"
haha too funny
Quote from: peAk on April 25, 2015, 04:34:44 PM
Quote from: micromegas on April 25, 2015, 04:16:40 PM
Quote from: peAk on April 25, 2015, 04:14:51 PM
Quote from: micromegas on April 25, 2015, 04:08:09 PM
check evilbay. I've seen one on USA for less than 200 dollars...
I think if I purchase another synth anytime soon, my wife will divorce me.
Thanks for the heads up on that site though!
sorry, no new site:
oh damn, well I went to the site: and thought to myself "This place seems pretty cool, although I don't see a classified section"
haha too funny
there's some crazy stuff there...
Quote from: micromegas on April 25, 2015, 11:31:16 AM
Love your demos Juri, and this one is beautiful!
Thank you! :)
Quote from: peAk on April 25, 2015, 03:58:07 PM
Hey Juri,
Synth sounds great, I always wanted one of these. I heard they are built like a tank as well. Your demo led me to your blog and I like your music.
Very dreamy 8)
Thanks a lot! :) Yeah, this synth is a good instrument: it feels solid, the playing touch is good and the sounds are pure gold. DX7 was really common synth back in the day, so it's still pretty easy to find and prices haven't gone up, yet. I suggest that you score one in mint condition now when they are still sold for peanuts. It's an investment with a significant hipster factor, so the value can only go up! :D
Ready for gigging! :D This one is little bit smaller then my first one, but it covers almost everything that crosses my mind.. Still have to add fuzz or two.. :D
( (
Simplistically complicated. Very cool.
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Quote from: brejna on July 08, 2016, 03:16:25 PM
Ready for gigging! :D This one is little bit smaller then my first one, but it covers almost everything that crosses my mind.. Still have to add fuzz or two.. :D
I'm sure you'll have no trouble finding space for it.
In a way its good that you posted this pic. I was about to build your Kayzendrive and this pic answered a few questions I had.
I wanted a small board that I could use for singer/songwriter stuff. I wanted this to be VERY simple, so I added a power supply based on a mobile phone power pack with 10.000 mAh (This one: ( and a step up DC-DC-converter. The TC Helicon needs 12 Volts and uses ~400 mA, so the power pack runs for ~10 hours (played it a long evening and still had enough juice left...).
I am using this either with an active PA speaker (or two) or (for living room purposes or vacations) with a Bose sound link (which is also battery powered). To make it even simpler, I use it with a Shure headworn microphone (= no mic stand) and sometimes with a nice foot stomp (the thing with the number plate). All of that (and the acoustic guitar) gets plugged into the TC.
I added the footswitch to be able to switch the microphone on and off (miss that function in the TC). I had some space left on the box, so I used that for an 1/4" adapter for the the footstomp (the aux input on the tc is a 3.5 mm input).
The odd thing is that while you think its simple, to others simple is..... relative? ;)
Quote from: Muadzin on October 07, 2016, 02:47:06 PM
The odd thing is that while you think its simple, to others simple is..... relative? ;)
Well... yeah... but.... compared to all of my other boards, this is drop dead easy

Edit: Meanwhile I covered the top with velcro and improved the mounting on the bottom side - I changed the relevant pictures in my post. Does it look simple enough now? ;D ;D ;D
To quite jimilee, simplistically complicated. ;)
How does the headset mic work out. I've been thinking of getting one of those for a while now. I hate having to lean over towards the mic (across my pedal board) as I think it adversely affects either my playing or my singing. I might just barely be able to sing and play guitar, not a good multitasker, so add leaning over towards a mic and that's asking too much of my processing thinking power.
Quote from: Muadzin on October 10, 2016, 12:57:44 PM
To quite jimilee, simplistically complicated. ;)
How does the headset mic work out. I've been thinking of getting one of those for a while now. I hate having to lean over towards the mic (across my pedal board) as I think it adversely affects either my playing or my singing. I might just barely be able to sing and play guitar, not a good multitasker, so add leaning over towards a mic and that's asking too much of my processing thinking power.
I am quite happy with the microphone in terms of sound, but you need to be aware of two things:
1) Volume-control by changing the distance to the microphone does not work - I am not that dynamic (in general ;)), and the TC compressor does the rest
2) Putting it on and off is a PITA - Take of the glasses, put the mike on, clip the XLR-Jack to your belt, put on guitar, put on glasses. You need a mute switch for that procedure (that's why I built one).
