Hey everyone! Here's a quick walkthrough on how to get your pictures and video embedded in your post. It's really simple, but it requires a little bit of knowledge before you get it to work right.
YouTubeVideoUsing Youtube is really simple, and I don't know of any other services we musicians use for posting our video. We have a way to enable you to post video and make it a part of your post here at Madbean! First off, you have to have a YouTube account and have posted a video. You can also post other peoples videos, but we recommend you take some care not to infringe on anyone else if you do so.
First, go pull up the video page and ensure that it plays (even for a second or two). Then, highlight and copy the webpage address. It should look something like this: h t t p://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hq3HHuEf6pQ
Next, while you're making a post you should see a little box up at the top left side, specifically located just under the B button for making text bold. Here's what you should see.
(http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/3535/madbeanyoutube.png) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/213/madbeanyoutube.png/)
See that little question mark box? that's what you're looking for. When you press that button, you should get something that looks like this:
[ youtube ](spaces added)[ /youtube ]
The key to embedding your video is getting your webpage address inbetween the ] and [ of that. I will purposely add a space in this so it doesn't work, but this is what it should look like (minus the added spaces):
[ youtube ] http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=Hq3HHuEf6pQ [ /youtube ]
If you did it right, the video will embed like this:
Take advantage of the "preview" button when posting to check your post to see if it's working. If it what you've done isn't working then you might need to figure out where your mistake is, and this helps you do so very easily.
imagesPosting pictures is something we do all the time around here. However, there's two ways to do so, and because of the higher volume of traffic we're seeing here we don't recommend you upload your images right onto the website. You would normally do this by clicking the "additional options" drop down menu, then choosing your files to upload. This gets your photos up, but the large files begin to add up on the server and they may get deleted down the road.
A better way is to use a webbased picture hosting service. There are many, many options out there. Some that I know of include picasa, photobucket, and imageshack. I use imageshack because it was recommended to me years ago when I started building and wanted to share my photos on DIYstompboxes.
In any case, each hosting service has it's own method for embedding your photos on a website without causing memory to be used on the Madbean server. Because I'm familiar with imageshack, I'll use them as my example. You can choose a different service but you'll need to research your own posting method. If you have no service, try imageshack and then decide if you want to try other places.
First off, you can find imageshack at http://www.imageshack.us (http://www.imageshack.us). Next up, you'll have to create an account and then upload your photos. Imageshack has some help for you if you've never done this before. Alternatively, and very helpful for me, imageshack also has an iOS app, so you can snap a picture with your iPhone or iPad and then upload the picture straight to your account without having to grab the photo off your phone and then uploading from your computer.
Ok, so if you have a photo uploaded and you want to get it on the website, it's very simple. Get your picture up on imageshack, and if you need to know what that looks like, go here: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/829/imagetpl.jpg/ (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/829/imagetpl.jpg/)
Next, open the little menu on the right side called "embed this image". It should look like this:
(http://img831.imageshack.us/img831/8532/madbeanimageshack.png) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/831/madbeanimageshack.png/)
What you need to do is highlight and copy the text in the FORUM box. Just click that box and all the text should highlight, and if not, select all and then copy the text. When you post it in the forum it should look like this (again, I've added a space to screw it up so that you can see what it looks like):
(http://img829.imageshack.us/img829/7981/imagetpl.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/829/imagetpl.jpg/)
Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.%20us)
Notice that there's a bit of text that will link to the Imageshack site? I almost always delete that part, but you can leave it if you don't mind it.
So that's how it's done! Now, as long as your photos stay uploaded to your account, they will appear in the forum threads you embed them into. We recommend you use whatever service makes sense for you.
There is also a method for embedding soundclips using services like Soundcloud. I'm not experienced with those as of yet, but I may look into them another day and add that to this sticky. Thanks for reading.
https://www.olympe-network.com is a great & free way to create your website and hosts some of the pictures you want to post here & there.
It requires to understand how ftp works but that's a no brainer.
Also- I did exactly as explained above but the link I used was the one you get when you are uploading and it says " your video will be avail at the following address" or whatever- which works- but does not work for embedding as far as I can tell. Just tested it using the regular url copy/paste method and worked fine. ???
If you're embedding a youtube video, ignore what Youtube says to do. Just get the url, post it between the Youtube linking boxes that this forum uses, and you're set.
I've had problems with ImageShack in the past losing my pictures. When someone views the post, where the picture is supposed to be there's a place holder with a red X in the corner. Anyone else had this problem?
I stumbled upon this post "after" posting some pictures in the NPD LoveTone Flanger thread. Sorry about that. Now I know!
Thanks for this..
Edit your post and look at your links. In each one, you've got a set of size numbers: YYYxZZZ. I edited one of them for you, moving it from 150x100 up to 450x100. Just edit your photos that way unless you can figure out an easier way down the road. For instance, getting it up to 600x400 should be big enough.
struggling to get this to work...
Quote from: Leetut on May 12, 2019, 06:08:38 PM
struggling to get this to work...
The "img" tags only work for an actual .jpg/.png/.bmp format link. Right click the picture and "copy image address" or "copy image location", then paste THAT link into the tags. Oh and youtube links only work if you take the "s" out of https
So for the link you were trying to post up there, it would be: https://i.postimg.cc/3N9jqKkv/FBF03-AD3-6853-408-D-AA2-C-04-F003-DA5527.jpg
I see it's been a while since there was an update here. Is there a current site that will host my photos and allow me to share with the forum without paying for a subscription? I had used Imageshack and Photobucket and both stopped doing that.
Quote from: das234 on March 29, 2021, 05:01:58 PM
I see it's been a while since there was an update here. Is there a current site that will host my photos and allow me to share with the forum without paying for a subscription? I had used Imageshack and Photobucket and both stopped doing that.
i was burned by both of those too and stopped posting anything for a good while. Tried postimage they were okay for a bit but then started asking for payment to use it hosting as i always have. Now, have been using 'imgur' for about a year without issue except for one crazy world news day where they were overwhelmed with traffic and crashed for a bit.
I use the Tapatalk app. They must have tons from me by now.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Stuck now. I havent been on since 1:10 pm eastern -- half an hour before you posted this.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.