I normally don't post gear purchases.
A) because my GAS has slowed since becoming more involved in DIY
B) I just don't :)
But.. today I had one of those rare occurrences that never happens to me. I'm the lucky one who got an unbelievable deal.
Wife was going through yard sales looking for a small chair for our daughter.
I just got home from work and my phone rings.. "hey I drove by this place and they music stuff for sale" They are just putting the stuff out now. (it was late am) Okay I said, let me know if anything looks interesting. Not expecting her to call back, I got a call and she said "they have pedals, guitars, and old amps, seems like something you'd like." I say "okay, on my way!"
I hang up, hop in the truck and beeline to the place. Even though I was still hesitant that there would be stuff worth purchasing at a yard sale and if it was they'd be asking big bucks. But I did happen to have some cash on hand, which I never do. But fate would have it that he had some good stuff cheap.
This is what I scooped up... guy was going through a rough time and just needed to get rid of the stuff!
2002 reissue deluxe electric mistress
misc Boss pedals, not a boss guy but cheap
boomerang +
and a ...
'68 Bassman Silverface "Dripline" (runs a little hotter than I think it should, but sweet sounding)
all for a song! Now I'm indebted to my wife 8)
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8327/8105757696_f83b6b4503.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/31503679@N02/8105757696/)
killer! so jealous.
Boss may be cheap but they do the job; could be used for trades ;)
Whoaaaaa. That is one hell of a haul. Congrats.
Little lady deserves a dinner out for that find.
silverface bassman was only played by Paul MCCartney delivering his best bass tone (early 70's solo and Wings). I have used one for guitar and sounded pretty good. Good clean tube tone.
I walked into a pawn shop 6 years ago and there was a tc electronics chorus/flange for $49. Bought it and ran out before I was seen. One of the best days of my adult life not involving love or children.
That's quite a score there, Josh. The tube bassman is particularly cool.
And you got a Metal Zone out of the deal. At some point in their life, everybody seems to have owned one of those.
May I please borrow your wife? :D
that's quite a haul, congrats!
Quote from: gtr2 on October 20, 2012, 04:51:18 PMall for a song!
Let me guess, Freebird?
Congrats, man! I've wanted a bassman for forever. And I've been seriously considering buying a metal zone to put a klon circuit or something equally confusing in, lately
The Bassman's a particularly nice score, but the Boomerang too -- those don't come up used very often.
Man! :o
More power to you! that's an awesome catch, always wanted to give the Boomerang a try! 8)
And..........i don't feel the need to comment about the fender..... :P
Quote from: pickdropper on October 20, 2012, 06:06:00 PM
And you got a Metal Zone out of the deal. At some point in their life, everybody seems to have owned one of those.
I still have one! Hahaha!
Wow, killer diller.
I think I would tell Lady Gtr2 that tonight is her lucky night :o ;)
yeah, I was lucky..
Even though I could flip the bassman for over twice what I paid, I think it will be something I hold on to for a long time!
Do I dare say this would be my second metal zone in my pedal acquisition career. :-X
Wow, best of done so far was my wife snagging a decent toaster oven to bake the finishes on my pedals. Having repaired or rebuilt a truckload of black and silver face bassmans I agree: hang on to that puppy. They're nice little amps, a great piece of amp history, and an easy fix if it blows up.
I agree Josh; you hold onto that Bassman. They are only going to get rarer (and increase in value) anyways.
I think you owe the Missus a treat for her sterling work ;)
I have played through one of those exact Bassman amps. I was in a guitar shop in Memphis trying out a Fulltone '70. If I remember, this amp takes pedals rather well!
I think you could have some fun modding those Bosses. The TR2 is apparently easy to turn into a fantastic pedal. It's never bad to have a buffer at the end of your signal chain, where a tremolo would usually be a good fit.
Nice! Flip the Keeley mod into that Metal Zone, youll love it.
Quote from: BraindeadAudio on October 27, 2012, 06:03:38 AM
Nice! Flip the Keeley mod into that Metal Zone, youll love it.
well maybe...
I'm just not much of a modder anymore. Mainly because I have to many broken things to fix.. When people realize that you are the least bit handy they come out of the woodwork with broken toys. I really dislike desoldering ROHS stuff!