That's mine! At the moment.... ;D
Top (in the dark): Carl Martin Power Supply - DIY Level-Tone-Control for the Korg - Korg G4 - Tuner - Battery pack for Wah and Gain & Balls
Middle: Vox Time Machine
The rest: DIY Looper to switch between Time Machine and Korg G4 - Rockett Dude - DIY Gain & Balls - Amp1 - George Dennis Wah
Quote from: Highway31 on December 08, 2016, 11:39:40 AM
That's mine! At the moment.... ;D
Top (in the dark): Carl Martin Power Supply - DIY Level-Tone-Control for the Korg - Korg G4 - Tuner - Battery pack for Wah and Gain & Balls
Middle: Vox Time Machine
The rest: DIY Looper to switch between Time Machine and Korg G4 - Rockett Dude - DIY Gain & Balls - Amp1 - George Dennis Wah
That is great board! :) Since you got there Amp 1, please I need some feedback.. I watched almost all clips online and I am close to buy it. Thomas blug did great job with it. What do you think?
Quote from: Highway31 on December 08, 2016, 11:39:40 AM
That's mine! At the moment.... ;D
Top (in the dark): Carl Martin Power Supply - DIY Level-Tone-Control for the Korg - Korg G4 - Tuner - Battery pack for Wah and Gain & Balls
Middle: Vox Time Machine
The rest: DIY Looper to switch between Time Machine and Korg G4 - Rockett Dude - DIY Gain & Balls - Amp1 - George Dennis Wah
I recognize that case. That's a Rockcase, right? I used to have 3 of those, I kinda wore them out. ;D
Yes, it's a Rockcase but modified to my needs :D
I bought the Amp1 soon after it was on the market and tested it with different speakers and cabinets but I was
not 100% satisfied. So, I returned it within the 30-days-money-back-guarantee.
Months later I made a 1x12" cabinet for a friend and his Amp1 and we tested all of my speakers. The
winner was the WGS Veteran 30. We were very impressed by the Amp1/WGS combination.
Weeks later I ordered a second Amp1 and buildt two 1x12" cabinets. One for home and one for the rehearsal room.
I compared my cabinets against the Bluguitar Fatcab -had one at home for two weeks- but the Fatcab was too 'fat' for me ;D
I found the perfect combination for me. It works great...Clean,overdriven, Distorted...With Stratocaster, Telecaster and Les Paul guitars. ;D ;D ;D
In the spirit of DIY here is a board I made last year with a couple of pedals I made myself. I gotta laugh a little at the simplicity of it all but, perhaps I'll update this soon! There are definately upsides and downsides to this sort of "board"
Quote from: Highway31 on December 10, 2016, 06:08:49 AM
Yes, it's a Rockcase but modified to my needs :D
I bought the Amp1 soon after it was on the market and tested it with different speakers and cabinets but I was
not 100% satisfied. So, I returned it within the 30-days-money-back-guarantee.
Months later I made a 1x12" cabinet for a friend and his Amp1 and we tested all of my speakers. The
winner was the WGS Veteran 30. We were very impressed by the Amp1/WGS combination.
Weeks later I ordered a second Amp1 and buildt two 1x12" cabinets. One for home and one for the rehearsal room.
I compared my cabinets against the Bluguitar Fatcab -had one at home for two weeks- but the Fatcab was too 'fat' for me ;D
I found the perfect combination for me. It works great...Clean,overdriven, Distorted...With Stratocaster, Telecaster and Les Paul guitars. ;D ;D ;D
Thanks for info. I am also building a 212 cab with WGS Veteran 30s for Rocket I am working on, so I am glad it is great combination with Amp1 :)
Thanks again
Thought I should share my current setup. The chain is as follows:
Korg Tuner -> Morley Wah/Volume -> H&K Tube Factor -> BOSS CH-1 -> DIY Deluge (BYOC Tremolo, everything spray painted) -> DIY Fuzz (No idea what it is, bought it from a friend) -> Ibanez CF7 -> MXR Phase 90 -> Boss DD-6 -> EHX Holy Grail Nano -> Boss GE-7
Current goal is to get rid of most of the pedals and replace them with something I built myself. And I need to get a looper of some sorts, I'm done tapdancing.
2017 -- the year of the DIY board conversion. I have the same goal. If I can build something that replaces a commercial pedal (that I can sell to fund other things), I want to get it done this year. I'm about 1/2 way there now and want a full DIY board with limited exceptions by years end.
Haven't done one of these in a while.
your collection is fantastic. I mean all your diy builds are otherworldsly anyways, but to add a red panda particle, the strymons and then to top it off, the montreal assembly count to 5?! I'm positively jealous.
my new setup, slowly coming together after our move to the new house
I feel like that is ultimate DIY status... a board full of pedals you build and designed. Soo cool.
