Hi guys, this the first complete build that I can present here, the Banana Split Dual Overdrive!
It's an EgoDriver and a Green Bean in one box. The first time I tried it after I had boxed it, nothing happened, which was a big disappointment, as both boards worked before boxing (rock it before.....). But after a quick check I found I had wired the 9v jack backwards, which was an easy fix and now it works fine! It sounds like crap, but that's only because I have a terrible practice-amp at home. I'll take it to band-rehearsal on monday and introduce it to Mr. Marshall (60 watt TSL-head, not the best-sounding Marshall ever, but 3 channels and plenty loud, so ideal for gigging with a rock band), probably sounds a lot better with some volume and some valves......
I was gonna call it just Dual Overdrive at first (yawn...), but when the box arrived and I saw how extremely yellow it was, a name change was in order: The Banana Split!
The build went quite well, I found soldering the boards is a lot easier than actually wiring everything together in the box, that's a big PITA!! The enclosure was drilled by a guy at work with a template I drew myself in AutoCad, everything fits perfectly. Thanks Melvin!!
Also a big thank-you to Brian (The Original Bean!) for providing the top quality boards and documentation, and to the forum contributors for helping me with my questions and educating me. You all made sure I now have another hobby to spend my time and money on!
I have a couple more boards from The Bean, so I'll be back in the near future with another (hopefully just as succesfull) build. This ROCKS!!!
Your pictures are not showing up. :(
BTW: can somebody help sort out the pictures I tried to embed in my original post? They are on Flickr and I know it's possible to actually display them in the post, but I'm not sure how..... Reading Jacobs tutorial didn't really work, as he is on ImageShack, not Flickr. Any tips would be greatly appreciated! Thanx.....
PS: you can still see the pics by right-clicking on them and opening them in a new tab..... sorry for the inconvenience
Looks awesome! So tidy man, very nice job!!! :o
Flickr is a pain to embed, the only way I could do it is click 'all sizes' and right click the size you want, selecting 'copy image link' before you get a embedable url. :(
*edit* Photos embedded below
:o Looks awesome. I just saw that shaped enclosure the other day, gotta get me some!!!
That enclosure looks awesome!!! Great build too man.
Does anybody know a good source for these enclosures in North America? (doesn't have to be from North America but with reasonable shipping and price)
That looks awsome, I've had my eyes on those enclosures for some time now. Very nice switches/knobs/leds-layout!
Thanks for the kind words guys, and thank you nzCdog for helping me out with the pictures! I'll switch to another photo-site-thing for my next build-pics! The box is a Hammond 1590TRPC, and you can buy it from Mouser, both painted and non-painted. Since I didn't want to bother with finishing it myself, I bought mine in the "beautiful" yellow dress (it was meant as a tribute to my yellow Boss Overdrive) you see in the pictures, but the quality of the paint job is very disappointing :(, so I wont be doing that again..... The 1590TRPB is also very cool, about the size of a 1590B, and cheaper! Got one of those for my Porkbarrel, looking forward to that!
Pedal looks awesome!
QuoteDoes anybody know a good source for these enclosures in North America? (doesn't have to be from North America but with reasonable shipping and price)
Great job! Can you please explain what all the controls/switches do?
Quote from: Om_Audio on February 19, 2012, 03:38:15 AM
Great job! Can you please explain what all the controls/switches do?
Hey Clifford,
The controls are the standard controls as described in the Mad Bean documentation; On the left (when looking on top of the box) is the Green Bean, with the board-mounted Volume, Drive and Tone controls and the Comp switch just above them. The two lower switches in the middle are the Fat and Bright switches for the Green Bean. See this thread http://www.madbeanpedals.com/forum/index.php?topic=3908.0 (http://www.madbeanpedals.com/forum/index.php?topic=3908.0) for an easy way to mount pots to a board... On the right are the controls for the EgoDriver, with the HP/LP on the board just above the V, D and T controls. The upper switch in the middle is the EgoDriver's Clip switch.
I was planning to at least label the controls and clarify this, but since the enclosure has quite a couple of blems (see my other post above...), I'm not sure I'm gonna put in the effort.
THIS is your first completed build?! You're setting the bar REALLY high for your future builds :o Really nice job!
Ziet er goed uit Paul! That looks great. Good to see another Dutchman :-)
awesome job for first build :o
Quote from: yerbouti on February 19, 2012, 10:41:35 PM
Ziet er goed uit Paul! That looks great. Good to see another Dutchman :-)
I'm really tempted to answer in dutch, but for the sake of our international pedal-building brothers I'll stick to english... Indeed good to see another Dutchie, do you know any good dutch forums/sites/parts stores? (except the usual suspects like Conrad or Display)
I really like the look of this! Are those the "small Boss" knobs or the large? I have trouble visualizing these things...
A complete build that works the first time is a sure path into this addiction!
Quote from: Bret608 on February 20, 2012, 05:46:26 PM
I really like the look of this! Are those the "small Boss" knobs or the large? I have trouble visualizing these things...
A complete build that works the first time is a sure path into this addiction!
Those are the small ones, and yes, addiction has set in! Must... see.... Pedalbuilders.... Anonymous......
Poor wife ;)
Quote from: DutchMF on February 20, 2012, 04:25:14 PM
I'm really tempted to answer in dutch, but for the sake of our international pedal-building brothers I'll stick to english... Indeed good to see another Dutchie, do you know any good dutch forums/sites/parts stores? (except the usual suspects like Conrad or Display)
Try http://www.newtone-online.nl/ Lots of parts, fast shipping.
To anybody who's been reading this:
I posted earlier that I was quite disappointed about the finish quality of the enclosure I used, but it must have been a dud. In the same order from Mouser I had a green 1590BB, a red 1590BB, a purple 1590TRPB, a blue 1590TRPB and a black 1590A and all of them are flawless. Just didn't take the time to take them out of their wrappers..........
Hey Paul,
Did you order through the 'dutch' version of mouser?
Wow! Sick job! I used to love my ts808 into my OCD. Back when I had OD pedals built by someone else. Haha. I have been toying with this same idea! I've got both circuits lying around without a home.
Keep up the good work!
I just went to mouser.com and ordered from there, but i was in dutch, and the prices in euro's. Free shipping with orders over 75 euro's, but keep in mind that you have to ad the BTW (dutch form of tax), so at checkout it;s a bit more expensive than you thought...... :(
Last weeks rehearsal was cancelled (drummer at the ER, but he's ok now) so I got to use it with my marshall and some volume for the first time last night....... Overdrive heaven! The EgoDriver works great with the clean and crunch channels, and the Green Bean kicks ass through the lead channel, or combined with wah. Very satisfying!!!! ;D