The Aristocrat and Pork Barrel boards are finally in stock! Two new projects will also be released this week: the Retrograde (Tycobrahe Octavia) and the Rump Roast (Carmen Ghia pedal port--sounds totally killer). Third, international shipping has been LOWERED to $2.25 for two boards and $3 for three or more boards. Finally, tinning for handmade boards is back! For the foreseeable future, all handmade boards will be pre-tinned at no additional cost. It's one of those 'value added services', or something.
Bravo !!!! ;D ;D ;D
wow. I have a carmen ghia clone it will be interesting to compare the two.
is there a trick to pre-tinning boards? I tried to do it with a board I etched from tonepad and it got extremely messy.
Quote from: eniacmike on October 05, 2010, 02:52:36 AM
is there a trick to pre-tinning boards? I tried to do it with a board I etched from tonepad and it got extremely messy.
Not really. Main thing is proper prep (polish and clean), tin for a couple of minutes then wash immediately with warm water and dry. The washing part is really important. And you have to dry it pretty quick.
What is the Carmen Ghia? I tried to Google it, but it kept wanting to tell me about old Volkswagons instead.
try adding amp to your google search.
Quote from: lincolnic on October 05, 2010, 04:06:50 AM
What is the Carmen Ghia? I tried to Google it, but it kept wanting to tell me about old Volkswagons instead.
Not to hijack the thread..but I love the VW Karmann Ghia! I see a themed pedal in my future ;)