Did anyone else notice that Drolo has a pedal attached to the wall beside his monitor on his desk?
Quote from: jkokura on January 12, 2017, 03:49:06 PM
Did anyone else notice that Drolo has a pedal attached to the wall beside his monitor on his desk?
because pedalboards are so 2015 ..
Pedalwalls FTW 8)
lol... That's awesome. I'm more curious what it's for :)
Quote from: jkokura on January 12, 2017, 04:01:55 PM
lol... That's awesome. I'm more curious what it's for :)
I was trying to put together a proper arrangement for filming a demo of a pedal but so far results are crappy ... more due to my crappy webcam, the pedalwall is fine ;-)
I need a separate for my stuff.
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Quote from: cajone5 on January 12, 2017, 03:21:42 PM
I feel like that is ultimate DIY status... a board full of pedals you build and designed. Soo cool.
That's epic.
Quote from: jimilee on January 12, 2017, 05:09:24 PM
I need a separate room for my stuff.
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The chain goes Oshed Fuzz Face mostly based on the Fulltone 69, Weiner wah II, Harbinger, Mudbunny with rotary mids, Oshed Kalamazoo clone, Oshed OCD clone, Boss TU2, Mesa Mark V 25, [Zero Point mini 2? (I forget which pcb that was), Moodring] in the fx loop
Found a suitcase in the op-shop ($12.25) that fits my grab and go board perfectly:
Finally wired up a board. Already need to change some things...
Probably my personal peak-DIY effects setup:
I'll swap in different options for compression, drives, modulation over time, but don't think I can replace any more of the commercial pedals with something I've built.
In case of interest:
Whammy V > VM-Pro > Turbo Tuner > MB Mangler/Fuzz Face > 1776 Bearhug Compressor > BYOC Super 8:
- Loop 1: MB Kraken/Mutron Micro V > EQD Pitch Bay
- Loop 2: Aion Stratus/Tubescreamer > Lectric-fx Bloozehound/BD-2
- Loop 3: FuzzDog Astrotone > Aion Halo/Big Muff
- Loop 4: CAYA Chorus/Small Clone
- Loop 5: MB Current Lover/EM
- Loop 6: 1776 Cardinal Tremolo
- Loop 7: AMZ Mini Boost
- Loop 8: MB Dirtbag Deluxe/DMM
> GCE Tenebrion Reverb > Amp
All powered by VL ISO-5 and PP2+ under the board plus a MB Road Rage at 15v for the delay.
Big thanks and credit to Scruffie and EBK for help and encouragement on the EM and DMM. You guys were both fantastic. Thanks to the forum too for support and inspiration.
Tuner, wah, DOD280, Klon, Egghead, Looper (HT-Dual, 1 Knob Gate), Smoothie, Porkbarrel, Mimik, Taptemp, Rubadub, Klon buffer, BMT eq on LPB1, Marshall cabsim, master volume, Linedriver.
Quote from: cajone5 on May 22, 2017, 02:59:30 PM
Finally wired up a board. Already need to change some things...
Just saw that post, beautiful board!!
nothing too fancy here. the bottom left stuff is pretty much constantly in flux.
Signal chain: Whammy IV, Morley Dragon Wah (love this pedal), Tender Octaver, Monoprice Compressor, Analogman Sunface clone, Korg DT-10, Snow White Autowah clone, Reezafratzitz clone, Menatone Blue Collar clone, Wampler Pinnacle clone, Timmy clone, Xotic BB preamp clone, DAM Lunar Module clone, Fulldrive clone, Carl Martin Plexitone clone, Boss CE2 clone, Danelectro Cool Cat Drive, Guyatone tremolo, Joyo Flanger, SHO clone, Demeter Compulator clone, Danelectro pepperoni, Klone
Necro thread revival:
Got a CIOKS AC-10 to power my board the other day. Of everything I've built, nothing really gets me like my HT-dual, so combined with my desire to have everything powered off one cable I had to go and get a stupidly expensive PS that was more reliable than SLOPPY.
Tuner, naughtyfish, wah, Leviathan, HT-dual, Lightspeed, Stealth, Endgame.
Nice toys... Just got me a black Star HT dual too, lovin it with the strat :)
I've repaired a few of those HT's and I have to admit they sound very cool.
New pedalboard day
Well, technically, it's NPD, I made the board a couple weeks ago but finally found the right delay for it.
Doing EQ -> compressor right now but I might swap the order there. I don't actually have much use for a stereo setup, but the option is there ... :)